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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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pretty much what always happens on ppp: herd mentality. mob rules. unfortunately, it's a herd of excrement mouthed losers that yell the loudest..

Boy you lefties sure have had a stick up your ass lately. I guess I'd be a bit cranky too if all i had on my side were Bernie and Hillary.

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Bernie talking again this AM about free health care for all, free college and help for those in poverty. Says he won't raise taxes but the interviewer never asks him how it will be paid for.


You haven't been paying attention to Gator - the government will just print more money.

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Democrats: Sanders unelectable. .....................Well, yes.


The surging popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders has done little to alleviate the chief concern that Democrats have about his presidential bid: Namely, that he’s simply unelectable on a national stage.


The Vermont Independent has quickly closed the gap on frontrunner Hillary Clinton in national polls, while overtaking the former State secretary in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire. Supporters say his rising momentum and populist message will carry him to the White House.


But Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, has spent a career operating largely from the left-most fringes of the Democratic Party with which he caucuses, stirring worry that he simply couldn’t compete against a Republican perceived as a more establishment figure.






Nothing says “fresh face for the Democratic Party” like a guy who resembles Montgomery Burns. And whose policy ideas are over 50 years old.

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FEEL THE BERN: Two days later, Sanders draws five times as many people as Clinton to event at same university in N.H.








How is it allowed to go unnoticed that Sanders suggests that economic growth was better under Richard Nixon than under Barack Obama?


“There is little to no curiosity among our media elite about how a Democratic candidate for president is able to campaign on a shrinking middle class, record highs of unemployment, record lows of workforce participation, record wage stagnation, and record entitlement dependency, while a Democratic president simultaneously travels around the country touting his economic success on all counts. . . .



It seems newsworthy that in the run-up to a pivotal election, a presidential candidate is not only actively campaigning against the record of a sitting president of the same party, but gathering auspiciously large crowds by doing so. Of course, if the media were to report on the fiery John Reed–inspired rhetoric Sanders is blasting out to his zombie hordes at sold-out arenas, the carefully crafted Hollywood script of Barack Obama’s successful presidency would come tumbling down.”

Edited by B-Man
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FEEL THE BERN: Two days later, Sanders draws five times as many people as Clinton to event at same university in N.H.








“There is little to no curiosity among our media elite about how a Democratic candidate for president is able to campaign on a shrinking middle class, record highs of unemployment, record lows of workforce participation, record wage stagnation, and record entitlement dependency, while a Democratic president simultaneously travels around the country touting his economic success on all counts. . . .



That's a priceless thought right there.


I suppose the left can only explain this by saying that socialism's time has come. Obama didn't go far enough.

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Given that Bernie is poised to be backed by the Occupy car-crappers, I thought this bit making it's rounds on Twitter was worthy of a post.


Make sure you read all of it.




Can't wait until they try to:


Book a hotel room.

Book a flight.

Get cash at midnight.

Pay their light bill.

Pay their car payment

Pay their Netflix bill

Pay for Pandora/Spotify

Buy a bong online

Pay their mortgage (oh wait, living in mom and dad's cellar doesn't require mortgage)


They never ever think these things through. And if you can get through a whole month using only cash you're not a grownup.

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Sorry to dig up this old thread but my Ikea© furniture made me wonder something.


If I agree to be part of a Co-Operative® at some point in my life, should I be bound to that co-operative for the rest of my life? Should my children also be bound to the Co-Operative©? Should the children of my children also be bound to my decision?

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Sorry to dig up this old thread but my Ikea© furniture made me wonder something.


If I agree to be part of a Co-Operative® at some point in my life, should I be bound to that co-operative for the rest of my life? Should my children also be bound to the Co-Operative©? Should the children of my children also be bound to my decision?

Beat-in Beat-out

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