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Marcel Dareus named AFC Defensive Player of the Week


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But he failed his conditioning test! They should have cut him. Honestly, being on the field is the best thing for him. He can be the best DT in the NFL if he wants to be. I pray his head is right and he stays focused.

He's looking more and more like the 3rd overall pick. Good time to turn it on, with Kyle out last week, Now for the *Pats.
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With regard to Mario......I am a huge fan of his and was one of the very few on this forum who thought that it was both plausible and made sense for the Bills to pursue him in FA......but that said, why is he NOT a loser? He hasn't won. He signed with a team with a very mediocre outlook for the big money and the possibility of being out of the limelight, which he doesn't care for. That doesn't really scream that he is all about winning either.

This is a rare occasion in which I am not quite sure I agree with you.


In these parts, NYC Police Officers earn approx. $50,000.00 less per year than suburban cops who do a literal fraction of the work. NYC Police Officers take WAY more political and physical risks. It is a better life to be a police officer in Old Brookville, NY or in NYC? Who really WINS Badol?


That said, Mario, from what I can see, gives it his all on virtually every down. It is clear to me that he cares big time about winning football games. His salary is sick, but he earns it imo. He makes the players around him better and he plays hurt.


Imo if the Bills make the playoffs this season, Mario will be a huge reason. If he gets hurt, our chances are bleak, or so I see it.


I think that Mario is a true professional, and one of the greatest players in the history of the franchise.

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This is a rare occasion in which I am not quite sure I agree with you.


In these parts, NYC Police Officers earn approx. $50,000.00 less per year than suburban cops who do a literal fraction of the work. NYC Police Officers take WAY more political and physical risks. It is a better life to be a police officer in Old Brookville, NY or in NYC? Who really WINS Badol?


That said, Mario, from what I can see, gives it his all on virtually every down. It is clear to me that he cares big time about winning football games. His salary is sick, but he earns it imo. He makes the players around him better and he plays hurt.


Imo if the Bills make the playoffs this season, Mario will be a huge reason. If he gets hurt, our chances are bleak, or so I see it.


I think that Mario is a true professional, and one of the greatest players in the history of the franchise.

I'm with you on this Bill. The most underrated part about Mario is how great he is against the run. A lot of good pass rushers just go upfield. He is just about as good as any 4-3 DE against the run. He often sacrifices personal stats and glory for the betterment of the team.
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I would respect him so much more if he did but he won't. He called Mario a loser on WGR last offseason and never stated he was wrong. It's the great part of being a sports "journalist." Zero accountability. Guys like Sullivan, Skip Bayless, Cowherd are never wrong.


I've heard stories from guys who worked in the business of other journalists standing in front of Sullivan so the likes of HOF players wouldn't attack him. Also in Buffalo we had Jim Kelley and the Sabres incident.


They're not paid to be fans and they're paid to give an opinion. Eating crow on the Dareus comments would give be the right thing for Sullivan to do. Guys like Bayless and Cowherd sold their soles a while back. ESPN radio is good but Cowherd goes by the same script as Bayless and Stephen A. Smith, LeBron, Cowboys, Brady. Cowherd throws in USC but they've given up content for ratings. Unfortunately this is what people listen to. While any sports fan with a brain turns off.


As for Dareus get the extension done.

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@MarkLud12: Dareus on partnership with Kyle Williams: "That's my other half. We're salt & pepper and we're going to do the best we can to shake 'em up."


And he did Sunday without Kyle. Pay the man!

Then keep him motivated!

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And he did Sunday without Kyle. Pay the man!

Then keep him motivated!

I was going to respond to the earlier post mentioning no KW

Another reason this defensive win was a prety huge team effort. and Marcel giving it all. just the snap count was stupid. Guys that size cant do that !?

just our Mr big Stuff havin some fun.

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I would respect him so much more if he did but he won't. He called Mario a loser on WGR last offseason and never stated he was wrong. It's the great part of being a sports "journalist." Zero accountability. Guys like Sullivan, Skip Bayless, Cowherd are never wrong.


Sullivan is NOT a journalist - he is a columnist. There is a difference between the two and Sullivan illustrates it completely.

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