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Obama's Post Presidency


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11 minutes ago, BigMcD said:

That makes no sense. I was warned about that as well. 

If you can handle the Stadium Wall after a Bills loss, you can handle PPP - provided you are semi-logical, and at least semi-sincere.

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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10 minutes ago, BigMcD said:

That makes no sense. I was warned about that as well. 

simply read more than post and get an idea for the feel of this place.


if you think everyone here is a gop shill or some mindless drone to partisan politics you havent' realized the idiots that come to this place.

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2 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

simply read more than post and get an idea for the feel of this place.


if you think everyone here is a gop shill or some mindless drone to partisan politics you havent' realized the idiots that come to this place.

Actually I was told to block you, but you seem nice? 

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1 hour ago, Boyst62 said:

Do what you want.  I'm an *****.   I don't add much worth to much until I feel like schooling someone on football stuff.  

Why don't you show him what constitutes all the personal fouls in the NFL. Do this in person and demonstrate with examples please.

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A “remarkably scandal-free administration,” because it’s only a scandal if the press chooses to cover it like one.


UPDATE:  blast from the 2014 past: Dozens of Inspectors General Say Federal Agencies Hindering Oversight:

At least three federal agencies have hindered the oversight efforts of independent watchdogs by limiting their access to records, according to a complaint from more than half of the government’s inspectors general.

The officials, 47 of them, signed a letter to congressional oversight leaders on Tuesday saying the Justice Department, the Peace Corps and the Chemical Safety Board have withheld information on the basis that it was privileged.

The inspectors general, several of whom were nominated for their roles by President Obama, said such interpretations of the law represent “potentially serious challenges to the authority of every Inspector General and our ability to conduct our work thoroughly, independently, and in a timely manner.”

The Inspector General Act of 1978 ensures that inspectors general have “complete, unfiltered, and timely access to all information and materials … without unreasonable administrative burdens,” according to the letter.

The officials said that watchdogs from other agencies have “faced similar obstacles to their work, whether on a claim that some other law or principle trumped the clear mandate of the IG Act or by the agency’s imposition of unnecessarily burdensome administrative conditions on access.”

The letter was sent to Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), who head the Senate Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee, and Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the top members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

“It is deeply troubling that federal agencies are increasingly obstructing this vital mission and, in doing so, undermining the very foundations of our government,” Coburn said in a statement. “This is an extremely dangerous place to be for a government established to be of the people, by the people, for the people.”

Carper said the letter “outlines serious concerns that are unacceptable.” He added that he will “continue to work closely with the Inspectors General to address their concerns.”


It’s easy to be scandal-free when the investigators aren’t allowed to investigate.


Related: Victor Davis Hanson: The Silencing of the Inspectors General.


Plus, remember when Obama fire Inspector General Gerald Walpin in 2009? An Early Sign Of The Gangster Government To Come.





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11 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


What, you think all their donations to the Clinton campaign weren't a quid pro quo?


Do you think he made a deal with the C's to get the nomination, and for her to step aside?


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