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Vacation advice


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I was going to go away and wanted somewhere new. Someone told me that Turks and Caicos were great so I booked it. With all that is going on with the fighting I tried to cancel the Turkish part and only go to Caicos but evidently it is some sort of package deal. My travel agent is usually nice but she was really having a hard time helping me split it up and it was like she was talking down to me. It wasn't her butt going to Turks. I told her not to worry, I'd pay full commission x10 if she could just give me the Caicos part but no deal. I told her to stick it and keep the money. I usually listen to her advice but now I need someone else's. I don't trust her anymore.


Any nice places?

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Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks



I was going to go away and wanted somewhere new. Someone told me that Turks and Caicos were great so I booked it. With all that is going on with the fighting I tried to cancel the Turkish part and only go to Caicos but evidently it is some sort of package deal. My travel agent is usually nice but she was really having a hard time helping me split it up and it was like she was talking down to me. It wasn't her butt going to Turks. I told her not to worry, I'd pay full commission x10 if she could just give me the Caicos part but no deal. I told her to stick it and keep the money. I usually listen to her advice but now I need someone else's. I don't trust her anymore.


Any nice places?

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I hear the the Illusion Islands are nice this time of year. A little chilly, but great wildlife and whale watching.



Is that one of those holograms? I'd don't think they're ready yet but thanks for the idea. Beerboy keeps trying the code name chat ficks hologram that the Googlebot downloaded and let's just say I'm not ready to try a hologram vacation yet. I know it looked cool on Star Wars or Star Trek or whatever when Captain Steubing was on the tall ships but the technology ain't all there yet and Ginny is not happy cleaning up the room after Beerboy gets out of there.

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Very funny guys but I need to get out of here. $$$$ is not an issue. I can take my Fleer jet. Where should I go?

If you have a Fleer Jet, why do you need a travel agent? Just tell the pilot where to point the jet. Or is the agent also the pilot?

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If you have a Fleer Jet, why do you need a travel agent? Just tell the pilot where to point the jet. Or is the agent also the pilot?



The travel agent makes the arrangements for while I'm there. I normally pay her a commission as if I were flying commercial. Sometimes I even buy a ticket as a backup in case I need to fly separately from Sammy.

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This lady is crazy. She is really pushing me to keep this vacation and now says it is Turks in Caicos. At least that is what she is saying. My whole point is trying to stay away from Turks altogether and I don't care at all about how they dress. And what the heck is a Caico? Is it a special hat?

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