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Trump Alone at the Top

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And used the IRS to target political opposition groups.

Ya, but he can't even get a gay guy running a tech company to open up an iphone. Sure sounds Stalinist to me.


So childish comparing Democrats to to murderous dictators. Its like saying Reagan was just like Osama Bin Laden because they were both religious

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You're really being pressed into descriptive action today.


Gargantuan idiot.


Towering halfwit.


This is when you know the word 'massive' doesn't even cut it at this point.


I wrote a script to come up with adjective parings.


Now I just have to get the "DC Tom-bot" script running, and I never have to read his **** again.

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Ya, but he can't even get a gay guy running a tech company to open up an iphone. Sure sounds Stalinist to me.


Well then what do you call it when the president of the United States has a federal agency take specifically targeted puntative action against political opposition groups for no other reason than they are the opposition?

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Ya, but he can't even get a gay guy running a tech company to open up an iphone. Sure sounds Stalinist to me.




What does it matter that he's gay? You lefties just can't get away from using labels, can you?

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Well then what do you call it when the president of the United States has a federal agency take specifically targeted puntative action against political opposition groups for no other reason than they are the opposition?


Homeland security.


I mean...they were terrorist organizations, right?

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What does it matter that he's gay? You lefties just can't get away from using labels, can you?

Stalin would have a gay leader killed. Yet Obama won't even touch the guy. You following the silly right wing argument I'm answering? Or just trying to be annoying again? I'm betting the latter





Btw Trump rally in Chicago canceled

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Lets dispel with the myth that the Trump protests are spontaneous or anything other than paid for and planned.

He takes his hate show to urban Chicago and doesn't expect this? Right.


The tea party was planned and run by fox new, this was just a stupid thing to do

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Ya, but he can't even get a gay guy running a tech company to open up an iphone. Sure sounds Stalinist to me.


So childish comparing Democrats to to murderous dictators. Its like saying Reagan was just like Osama Bin Laden because they were both religious

This is a fantastic **** pretzel.
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So what would have been the media reaction if a bunch of protesters violently shut down an Obama rally in Dallas in 2007?

**** like this pisses me off so much because it reenforces my beliefs that this country is heading to some form of civil war 2 sooner or later because as a country we continue to divide even farther and more people are willing to condone violence from their side to accomplish their goals

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i have seen fox news and msnbc attempt to interview folks who are protesting this event. none of them can actually give a reason why they want to shut it and isntead simply say "i prefer not to give my reasons." and one said "my reasons do not mater."


they interviewed one man on fox news, who has done extremely well interviewing random people on the streets, reminds me of a Kimmel skit. one man had great things to say. if you don't value free speech listen and understand the value of it when you disagree to reaffirm your beliefs. listen and hear the other sides to know what side you are on. "the value of free speech is see how idiotic some people are" paraphrased.


but the idea that trump equals hate, as being shouted at all cameras - but nothing more than simply saying trump is hate...

He takes his hate show to urban Chicago and doesn't expect this? Right.

The tea party was planned and run by fox new, this was just a stupid thing to do

of everyone interviewed, as ben carson said, "i don't know" 'i don't wnat to talk about it." and there were at least half a dozen saying they did not want to talk about it and just saying he equates trump to hate....


so what are the protesters protesting? hate? i don't htink it's hate, i think its the first amendment.


people are pissed off. this is proof. where is barrack obama as a leader to lead away from this anger? that's right, he's a joke.


feelings are hurt. boo!@#$inghoo.

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i have seen fox news and msnbc attempt to interview folks who are protesting this event. none of them can actually give a reason why they want to shut it and isntead simply say "i prefer not to give ho has done extremely well interviewing random people on the streets, reminds me of a Kimmel skit. one man had great things to say. if you don't value free speech listen and understand the value of it when you disagree to reaffirm your beliefs. listen and hear the other sides to know what side you are on. "the value of free speech is see how idiotic some

of everyone interviewed, as ben carson said, "i don't know" 'i don't wnat to talk about it." and there were at least half a dozen saying they did not want to talk about it and just saying he equates trump to hate....

so what are the protesters protesting? hate? i don't htink it's hate, i think its the first amendment.

people are pissed off. this is proof. where is barrack obama as a leader to lead away from this anger? that's right, he's a joke.


feelings are hurt. boo!@#$inghoo.

so, you are a complete idiot? Ummm...yes
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so, you are a complete idiot? Ummm...yes

probably, but see, i don't base my opinions, moralities and thoughts on the communications of msnbc, fox news, or E!. i don't hold weight to what a poltician says. and i don't align myself to popular thoughts or trends.

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Lets dispel with the myth that the Trump protests are spontaneous or anything other than paid for and planned.


Trump knew exactly what he was doing, and getting exactly what he wanted. This is what happens when you tell your supporters you'll cover their legal fees if they rough up the protesters.


By the time you dig into what his campaign manager did to Michelle Fields the other night...well...congratulations, Trumpettes. Your leader is giving you precisely all that he is capable of giving you.


A spectacle.


It's like watching a trailer park version of Obama 2008.

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