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Tim Graham now on features; no longer on Bills beat


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My ice is fine. By the way, I still post here, no idea what you mean about not seeing a lot of them.


Doing the best that he can? What? Are we pretending like Timmy G is the bigger man deserving of our respect? The guy who dishes out shots to folks on Twitter (I don't care if they "deserve" it, you can't be rude to folks and be the "aw shucks, I'm just trying my darnedest" guy"? Can you name the last positive thing he's written about the Bills? Maybe the Talley piece?


Talking about unfair shots, I challenge you to try to be better than EJ as an NFL QB.


Oh wait, no he doesn't get the "tries his hardest" defense. How about Sanchez?


Nope. Maybe you just meant for media guys.


Oh. I'd like to see you pony up and be better than Mike Schopp!


Please be less of a hypocrite. For your own sake.

Game. set. match....

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Comparing Tim Graham to the public arena of football players is an apples/oranges argument. Go ahead, and keep grinding your axe. That's all you've got. Tell us when your next submission to the Buffalo News is going to hit the stands. (crickets chirping)


Please be less of a dick. For your own sake.

I compared it to Mike Schopp, who you also bashed. Keep digging homie!


Also, on what planet is a writer not in the "public arena?" Who does he write for? Is he just sending articles to his friends and family? Do you even remember what you're arguing?


I hate this joke, but I'm starting to think you are someone close to Timmy G. If that's the case, know that working in the public spotlight means you're going to get criticized by the public. It's a part of the social contract. If you or him can't handle that, there are other jobs out there. Those are the facts of life.



Edited by FireChan
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Right-O! I think that Graham has taken some unfair shots on this forum. I challenge those who think that they can do better to pony up.

Get off your high horse. Nobody thinks that they can write better than Graham, they just want Graham to be less thin skinned.

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Tim Graham is a bitter man with non-discernible writing talent. But he spouts all the politically correct nonsense one must spout in order to stay employed at the Buffalo News.


In short, he sucks so he sucks up for a living.


Then again, reading posts from dip$hits must get old pretty fast...

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