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Trump Alone at the Top

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Trump Spokesman: The whole "build a wall" thing is just a suggestion.


Well done, Trumpster Divers. Well done.


From the cow himself:






Republican presidential candidate Donald Trumptold Fox News Friday that all of his policies were just “suggestions” that were subject to change once he actually became president.
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I can't wait until his self-valuation evolves when he releases his taxes.


The rise of the tax releasing is only just starting. Such an easy target.


The easy retort is to say he'll release them when Hilly releases her Wall Street speech transcripts.

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The easy retort is to say he'll release them when Hilly releases her Wall Street speech transcripts.


Hillary is being an idiot there, but I suspect there's less in those transcripts than in Trump's tax returns.

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This morning's CNN website headline:


Landmines in Trump's Past: His unusual background was exposed this week as a liability.


Why it's almost as if they were waiting for him to get the nomination or something.


If only someone pointed this strategy out earlier.

Edited by LABillzFan
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This morning's CNN website headline:


Landmines in Trump's Past: His unusual background was exposed this week as a liability.


Why it's almost as if they were waiting for him to get the nomination or something.


If only someone pointed this strategy out earlier.

It doesn't matter if it's trump or not.


WHOMEVER is the REPUBLICAN candidate will be smeared and face scrutiny and vetting that a democrat would NEVER receive from the media.


If the media Was objective Obama would never have had a meteoric rise to power, very little in his past or record was ever investigated. Clinton would be held accountable, good Lord you could write a novel on her wrong doings and Someone would ask self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders how socialism has failed Venezuela.


It doesn't matter who the REPUBLICAN candidate is. Whether you love or hate trump don't Kidd yourself into thinking another candidate would be treated fairly or better. Trump will at least stick up for himself. Mccain, Romney etc those losers just let the media paint an extremely negative portrait of themselves and never did anything to stop it.


The Republican brand is effectively destroyed in the national level and it's not trumps fault. Their image is destroyed and voters are extremely disenfranchised. Look at the republicans overwhelming taking back the house and Senate. They rode a tsunami of voter anger back to office. What have they accomplished? Nothing. Paul Ryan is fighting trump more than he or Congress has ever stood up to Obama. That's a problem.


With the way things are going changing demographics and tend of millions of illegal invaders who can vote, for all intents the Republican brand on a national level is dead and this is a one party system. Its just full out socialism or socialism lite for our future, the progressives have masterfully out maneuvered conservatives. They control an ever increasing social entitlement budget, education and indoctrinating the next generation. With colleges safe spaces and anti hate speech, the first amendment is in trouble. Give it 20 years and it might be struck down....ugh I need to stop.

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I would like to know what was on her server, that every half way credible foreign intelligence service also has in their possession now.


This is the Sword of Damocles hanging over HRC and her campaign. At any moment either Russia or China (or a 3rd party actor) could release en mass everything from those servers and plunge the election into chaos, or to try to manufacture a desired outcome (say Trump over Clinton in Russia's case, Clinton over Trump in China's case). Especially if they wait until the DoJ/FBI conclude their investigation and don't indict. Releasing proof of her violations after the FBI clears her would throw a big ol' monkey wrench into the whole process, not to mention it would undermine whatever faith people have in the FBI and DoJ.


I doubt it happens... but it sure would be an interesting development.

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I doubt it happens... but it sure would be an interesting development.


It would seem to me that Hillary Clinton's incompetence as SoS has other countries begging for her to become president.


If you're stupid enough to have all of your SoS emails go through a server set up by a group that seems to have the technical savvy of Best Buy's Geek Squad, she'll be stupid enough to do even worse as president.


It almost makes you wonder how much money the Clinton Foundation was able to launder by leaving that server unprotected.


"Oh, my! Did I leave my little 'ol server unprotected from you big, bad foreign countries? Oh, I'm such a ditzy blonde. Wait! Where did this $100M come from? It wasn't there a minute ago! Oh, well..."

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It would seem to me that Hillary Clinton's incompetence as SoS has other countries begging for her to become president.


If you're stupid enough to have all of your SoS emails go through a server set up by a group that seems to have the technical savvy of Best Buy's Geek Squad, she'll be stupid enough to do even worse as president.


It almost makes you wonder how much money the Clinton Foundation was able to launder by leaving that server unprotected.


"Oh, my! Did I leave my little 'ol server unprotected from you big, bad foreign countries? Oh, I'm such a ditzy blonde. Wait! Where did this $100M come from? It wasn't there a minute ago! Oh, well..."


Some countries probably are. But in terms of Russia and China, I think they both are split. China doesn't want Trump, Russia would prefer Trump to Clinton in my estimation.

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I would like to know what was on her server, that every half way credible foreign intelligence service also has in their possession now.


That is the bigger story.

She's not being an idiot. She's not releasing them for a reason.


I doubt there's anything in those transcripts that would hurt damage her worse than she's already damaged. She went to Wall Street and blew them on stage because they gave her money. Bernie will attack her for it but will anyone change their vote? We already know she's a whore for whatever will help her get elected.

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I doubt there's anything in those transcripts that would hurt damage her worse than she's already damaged. She went to Wall Street and blew them on stage because they gave her money. Bernie will attack her for it but will anyone change their vote? We already know she's a whore for whatever will help her get elected.



I agree with you that the text of the speeches is a big yawn in all probability.

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Release of Clinton’s Wall Street Speeches Could End Her Candidacy for President





Here’s a compilation of what those close to Clinton and/or the institutions that paid her obscene sums to chat with them are saying about those never-to-be-released speeches:


1. Former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerrey (Clinton surrogate)

“Making the transcripts of the Goldman speeches public would have been devastating....[and] when the GOP gets done telling the Clinton Global Initiative fund-raising and expense story, Bernie supporters will wonder why he didn’t do the same....[As for] the email story, it’s not about emails. It is about [Hillary] wanting to avoid the reach of citizens using the Freedom of Information Act to find out what their government is doing, and then not telling the truth about why she did.”

2. Goldman Sachs Employee #1 (present at one of the speeches)

“[The speech] was pretty glowing about [Goldman Sachs]. It’s so far from what she sounds like as a candidate now. It was like a ‘rah-rah’ speech. She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.”

3. Goldman Sachs Employee #2 (present at one of the speeches)

“In this environment, [what she said to us at Goldman Sachs] could be made to look really bad.”

4. Goldman Sachs Executive or Client #1 (present at one of the speeches)

“Mrs. Clinton didn’t single out bankers or any other group for causing the 2008 financial crisis. Instead, she effectively said, ‘We’re all in this together, we’ve got to find our way out of it together.’”

5. Paraphrase of Several Attendees’ Accounts From The Wall Street Journal

“She didn’t often talk about the financial crisis, but when she did, she almost always struck an amicable tone. In some cases, she thanked the audience for what they had done for the country. One attendee said the warmth with which Mrs. Clinton greeted guests bordered on ‘gushy.’ She spoke sympathetically about the financial industry.”

6. Goldman Sachs Employee #3 (present at one of the speeches)

“It was like, ‘Here’s someone who doesn’t want to vilify us but wants to get business back in the game. Like, maybe here’s someone who can lead us out of the wilderness.’”

7. Paraphrase of Several Attendees’ Accounts From Politico

“Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, declaring that the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish. Striking a soothing note on the global financial crisis, she told the audience, ‘We all got into this mess together, and we’re all going to have to work together to get out of it.’”


Did we, though, “All get into the mess together”?


Would middle-class voters considering voting for Hillary Clinton in New York on Tuesday take kindly to the idea that the Great Recession was equally their own and Goldman Sachs’ fault? How would that play in the Bronx?


Lest anyone suspect that Clinton doesn’t release the transcripts because she’s not permitted to do so under a non-disclosure agreement, think again: Buzzfeed hasconfirmed that Clinton owns the rights to the transcripts, and notes, moreover, that according to industry insiders even if there were speeches to which Clinton did nothold the rights, no institution on Wall Street would allow themselves to be caught trying to block their release.


And Politico and The Wall Street Journal have reported exactly the same information about Clinton’s ability to release these speech transcripts unilaterally.



The truth about Hillary Clinton's Wall Street speeches - Apr. 20, 2016




What Hillary Clinton said in her paid speeches - POLITICO


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