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2016 Brazil Summer Olympics Thread

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Keep diggin. You getting deeper and deeper with your ignorance!


I can speak for the golf. The only countries that had security were the Americans: 1 per player and the Australians, 1 for the team.


So the thousands of fans, volunteers and workers didnt. Your statement is crazy.

These 4 swimmers went out on their own after the agents told them not to.

Way to contradict yourself.


You can have Brazil and most of Central/South America. The governments are remarkably corrupt (try and explain the $11k that the American swimmer had to pay for doing exactly NOTHING or the fact that they want to waste resources prosecuting Lochte instead of the murderers who've infested the favaelas) and it doesn't matter how cheap it is. The Olympics came to town, and for one tiny sliver of time we get to forget about all the Third World problems that go on there. The Lochte "situation" has literally happened to me over a dozen times in my travels through the region. He may have exaggerated a little but his experience is very close to the norm.


And every large city has places you don't go. The fact that Brazilian gas stations have armed security should tell every lucid person everything they need to know. Sell your cheap whores and meat to people who give a **** about such trivialities.

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Way to contradict yourself.


You can have Brazil and most of Central/South America. The governments are remarkably corrupt (try and explain the $11k that the American swimmer had to pay for doing exactly NOTHING or the fact that they want to waste resources prosecuting Lochte instead of the murderers who've infested the favaelas) and it doesn't matter how cheap it is. The Olympics came to town, and for one tiny sliver of time we get to forget about all the Third World problems that go on there. The Lochte "situation" has literally happened to me over a dozen times in my travels through the region. He may have exaggerated a little but his experience is very close to the norm.


And every large city has places you don't go. The fact that Brazilian gas stations have armed security should tell every lucid person everything they need to know. Sell your cheap whores and meat to people who give a **** about such trivialities.

So true, American government is not corrupt...HAHAHAHAHA!


That Lochte situation has happened to you over 12 times? What da hell you doing man? Been living in Brazil for 14 years, have traveled Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Honduras, DOminican, Peru and all over Brazil....Guess how many times this has happened to me? 0!


Now, yes there are dangers. Been broken into 2 times and my sister in law got hijacked coming out of her car.


I will now give you the last word as I am going to the restaurant to meet friends and have a good steak and cold beer...for cheap!

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So true, American government is not corrupt...HAHAHAHAHA!


That Lochte situation has happened to you over 12 times? What da hell you doing man? Been living in Brazil for 14 years, have traveled Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Honduras, DOminican, Peru and all over Brazil....Guess how many times this has happened to me? 0!


Now, yes there are dangers. Been broken into 2 times and my sister in law got hijacked coming out of her car.


I will now give you the last word as I am going to the restaurant to meet friends and have a good steak and cold beer...for cheap!

You paint a very pretty picture of a country that is considered by many as the murder capital of the world. Of the top 50 cities in the world for murder last year 21 of them were in Brasil. Enjoy you cheap cold beer.

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You paint a very pretty picture of a country that is considered by many as the murder capital of the world. Of the top 50 cities in the world for murder last year 21 of them were in Brasil. Enjoy you cheap cold beer.

Not bad for a third world country. I would never expect an American city to be there....oops..4 of them!


Had friends, parents, brother visit Brazil. They still alive to talk about it!


Ive bee talking nice about RIO and I see they are not in the top 50. However, I can tell you for a fact, Rio is more dangerous than Curitiba.

Edited by PO16FFS
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Yea and those 4 are filled with foreigners.


Oh well,


Olympics were a success. Everyone enjoyed it. The atmosphere was great.


Cheers all,


Frank from Curitiba ( the 44th most dangerous city in the world..ya, im gansta )

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Let me see if I have this straight. Lochte and his buds tried to use the bathroom but it was locked, so they urinated on the wall. In the process of leaving, he knocked-down some promotional poster, but did no damage at all. Then some for inexplicable reason armed guys came up to them and demanded money. Sounds like armed robbery to me, more than filing a false police report.



And they are the "Ugly Ameticans" because they were shaken down for $$$... Bad guys because they slandered a sh*thole that has some of the world's worst disparity between rich and poor. America's worst ghettos are probably like heaven compared to some of these places. My last trip to Monterrey, Mexico... When the plane landed, I kissed the ground in Chicago... Especially where I work in the industrial zone, ghetto SouthSide. Here, it was like paradise... Environmentally, etc... Compared to where I just came from!


Then the best part about this phucked country is they can't even go anywhere without security and bodyguards. THEN the Brazilian gov't shakes Feigen down for 10 grand so he can leave the country!


10 freakin' grand! How many steaks will that buy the poor starving kid up in the sh*thole slums?


Great Olympics! Let's watch another triathlon do 8 laps around the posh areas.. On the bicycle leg of the event.


Sure I live near Chicago, even we have worts and of course, bang bang violence. But something tells me even if I walk my lily azz through Altgeld Gardens on a hot summer night, I would still be safer than the seedy (is there a worse word than seedy) parts of Rio.


Just saying... :-(



Even if they had trashed the entire place, it still sounds like armed robbery. I am pretty sure if you damage someone's stuff, the remedy is not to extract a cash payment for the damage at gun point.

In Brazil it is.


They got 10k out of Feigen as "settlement."


We take so much crap for being Americans. Sure Lochte was probably culturally naive and caused his own problems... GOD forbid you slam Rio. You wonder why there is so much disparity between the haves and have nots in third world countries. Their cultural practices are totally screw up!

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We take so much crap for being Americans. Sure Lochte was probably culturally naive and caused his own problems... GOD forbid you slam Rio. You wonder why there is so much disparity between the haves and have nots in third world countries. Their cultural practices are totally screw up!

Cant believe Im reading this.


Lochte is a douchebag and everyone knows that. Go watch his reality show.


How come this kind of stuff doesnt/didnt happen to other countries...Poor me Americans take so much crap...haha!

Edited by PO16FFS
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Cant believe Im reading this.


Lochte is a douchebag and everyone knows that. Go watch his reality show.


How come this kind of stuff doesnt/didnt happen to other countries...Poor me Americans take so much crap...haha!

Because he wanted to take a piss and not pay tribute. He talked about (through his mother)... That was him being naive.


Maybe others were shaken down and just sucked it up as part of the phucked up culture. In this country (US) it is a bribe if you offer police money.


Please explain the 10k that Feigen paid to the Brazilian gov't.


Is Brazil not an enviro cesspool with some of the world's biggest disparity between the haves and have nots?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Please explain the 10k that Feigen paid to the Brazilian gov't.

He acted like a douche and embarrassed the country after it tried so hard to paint itself in a good light. So in retaliation they stuck him with a $10k fine. Big deal.



Is Brazil not an enviro cesspool with some of the world's biggest disparity between the haves and have nots?


If so, that would make them even less receptive to a rich, American a--hole who showed up and treated their country like a frat house, wouldn't it?

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Well said KD and to the others, no need to argue about this stuff.


Brazil is !@#$ed up. The people know it. But it's like anything else. You don't want to hear it from other countries.


Everyone believed Lochte and it did dampen the mood of the Games.


I was there for 15 days at the Olympics. Every tourist I met enjoyed Rio. I met some that were staying to visit the rest of the Country.


I went to the Holland House. It was great. Live DJ until 1am. You don't go walking the streets at 2 am. U call a cab and go home.


Brazilians know the country has issues but they are also proud people who welcome foreigners with open arms and are happy to show what they have despite their shortcomings.


At the end of the day: they broke the law.

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He acted like a douche and embarrassed the country after it tried so hard to paint itself in a good light. So in retaliation they stuck him with a $10k fine. Big deal.




If so, that would make them even less receptive to a rich, American a--hole who showed up and treated their country like a frat house, wouldn't it?



They did call it a "settlement" though... Not a fine.


I suspect many people just keep these things hushed up. Just pay the shakedown and be done with it. It's not a bribe in these countries... It is viewed as a tribute especially when paying the police off for what ever misfortune (be it your own fault or not) one runs into.

Well said KD and to the others, no need to argue about this stuff.


Brazil is !@#$ed up. The people know it. But it's like anything else. You don't want to hear it from other countries.


Everyone believed Lochte and it did dampen the mood of the Games.


I was there for 15 days at the Olympics. Every tourist I met enjoyed Rio. I met some that were staying to visit the rest of the Country.


I went to the Holland House. It was great. Live DJ until 1am. You don't go walking the streets at 2 am. U call a cab and go home.


Brazilians know the country has issues but they are also proud people who welcome foreigners with open arms and are happy to show what they have despite their shortcomings.


At the end of the day: they broke the law.

What was the law they broke? Needing to take a pee?

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They did call it a "settlement" though... Not a fine.


I suspect many people just keep these things hushed up. Just pay the shakedown and be done with it. It's not a bribe in these countries... It is viewed as a tribute especially when paying the police off for what ever misfortune (be it your own fault or not) one runs into.


That's right. That's why you mind your Ps and Qs when visiting those kind of countries. These guys acted like they were in South Beach and paid the price. Live and learn.

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That's right. That's why you mind your Ps and Qs when visiting those kind of countries. These guys acted like they were in South Beach and paid the price. Live and learn.

Agree again. Yet, how does change come about in those countries when everybody just hushes things up?


But I have been to South Beach, there are nice public bathrooms to be had there.


Again, I must of missed it. What law did they break?

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Well, let me tell u guys first hand. I met hundreds of Americans and many more from other countries over the last 2 weeks and they absolutely loved Rio and Brazil. Not one tourist, volunteer or worker complained about the Country and the city.


A few told me it was their first time and wont be their last.


You fine Yanks have a strong dollar. You can eat the best steak and have a few pops and pay about 30$. I'm talking the best of the best. We saw Kuchar, Grillo, the Basketball Australian team eating at the high end restaurant and you would pay 100R$ ( 33$ ).


The fine Texan I met, and had supper with, said that the meal we ate ( Shrimp and risotto with 3 pints ) would cost about 60-80$ in the States if not more. He paid 28$.



I guess I am a little sensitive cuz I live in Brazil and the Olympics went very well. Especially after reading and listening to all the problems there were prior. One thing I believe more than ever after the Olympics. DONT BELIEVE THE MEDIA. I witnessed it first hand on how they spin a story to what they want. Its unreal.


Cheers all,


Go Bills.


BTW, if I someone can show me how to post pics, I would post them. I got many from my olympic experience.


I guarantee you every athlete had American Special Agents. For example, the golf team had 2 agents assigned for the 4 players including the 2 PGA tour security. I walked with Bubba for the first 3 days as he had the biggest crowd and the Security Guard never left his side for the whole round and to bring him to his hotel. They also had armored cars to drive to and from the golf course.


These 4 swimmers went out on their own after the agents told them not to.






Keep diggin. You getting deeper and deeper with your ignorance!


I can speak for the golf. The only countries that had security were the Americans: 1 per player and the Australians, 1 for the team.


So the thousands of fans, volunteers and workers didnt. Your statement is crazy.


I once drove from Toronto to Pittsburgh and when I got there at 3 am. I ended up in the wrong area. It wasnt a fun situation.


For visitors: tourist Attractions: The beach, Christ Redeemer, Sugar Loaf, Great restaurants and cheap whores.


What else do you need?


Have you figured out the picture thing?


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