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MAJBobby Good, Bad, Ugly against AZ


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And again go back and look at the shoutbox. I made 1 comment then get called names, dont know what i am talking about. So when i get called out i defend my point people dont want me to defend my point during a game. News flash dont @ me.


But guess you opinion is infallible and i an an idiot that knows nothing ans need to take direction on what to say and how to say it from a Screen Name.


It is a free country you dont like what i write get out of my threads or dont @ me in the shoutbox. See how that works so get off yur high horse.

Really ok. I know what i talked about. In a QB thread talked about QB


In Offense thread talked about O and QB


Made a defense thread


Talked about college players


Was critical of coaching in multiple coaching threads.



But people want to keep talking about my issues with Taylor.

You really should chill out. No need to get your back up about this.

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I'm just trying to encourage MAJBobby to take the cackling hens of *optimism* with a grain of salt.


I've been able to stay here for 20 years and still post my opinions because:


A) I don't take it too seriously.........I know it's a game and entertainment and I can see the humor even in the futility.


B) I'm not afraid to give it back and scorch a fool in lieu of discussion when the situation calls for it...........rather than just take my ball and go home.


But most people won't put up with that sh*t when they just want to talk football and don't want to have to be part of a circle jerk/clique to earn the right to speak.

It's been said many times........but a lot of very good content providers here have been run off by people who sell themselves as optimists but are really people who are hurt by the truth and/or resent how others are more able to cope with it.


When a good content poster like MAJBobby comes along I like to see them encouraged........not barraged by nonsense.


We are re-assembling a nice group of informed, thoughtful posters who are willing to share their takes and encourage discussion.............to the point where I've even encouraged some of the good posters who've left to come back and take a look.........let's keep it that way and build on it rather than chasing them off by f*cking with them when they just want to talk about the game.

You obviously weren't here last week, it was a complete $#*^show. I'm all for constructive and reasonable discussion, but there was nothing close to good content on this board, and anyone who didn't think we should tank the season or believe we'd win more than 2 games were getting run off because the NNNs were having a good old fashioned self loathing pile on. It's been said many times that good content providers get run off by people who sell themselves as "realists" but are really people who are more interested in predicting doom and gloom just because they want to be able to say I told you so. It's ok to have an open mind and see both sides of an argument, it's not always that black and white. As for Bobby, he seems to be getting better, but he's got a ways to go.

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bobby posted a lot last week but when you are on the wrong side of the crowd its easy to shoot off a lot of repetitive content in an effort to reply to the masses. especially when youve taken the time to pull some opinions together and want to defend them but are kind of solo.




It's important to remember that there are no awards for being right or insightful on TSW and obviously it doesn't directly change anything at OBD so you gotta' leave some dissenters to come to their own conclusions.


But it is good for the board and general understanding of the game to discuss it out here.


When a fanbase experiences losing as much as we have it's easy to forget about the details that separate our team from those at various other levels of success.


Like being at the game there other day and having the home fans start making noise when we are backed up to our own end zone.......losing can create an inattention to detail from ownership down to the fans........and we can do our part to encourage the levels above us to do their job better by being more educated and intelligent fans.


THAT awareness is something that players notice and respect. Then the cheering and boos have a greater impact.


The people who think players just want to fans to cheer everything are wrong. They don't like bad coaching decisions or wasted timeouts or poor QB decisions either. No football team has ever gotten worse from being held more accountable and when you understand what you are watching better you are better able to direct praise or criticism where it is due.

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I think he could be, needs to work on his routes more, but expected that.

Nice breakdown, totally not condescending. I have to re-train myself to read your posts without the smug accent. :thumbsup:


Great breakdown.


Wondering what folks think about Powell being the #2 guy next year after we lose Woods to FA?


He's still young and developing. Might have a diamond in the rough there! Ok, a CZ in the rough, but I'll take it at #2.

I been reppin the Powell flag since the WR comp in TC. Great separation, sneaky speed, the moments arent too big for him, hes gonna be good if we can get him the ball and he can get in the groove of catching and not dropping.

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I'd give Tyrod a C+. His weaknesses continue to shackle this offense. Yes, he did great things with his legs. But the fact that there were so many designed QB runs tells me the same thing about Lynn that I thought about Roman - he knows Tyrod can't pass and doesn't trust him to do anything more than a few yards in the air other than on sidelines.


Making Tyrod a featured back will do two things: end his career very quickly and make the Bills' offense painfully (literally and figuratively) predictable.


Other than that, this is the best all around team performance that I can remember in a while. Both lines did well and the defense, as a whole, was fierce.

While i can agree with the first part of your statement being a possibility. The second part is false. If anything a running QB provides another aspect an opposing D Cord has to plan for. Yes the QB needs to be able to make throws when called upon to do so.

Right now we know TT can run and he can throw the deep ball. TT can throw to the outside and has hit the slant. TT struggles seeing the middle of the field when protection breaks down and he has to find a lane. Drew Brees is the master at this type of in pocket scrambling.

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He says he doesn't care about other posters calling him out for his antics because he can laugh it off but then he barrages your in box with PM after PM after PM of unstable mental madness.




Regarding the incessantly cited story about me barraging your PM box............we had ONE conversation where we exchanged 4 short pm's each...... and then a couple months later I sent you ONE PM that you didn't respond to.


So I sent you 5, you sent me 4.


That is the ENTIRE history of our PM's.........all of it............even dating back to when you were Greggo T and not yet The Deranged Assh*le.


So your barrage is a mirage.


I wrote that but you can have it for work: "You say barrage, I say mirage, let's call the whole thing off" :flirt:


I know you are determined to sell your personal attacks in the court of public opinion so you are hyperbolizing like a teenage girl............but for chrissake have some self respect. :lol:

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While i can agree with the first part of your statement being a possibility. The second part is false. If anything a running QB provides another aspect an opposing D Cord has to plan for. Yes the QB needs to be able to make throws when called upon to do so.

Right now we know TT can run and he can throw the deep ball. TT can throw to the outside and has hit the slant. TT struggles seeing the middle of the field when protection breaks down and he has to find a lane. Drew Brees is the master at this type of in pocket scrambling.


Oh, I know he can run. But he's not big/durable enough to make it a significant part of the offense. That's all I'm saying. And a running QB is only effective if he can also complete passes consistently. This is why Steve Young is in the Hall of Fame and Donovan McNabb is in the HOF conversations ... and so many other running QBs had mediocre careers, at best (Flutie, Vick, Griffin).

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