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A Tale of Two Owners- Role Reversal


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I had a thought, I wondered if it was the other way around, would Ralph Wilson, who initially invested the $25K or $50K (whatever) to obtain the Bills francise, would ante in for $1.4B (or whatever) if he were in Pegula's shoes, even taking into account the time value of money? Seems unlikely to me. What say you?

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I had a thought, I wondered if it was the other way around, would Ralph Wilson, who initially invested the $25K or $50K (whatever) to obtain the Bills francise, would ante in for $1.4B (or whatever) if he were in Pegula's shoes, even taking into account the time value of money? Seems unlikely to me. What say you?

sometimes it's best to keep those thoughts to yourself.
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Another question might be. if the Anchor never invented Buffalo wings.And, they were invented in Detroit? Well, Detroit wings really doesn't have a good ring too it. Would they still have been called Buffalo wings? So many questions......


Life's big questions. Certainly something to ponder.

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