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Do We Really Want a Republican President?

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Yes, it's the old "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for life."


The PROBLEM is that that's not what you advocate. You want to teach the man to fish by giving the man other people's fish until he learns to catch fish. What's more, when he doesn't learn to catch fish, you think the problem is that you didn't give him enough fish for him to learn how to catch fish...so you give him more fish. Then you blame the fisherman for his inability to catch fish, because obviously the people with fish are withholding fish from those without, and you take their fish and give them to the people who can't catch fish, because now they can't even learn to catch fish, because they don't have fish to start with.


Never once realizing that you never, not once, stopped to actually say "Look, man, here's how you catch a fish..."


The other part of the problem is that people like my in-laws would rather !@#$ off than fish even when people are offering free fishing lessons.

Edited by Rob's House
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and how is something like a living wage going to help THAT person any more than the assistance that (again) already exists?


and who agreed that kids sleeping in cars, using the back of the seat as a desk, wasn't a rare thing? is that what it's like where you live?


He's all over the map with his logic. No matter what kind of solid argument you make, he goes back to some obscuse comment he made. You think you're talking in general terms, and he's back to kids living in old cars.


He only sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear, and believes what he wants to believe.

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He's all over the map with his logic. No matter what kind of solid argument you make, he goes back to some obscuse comment he made. You think you're talking in general terms, and he's back to kids living in old cars.


He only sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear, and believes what he wants to believe.


I know. I used to feel much the same way that he seems to, but my beliefs have changed over the years, mainly due to my experiences as I got older. I'm not so much trying to win an argument as I am trying to get wheels turning.

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and those kids sleeping in their cars, trying to write on the back of a carseat? we've already agreed kids like these are unfortunately, not rare. where was all the crapload of help for them til they reached mid teens? you think they refused help?

Which is more rare: People who use their noodle to make their way in this world or kids writing on the back of a car seat? Think carefully before you answer this question, liberal hypocrite.

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The other part of the problem is that people like my in-laws would rather !@#$ off than fish even when people are offering free fishing lessons.


Well that's because by offering free fishing lessons, you are insulting their dignity.



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The other part of the problem is that people like my in-laws would rather !@#$ off than fish even when people are offering free fishing lessons.


Same with my in-laws. So I stopped giving them fish until they learned to fish for themselves.


People like birddog would consider me cruel, and tell me I should keep giving them fish. His answer to drug addiction would be "Free heroin!" because withdrawal is uncomfortable.

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Same with my in-laws. So I stopped giving them fish until they learned to fish for themselves.


People like birddog would consider me cruel, and tell me I should keep giving them fish. His answer to drug addiction would be "Free heroin!" because withdrawal is uncomfortable.

not at all true. i'm a believer in tough love. a carrot works more often but sometimes you need a stick. i'm a product of parochial school. seen my share of discipline and in measured applications it works well.


btw, i can and have taught fishing. 1st rule of fishing (and life in general): don't leave fish to find fish.

Edited by birdog1960
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not at all true. i'm a believer in tough love. a carrot works more often but sometimes you need a stick. i'm a product of parochial school. seen my share of discipline and in measured applications it works well.


btw, i can and have taught fishing. 1st rule of fishing (and life in general): don't leave fish to find fish.


In other words, don't leave your government benefits to earn more benefits.

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you don't fish much, do you. and no fishing is not fair. it's true that 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the fish.


How awful that we haven't increased funding for the Fish & Wildlife Service so they could do something about leveling the playing field.

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you don't fish much, do you. and no fishing is not fair. it's true that 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the fish.


The government should be setting quotas and monitoring the fishermen's returns so that this sort of inequality doesn't happen.

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After 6 years of Obama, Pelosi, Reed etc ... Comedians well of jokes has run dry. Bring on the Republicans for some fresh humor.

No, after six years of Obama, Reid, Pelosi et al the comedians have nearly run out of jokes pertaining to Bush & Cheney.

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you don't fish much, do you. and no fishing is not fair. it's true that 20% of the fisherman catch 80% of the fish.


what are they going to do with all those fish, anyway? nobody needs that many fish. it's only right that they give up their fair share for the less fortunate in our society.

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what are they going to do with all those fish, anyway? nobody needs that many fish. it's only right that they give up their fair share for the less fortunate in our society.


What if they want to build a giant acquarium.

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