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Islamic Terrorism


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Political and cultural.

Well that has to change. Who are the radicals here? If you want change, then you should be the radical. The terrorist sound like uber-conservatives within the religion... NOT radicals.


Sounds like your religion is being overrun by very conservative beliefs.


That is where the clash and problem lies. As you move to the middle politically and culturally, you move closer to the beliefs of the terrorist.


Mainstream Islam needs to move away from the terrorists and closer to western culture. If they don't, the mainstream peace lovers play right into the hands of the bad guy faction.


Yoy see the same problem w/issues in the African American community.


LEAD! Be the alpha dog! Stop being the mealy mouthed (as the English Dude stated) pacifist, dreamers!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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The thing is, I don't back Trump unless it is a battle between him and Clinton and possibly Sanders. I prefer Kasich and then Cruz.

Your strategy is hardly new.



Sounds exacty like the lesser of two evils approach the left was slammed on this very board for some 14 or so years ago. "Anybody that opposes GW Bush" Bush Bad!


The more times change, the more they stay the same.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Bumped from reply #1791



Book: More militant Islamics ´than ever before in history´
by Paul Bedard


Original Article .....from the London Center of Policy Research





Incubators of Islamic Supremacism: Surveillance in Muslim communities is indispensable for defeating terrorism.
With no hope of winning an argument on the facts, demagogues resort to the argument ad hominem. Too often, it works. And in the modern “progressive” West, no demagogic tactic works better than branding one’s political adversaries as racists.
That is why the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s most influential Islamic-supremacist organization, dreamed up the term “Islamophobia.” It is why Western progressives, stalwart allies of the Brotherhood, have lustily embraced the Islamophobia smear tactic — even sought to engrave it in our law, in brazen violation of the First Amendment.
It beats trying to refute the irrefutable nexus between Islamic scripture, sharia supremacism, and jihadist terror. It beats trying to rationalize the sheer idiocy of a policy, their policy, that idealizes Islam as the irenic monolith they would like it to be, rather than the complex of competing and contradictory convictions it is. Of the latter, the most dynamic is the conviction that Islam is an alternative civilization determined to conquer the West by force, by political pressure, by cultural aggression, and by exploiting Western civil liberties (liberties that are forbidden in the sharia societies Islamists would impose).

Ted Cruz found himself in the middle of this demagogic storm this week. Reacting to the latest jihadist atrocity in Brussels, in which 31 were killed and 230 wounded, Senator Cruz argued that to protect our national security against radical Islamic terror networks, it is imperative for law enforcement to conduct surveillance in Muslim communities.

Cruz was not calling for a dragnet targeting all Muslims. In his presidential campaign (to which I am an adviser), he has stressed the importance of identifying the enemy as radical Islam. That is not campaign rhetoric; it is how we figure out who warrants surveillance — and far from being anything new, it is how counterterrorism was done before President Obama came to power. Yet, as night follows day, the Islamist-leftist alliance pounced with the fury of an emperor whose lack of clothes has just been noticed.
It is simply, undeniably, a fact that some Muslim mosques and surrounding communities are hotbeds of Islamic supremacism, a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam that holds that Muslims must struggle against non-believers — by force and by all other means –- until Allah’s law (sharia) is established throughout the world. Islamic supremacism is not the only way of construing Islam, and millions of Muslims reject it. This, however, does not undo the remorseless fact that millions of Muslims accept it, that it is a mainstream construction of Islam (it is, for example, the Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood), and that it has a considerable following in the West.


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I usually don't pull this conservative whiny reply. But I genuinely can't make heads or tails of your reply.


You don't have to if you don't want to.

Well Islam is very conservative. Women are supposed to cover there hair, arms to the wrist and legs to the ankles. The burka isn't necessary.


The other one is well known. We don't eat pork because it's prohibited.

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Well Islam is very conservative. Women are supposed to cover there hair, arms to the wrist and legs to the ankles. The burka isn't necessary.


The other one is well known. We don't eat pork because it's prohibited.

I was thinking that... But,


So this also drives the poor treatment of women? I am still confused.


Isn't that Islam driving the culture?

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