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Roger Goodells Failures as Commissioner

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  1. Patriots "spygate" coverup scandal
  2. Botched the NO "bountygate" scandal
  3. Either incompetence or a coverup on the Rice Rice scandal
  4. League wide lockout in 2011
  5. Referee Lockout in 2012
  6. Overstepped his bounds telling Michael Vick not to go to Buffalo as a FA

Goodells body of work as commissioner has been a disaster. I'm sure there is other hypocrisy and/or incompetence.

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  1. Patriots "spygate" coverup scandal
  2. Botched the NO "bountygate" scandal
  3. Either incompetence or a coverup on the Rice Rice scandal
  4. League wide lockout in 2011
  5. Referee Lockout in 2012
  6. Overstepped his bounds telling Michael Vick not to go to Buffalo as a FA

Goodells body of work as commissioner has been a disaster. I'm sure there is other hypocrisy and/or incompetence.



The NFL says Cha -Ching $$$$$ That's what they really care about.

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i enjoy that the vick to buffalo incident made the top 6.


This is a Bills forum and a commissioner that interferes with teams trying to attract FA's I find very troubling. However it is nowhere as egregious as spygate and bountygate.


The NFL says Cha -Ching $$$$$ That's what they really care about.


The NFL will make boats loads of money whether Goodell is in the picture or not.

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Big trouble, that'll never come to light.

What I don't understand is why this video even matters? This should have been the original outcome of the Rice incident. He admitted to assaulting her and then obviously the first video shows him dragging her unconscious body across the lobby. But...how did everyone think she became unconscious in the first place? Why did video matter? It was established he knocked her unconscious based on the first video. This doesn't change anything in my mind. We all knew this is what happened.
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The video only matters because it comes after the NFL admitted that they handled the situation poorly. It created an untenable PR situation, which then spurred this reaction. Had the NFL acted more aggressively at first--say with a year, or even a half-year suspension--my guess is Ray Rice would still be a Raven.


I am glad the league decided to use this opportunity to right an earlier wrong, but no one should imagine they would have done it without this new public disclosure and the resulting embarrassment.

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What I don't understand is why this video even matters? This should have been the original outcome of the Rice incident. He admitted to assaulting her and then obviously the first video shows him dragging her unconscious body across the lobby. But...how did everyone think she became unconscious in the first place? Why did video matter? It was established he knocked her unconscious based on the first video. This doesn't change anything in my mind. We all knew this is what happened.

They knew they botched it in the first place and needed something else to reassess the suspension. They knew about it but no one had seen it yet, therefore it is new evidence which can be used against him.

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I think Goodell handled this one poorly, but to me he is like Jerry Sullivan. People love to rag on him but he's very good at his job (description) and his employers probably love him.




But in addition to all of the listed, I hate that he is trying to expand the NFL internationally. Sending a team to London is absurd. It may not happen, but it shouldn't even be in consideration.

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They knew they botched it in the first place and needed something else to reassess the suspension. They knew about it but no one had seen it yet, therefore it is new evidence which can be used against him.

I see what you're saying, but didn't Rice admit to knocking out his fiancee in the elevator? Isn't his statement to police and to the NFL evidence? This is just video confirmation of evidence Goodell already had (Rice's verbal statement of what happened), so I don't think it truly qualifies as new evidence. Edited by ko12010
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I see what you're saying, but didn't Rice admit to knocking out his fiancee in the elevator? Isn't his statement to police and to the NFL evidence? This is just video confirmation of evidence Goodell already had (Rice's verbal statement of what happened), so I don't think it truly qualifies as new evidence.

I guess it depends. In court cases a verbal statement and video confirmation are normally consider two separate pieces of evidence even though they are they same thing. At least that's what svu thinks.

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I see what you're saying, but didn't Rice admit to knocking out his fiancee in the elevator? Isn't his statement to police and to the NFL evidence? This is just video confirmation of evidence Goodell already had (Rice's verbal statement of what happened), so I don't think it truly qualifies as new evidence.

What I had read indicated he was defending himself which was part of the reason for leniency. Viewing the video, that excuse no longer holds water.

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I think Goodell handled this one poorly, but to me he is like Jerry Sullivan. People love to rag on him but he's very good at his job (description) and his employers probably love him.


I think Roger has probably botched a few of these decisions, but no decision would make everyone happy. As much as we think we'd love his job, it's fairly thankless if you care about fan reaction. All in all, I'd say he is doing a decent job.



I see what you're saying, but didn't Rice admit to knocking out his fiancee in the elevator? Isn't his statement to police and to the NFL evidence? This is just video confirmation of evidence Goodell already had (Rice's verbal statement of what happened), so I don't think it truly qualifies as new evidence.


From what I hear, the NFL bought the bill of goods they were sold: His wife said she provoked him, and possibly said she hit him first. Perhaps he presented the knockout blow as a defensive move that ended up being too strong---a mistake of sorts. The video blows that story out of the water.

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I think Roger has probably botched a few of these decisions, but no decision would make everyone happy. As much as we think we'd love his job, it's fairly thankless if you care about fan reaction. All in all, I'd say he is doing a decent job.





From what I hear, the NFL bought the bill of goods they were sold: His wife said she provoked him, and possibly said she hit him first. Perhaps he presented the knockout blow as a defensive move that ended up being too strong---a mistake of sorts. The video blows that story out of the water.

Ok, got it now. Didn't know he claimed some form of self-defense.
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