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Deflate-gate investigation complete

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My point is that Yee's claims that Brady or his attorneys were justified in refusing to turn over his responsive communications lack merit, which calls into question the reason for Brady's refusal to cooperate.


But yes, independent of any wrongdoing related to deflation of the footballs, he may be punished for failing to cooperate with a league investigation into possible rule violations, which he agreed to do as part of his status as a player in this league. Do you object to him being punished for failing to cooperate with the investigation?

Possibly? Especially so if Brady may have also been acting on recommendations from his union wrt handing over text messages.


I imagine the NFLPA has been on top of this since day 1. The last thing they want is to open is Pandoras texting box

Why do you think they measure them twice, instead of just once? Basing his argument on one reading instead of the average is a fatal flaw. I could use his exact same logic and math, but the other gauge, and state that only 3 of the balls fell to the range of 11.52 - 11.32.


They measured the pre-game balls twice?

I assume you have specific protocols in mind. So rather than me asking for the numbers of the later posts could you just quickly state the protocols you have in mind? I feel like Wells asking for Brady's text messages.


Geez, man look 2 posts in front of yorus for the biggest issue. :rolleyes:

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Possibly? Especially so if Brady may have also been acting on recommendations from his union wrt handing over text messages.


I imagine the NFLPA has been on top of this since day 1. The last thing they want is to open is Pandoras texting box

Nice try, but PFT reported that the union wasn't involved in representing Brafy here. I'd say you're on about your 15th strike, but keep swinging, "champ"...,,

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So my take away from all this is, the Pats have yet to win a Super Bowl without a cheating scandal attached to it. Quite a legacy.


Absolutely. That's the absolute best part of this whole scandal. Cheaters always get caught, sometimes it just takes a decade. The patriot* dynasty is as fraudulent as Rodney Harrison's HGH tests. I love watching pat* fans implode -- especially the ones on this board who pretend they're not really patriot* fans. It's hilarious.

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Nice try, but PFT reported that the union wasn't involved in representing Brafy here. I'd say you're on about your 15th strike, but keep swinging, "champ"...,,

bradys choice? or whats the reason? youd think they would want to be involved even if not primary.

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Breitbart??? Seriously? Why not the Weekly World News?

Well, they do know their readers...






Friday afternoon is typically when bad PR is released...




"Hold onto your pressure gauges. Today might be another wild one.

A source close to the Deflategate investigation believes a disciplinary ruling could be made as early as this afternoon. The source stressed nothing official has been relayed, but there is a feeling this situation could be resolved quickly. Obviously, if it doesn't happen today, Monday would then come into focus because the NFL holds off its business dealings over the weekend."


"While nothing has apparently been relayed to the Patriots, the fact word is leaking out now indicates that the pressure could be rising around Gillette Stadium soon."

Edited by Lurker
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Absolutely. That's the absolute best part of this whole scandal. Cheaters always get caught, sometimes it just takes a decade. The patriot* dynasty is as fraudulent as Rodney Harrison's HGH tests. I love watching pat* fans implode -- especially the ones on this board who pretend they're not really patriot* fans. It's hilarious.


I for one do not think that Spygate nor Deflategate helped the Patriots that much if at all as far as winning. I know others do. But this is really the best part of the whole deal. That it is up for argument.


And you're right about the Pats fans. It's hysterical.

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They measured the pre-game balls twice?

Several of them had to be, considering they measured under and were then brought up to 12.5 PSI. But we both know that those aren't the measurements being discussed in the quote you used from the article you linked and you are now just redirecting to try to save face.

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I for one do not think that Spygate nor Deflategate helped the Patriots that much if at all as far as winning. I know others do. But this is really the best part of the whole deal. That it is up for argument.


And you're right about the Pats fans. It's hysterical.


I'm with you there. I hate the patriots* because they're rivals and my background. Both are completely irrational reasons to hate on a team, so I know I'm not the most objective guy with all this. But it sure is fun. I've already had two of the guys we used to watch games with at the Harp in Boston text me pictures of them in their brand new ODB jerseys. :lol:

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Nice try, but PFT reported that the union wasn't involved in representing Brafy here. I'd say you're on about your 15th strike, but keep swinging, "champ"...,,


I can't imagine they would not be involved in some capacity seeing as this involves one of their biggest supporters. At any rate, I would not expect them to release any info until after a verdict has been rendered.

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Since the thread seems to move quick, im going to slide this post onto this page too to see what you guys think....




i wondered if anderson is being honest about the "1st time in 19 years" thing, if its widely known the pats have been doing this in league circles and that is the process they use to accomplish it and we are supposing theyve done this upwards of 5 years potentially.


think its the first time it happened, first time he even cared to look, or just a lie? (and then of course the obvious follow up a few of you asked regarding why he wouldnt check the balls out again given he had warning and thought it was weird. )

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Several of them had to be, considering they measured under and were then brought up to 12.5 PSI. But we both know that those aren't the measurements being discussed in the quote you used from the article you linked and you are now just redirecting to try to save face.


They could measure the balls 500 times but if they don't follow a proper protocol while doing so the results are meaningless. This matters not whether they are done pregame or at halftime.

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They could measure the balls 500 times but if they don't follow a proper protocol while doing so the results are meaningless. This matters not whether they are done pregame or at halftime.

Should I even bother asking which protocols?

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Since the thread seems to move quick, im going to slide this post onto this page too to see what you guys think....




i wondered if anderson is being honest about the "1st time in 19 years" thing, if its widely known the pats have been doing this in league circles and that is the process they use to accomplish it and we are supposing theyve done this upwards of 5 years potentially.


think its the first time it happened, first time he even cared to look, or just a lie? (and then of course the obvious follow up a few of you asked regarding why he wouldnt check the balls out again given he had warning and thought it was weird. )

I'm not positive, but I believe I read that typically McNally would let air out post inspection, but when officials had already left the room. Due to increased traffic in the room for the AFC CG he snagged them and then did the deed elsewhere.

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I'm not positive, but I believe I read that typically McNally would let air out post inspection, but when officials had already left the room. Due to increased traffic in the room for the AFC CG he snagged them and then did the deed elsewhere.

Ah. Got it.

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Anyone who is listening to any old pat players they ain't gonna tarnish there own name (rings)


bruschi and Harrison are annoying anyways

Jim miller on Siriusxm never bashes the pats (ring as a backup)


They have to stand by the pats bc they will just be labeled as the cheaters because they were apart of championships


So idc what they have to say

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