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Tom Coughlin was at the stadium


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1. Coughlin meets with multiple teams as part of his job with the NFL.

2. No team, not the Bills/Pegulas, or any other organization no matter how bad the situation or coaching issues will ever bring in a potential replacement into the building before they have ever fired their existing staff. Will not ever happen.


This is nothing outside of his job for the NFL and doing a standard visit. Doesn't mean the Pegulas wouldn't throw in a "what if" question or two, but he was not here to potentially become the next HC or for any other job inside the Bills organization, and that is 100% fact. Doesn't mean they didn't take the opportunity to throw some feelers out, but that was not by any means the purpose of his visit.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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1. Coughlin meets with multiple teams as part of his job with the NFL.

2. No team, not the Bills/Pegulas, or any other organization no matter how bad the situation or coaching issues will ever bring in a potential replacement into the building before they have ever fired their existing staff. Will not ever happen.


This is nothing outside of his job for the NFL and doing a standard visit. Doesn't mean the Pegulas wouldn't throw in a "what if" question or two, but he was not here to potentially become the next HC and that is 100% fact.


So he was at the stadium? When?

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So he was at the stadium? When?


Not sure, I am just assuming he was if multiple people saw him per this thread says. But he works for the NFL and visits teams...that would be the ONLY reason he could have been at OBD, that was the point. I don't even know if it was confirmed he was there or not.

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Ummm, does everyone not know that Coughlin actually has a job with the NFL? He's Senior Advisor to Football Operations. He visits teams and has been visiting teams to improve the game overall.


I highly doubt this has anything to do with in-season change or becoming a czar. Just probably part of his job.


Aaaaaand the bag of ice is dumped into my lap. -Thanks.

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Not sure, I am just assuming he was if multiple people saw him per this thread says. But he works for the NFL and visits teams...that would be the ONLY reason he could have been at OBD, that was the point. I don't even know if it was confirmed he was there or not.


So 100% fact ... not so much.

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Coughlin will advise game-related league committees, including Competition, Health and Safety, Coaches Subcommittee, General Managers Advisory, Combine Review and NCAA Rules and Oversight. He will provide strategic guidance on other matters, including playing rules, coaching techniques, and the development of football personnel, while also providing insight on the operation of the NFL Draft and Pro Bowl.


Someone probably asked for a consultation but I am sure some reporter will tweet something about inside sources about him replacing Brandon, Whiley or Rex,

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if they want to hire him as a consultant to look over the organization from top to bottom I love it. It would be great for the Peluga's to get a full report from a man who has lived and breathed the sport for 40 years. If he is being considered as a full time football czar maybe , he could give them a few good years and set up a structure that could be in place for many years. If it is to come in as some sort of interim coach , not sure what that accomplishes

I agree. Interim coach makes no sense and Coughlin would never take that job. My guess is that he would be brought in as Director of Football Operations, or some such thing. If this season really starts to circle the drain, the Bills will need someone to rein in Whaley, to make sure he doesn't mortgage the future to try to save his own job. The Sammy trade smacked of that sort of mentality.
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If the fact is that the Pegulas are looking for answers and know that Rex is not part of these plans then GRRRRREAT!

My Tony the Tiger woody is at half mast. Showing Rex the door is the only thing that will bring hope to this dreary season. I want to see Rex and Rob on the two seat Wegman's bicycle peddling their oversize cabooses up to Canada to coach in the CFL and take some great team down to the basement.

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So 100% fact ... not so much.


No I said its 100% fact that he would not be there for a job with the Bills assuming he was actually there. If he was there, then its 100% because of his job with the NFL, not for a job for a Bills position that isn't currently open.

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No I said its 100% fact that he would not be there for a job with the Bills assuming he was actually there. If he was there, then its 100% because of his job with the NFL, not for a job for a Bills position that isn't currently open.


How do you know that?


No I said its 100% fact that he would not be there for a job with the Bills assuming he was actually there. If he was there, then its 100% because of his job with the NFL, not for a job for a Bills position that isn't currently open.


Maybe "safe assumption" is a better play here.

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I'll bite. I think this is bogus. But I think something has been up at OBD.


I live in OP, and early last Saturday morning I noticed a limo parked outside a local coffee shop. The driver was standing outside drinking a cup of coffee from a different establishment, which led me to believe he was waiting for someone inside. I was heading into the coffee shop as it was, and the presence of the limo at that hour was very odd, so I wondered who I would see inside. Turns out it was a prominent Bills exec who, based on attire, looked to be headed somewhere out of town.


To be clear, I don't know that the limo was for the Bills exec. (Both the limo and the exec were gone when I left the coffee shop.) I still think the Coughlin story here is bogus, but maybe the exec was entertaining -- on a day where it turns out Rex was out of town. Who knows.

MAybe he was going to a wedding

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Ummm, does everyone not know that Coughlin actually has a job with the NFL? He's Senior Advisor to Football Operations. He visits teams and has been visiting teams to improve the game overall.


I highly doubt this has anything to do with in-season change or becoming a czar. Just probably part of his job.

forgot about that - thanks
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How do you know it was a Bills exec? Which one? People here are just throwing schit at the wall hoping something sticks.


He was the spitting image of Jim Overdorf, and when the barista said, "Order for Jim!" he picked it up. (For what it's worth it was two to-go cups of coffee -- in my opinion as a guy who goes there all the time, probably tall -- and some food.) And Overdorf happens to live in a neighborhood a few minutes from there. No schit thrown here.

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How do you know that?


Maybe "safe assumption" is a better play here.


Not necessary.


Its 100% fact that no team in the NFL would ever bring in a potential replacement before a current person was fired. It will literally never ever happen. And they would not even bring him in for a new position that isn't currently staffed without making it clear to the public and to Rex, including involving Rex, to make sure there is no speculation about Rex's job over it. I mean we just fired the OC and Rex job security has been called into question. We are only 2 games into the season with enough turmoil, no owner is dumb enough to do that. Coaches would never work for an organization like that, at least not good ones.


Again, doesn't mean Pegulas didn't slip in a feeler or two if he was actually here. But if he was here, its 100% because of his job in the NFL that requires him to visit teams. Case Closed, there is literally nothing to speculate no matter how bad some of you want it to be true he was here for a job.

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Not necessary.


Its 100% fact that no team in the NFL would ever bring in a potential replacement before a current person was fired. It will literally never ever happen. And they would not even bring him in for a new position that isn't currently staffed without making it clear to the public and to Rex, including involving Rex, to make sure there is no speculation about Rex's job over it. I mean we just fired the OC and Rex job security has been called into question. We are only 2 games into the season with enough turmoil, no owner is dumb enough to do that. Coaches would never work for an organization like that, at least not good ones.


Again, doesn't mean Pegulas didn't slip in a feeler or two if he was actually here. But if he was here, its 100% because of his job in the NFL that requires him to visit teams. Case Closed, there is literally nothing to speculate no matter how bad some of you want it to be true he was here for a job.


In other words you don't know one way or the other and you're assuming something based on what you believe to be standard operating procedure of other clubs. Understood.

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No I said its 100% fact that he would not be there for a job with the Bills assuming he was actually there. If he was there, then its 100% because of his job with the NFL, not for a job for a Bills position that isn't currently open.

No way would Tom Coughlin agree to meet with an owner about a job while there was a coach under contract, especially at the stadium. You are correct, IF he was there it was as part of his NFL duties...now, while there questions could certainly be asked...



Anyone who thought Coughlin would undermine a current coach knows zero about Coughlin.




How do you know it was a Bills exec? Which one? People here are just throwing schit at the wall hoping something sticks.

Because he knows what Brandon looks like. This really isn't that hard.

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