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[closed]Honest Question About Hiring a New HC


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Ask Doug Marrone how shrewd Terry is....

I assumed Pegula was a very smart guy, but was he more lucky than smart?




Probably some of both. But after shrewdly (fortuitously?) acquiring a lot of frackable land and after shrewdly (luckily?) anticipating the energy bust and selling out, he's engaged in some investments that kind of make me wonder how shrewd he really is. Look, I love Buffalo, but some of the projects he's pumped money into make me shake my head. I guess maybe the value is in getting your political connections to insulate you against big losses. On the football side, I'm not sure where the Rex idea came from, but like his Buffalo investments it screams "look at us! Ignore us at your peril... We get noticed first, and then the dividends will inevitably follow ". But why will they follow? I'm not seeing it.

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While it is way too premature to discuss firing Rex, the hype surrounding this team in terms of overall talent created what now seem to be unreasonable expectations about the team's performance this year. Rex amplified the hype, and now we are all disappointed and ready to point fingers. After 15 years of not making the playoffs, we are a very frustrated fan group, so I am not surprised with the reactions of some fans given the expectations going into the season.

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I'm not from Buffalo and I'm not a hockey fan so I don't know how Pegula operates. My question is, based on your knowledge on Terry, how realistic is it that if we perform bad this year and the fans ask for a new HC that Terry will can Rex after one year?


No way Rex gets fired after one season. Rex was handpicked by Terry and Kim Pegula.


The old guard get's fired, the guy Pegula wanted to replace with a football czar. The person that goes is Whaley if things go south.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Fans should never have a say. Just look at the 5,000 experts on this site. No one would agree to naming one person on this site that could do a better job coaching or picking a better coach.


You all make me laugh. You all need to look back before Rex was hired when everyone was throwing names around.

We are 3-3 people.

13 - 3 looks Good to me.

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Fans should never have a say. Just look at the 5,000 experts on this site. No one would agree to naming one person on this site that could do a better job coaching or picking a better coach.


You all make me laugh. You all need to look back before Rex was hired when everyone was throwing names around.

We are 3-3 people.

13 - 3 looks Good to me.

Come on Rex, stay of this site......

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i think most of us agree that its not the losses that hurt so much but the way we lose. i wasn't expecting them to beat Cincinnati but was expecting a much better performance, especially by the defense. its the play of the defense as compared to the last 2 years that hurts the most. rex promised a better defense than last year and he really let us down big time. wasn't expecting too much from the offense and any little improvement was a big plus but for the defense to play as it has is disheartening.

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Rex shouldn't have been hired in the first place. Let roman be HC or let Schwartz do it. Was Schwartz any less successful as a HC as Rex was?


If Rex is fired our HC is already on staff- it's Roman. Bring back Schwartz he is out I football anyways. That's your staff right there

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