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Fear of flying

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Get on the plane in Hamilton/Toronto.


Be scared while watching some movies.


A few hours later, arrive Florida.


That's the only thing happening to you that day and that's a fact.


Thinking about it between now and April is the part that will make you looney, but all those thoughts are just noise. Use your time more productively.

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Holy cow... Geeze with some of the stuff in this thread.


Anway, you can go the John Madden route and just avoid your fear. Yeah, that will really help. I guess cover it up in with booze, movies, and sleep.


Flying is the safest mode of transportation. You are more likely to get killed in a car going to the airport:








Good to see you input is as well thought out over here too.


Chef calling Gator. And your unwarranted fears haven't carried over too?


;-P ;-P


That doesn't mean I don't understand your fear... Just like walking down the street having a pitbull snarl @ you through a broken fence. You still have to walk down the street. There is no silver bullet or drug that is going to help overcome the fear.

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Hate heights but love flying, Always get a window seat if I can. Beautiful scenery if not cloudy, Salt Lake City was beautiful just before sunset last January, Had to land there to get anew crew (new rules on hours). I love to guess where the plane is. Learned to recognize the Platte river in Nebraska by flying over it so often. Can determine what state the plane is over on a Redeye from the west coast by the distances between the towns in the dark.

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Hate heights but love flying, Always get a window seat if I can. Beautiful scenery if not cloudy, Salt Lake City was beautiful just before sunset last January, Had to land there to get anew crew (new rules on hours). I love to guess where the plane is. Learned to recognize the Platte river in Nebraska by flying over it so often. Can determine what state the plane is over on a Redeye from the west coast by the distances between the towns in the dark.




Same here... I love window seats. As I got old (and BP medicine probably)... I really hate heights, can't even climb a fire tower anymore... BUT absolutely love planes and flying!

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I don't understand being afraid of flying. You're six miles up, above everything and anything that can hurt you. There's nothing to be afraid of. Flying is extremely safe.


Taking off and - especially - landing, on the other hand...that's where most accidents happen. So my advice is: spend about ten minutes during takeoff, and ten minutes before landing, freaking out. Spend the rest of the time relaxing.

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I don't understand being afraid of flying. You're six miles up, above everything and anything that can hurt you. There's nothing to be afraid of. Flying is extremely safe.


Taking off and - especially - landing, on the other hand...that's where most accidents happen. So my advice is: spend about ten minutes during takeoff, and ten minutes before landing, freaking out. Spend the rest of the time relaxing.

When my daughter was younger she enjoyed listening to " learning to fly" by Tom Petty before we took off. i recomend it for anyone.
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I will be on a one way plane trip for 14.5 hours on Monday. I'm afraid, very afraid.


Afraid of being in a germ infested tube. If we go down, at least I won't have to deal with bird flu when we land.


Just make sure that, halfway through the flight, you stand up and ask, loud as you can "Has anyone on this flight been exposed to Ebola?"


Because you can't be too careful about that.


When my daughter was younger she enjoyed listening to " learning to fly" by Tom Petty before we took off. i recomend it for anyone.


Generally, anything terminally boring and sleep-inducing will work to assuage flying fears. Though next time, you might want to go with something less abusive than Tom Petty music. Like heroin and vodka...

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I will be on a one way plane trip for 14.5 hours on Monday. I'm afraid, very afraid.


Afraid of being in a germ infested tube. If we go down, at least I won't have to deal with bird flu when we land.


I've done that long flight, four times. I try to sleep most of it, but you always reach a point mid way through the flight that you just want to scream and get out of the plane for some fresh air.

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When my daughter was younger she enjoyed listening to " learning to fly" by Tom Petty before we took off. i recomend it for anyone.


The fact you quoted above your post is either a hilarious coincidence or comic genius.


Generally, anything terminally boring and sleep-inducing will work to assuage flying fears. Though next time, you might want to go with something less abusive than Tom Petty music. Like heroin and vodka...


:lol: :lol:

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