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The Bills are not your problem.

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I agree with the OP. Anticipating total failure seems a crazy way to enter a season, or the Ralph on game day.


And might I add


If every mistake by a Bills player or a team loss is due to the referees or bad luck, the Bills are not your problem.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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EJ worries me plenty, but is the O line that takes the prize. After no playoffs since 1999, I expect progress and times when they play well in preseason and I didn't see it. . Last second hunting for a QB just appears to reflect poor management. EJ was described as a reach and has played like it. The other problem is NOT Sammy Watkins, but all they gave up for him especially 2015''s #1. This has not earned the benefit of the doubt.

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Look man, I appreciate people being passionate about the team but this drivel that demands all cheer for a certain player simply by the virtue of the player being on the roster is ridiculous.


I will cheer when/if EJ throws a TD. I'll cheer because TDs are good things.


But I don't have to be happy about EJ being our QB and quite frankly I'm not. This doesn't make me a bad fan or a bad person.

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The irony is that the OP's attitude about things is just as goofy as the attitude of those he is calling out. It may be silly to say the sky is falling before game 1, but unless and until the Bills actually perform at a playoff team level on a consistent basis, it is just as silly to be overly optimistic. Fact is the team is one big fat question mark waiting to be answered. Given how the last 14 years have played out, hoping for the best but fearing the worst is about as optimistic as I can muster.

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The irony is that the OP's attitude about things is just as goofy as the attitude of those he is calling out. It may be silly to say the sky is falling before game 1, but unless and until the Bills actually perform at a playoff team level on a consistent basis, it is just as silly to be overly optimistic. Fact is the team is one big fat question mark waiting to be answered. Given how the last 14 years have played out, hoping for the best but fearing the worst is about as optimistic as I can muster.

Perhaps a name change for you is in order?






I leave the house, prepared to spend my 5-7 hours attending a Bills game. Having bought my tickets online, and spent even more cash on the usual Bills game accessories, I go to the game, because I am a Bills fan, and I root/cheer/enjoy the team. When the team comes on to the field, I cheer, and during the game, I cheer, because the object of the entire day is: having fun. Entertainment.


It would be "ironic" if I did all the preparations, walked into the game, and proceeded to act like a petulant child, and refused to enjoy myself, before the game even starts :wacko: (um, the timing aspect could also be: ironic) Especially if I decide that no one else in my section is allowed to enjoy themselves, because my right to constantly, loudly complain, supersedes all.


See? The..."irony"...here is in the person who chooses to spend their money on season tickets, just to be petulant? They can be petulant in their garage. Why spend the significant $ on quality tickets, and all the rest at a Bills game?


Hmmmm....perhaps because they know that other people will, unfortunately for them, be their captive audience for the next 3 hours? It begs the question: why did they leave the house? WTF is the purpose?


If we assume all behavior is purposeful, they must have left the house for some reason. That reason is NOT to cheer for the Bills, or enjoy the game. As stated above, they specifically stated "I can't wait to hear the boos raining down at halftime". What "fan" of the Bills ancipates boos...with enthusiasm? :wacko: Come now. Logically, they must be here some other reason.


This leaves us with only one possible conclusion:

The Bills are not their problem. Clearly, they didn't come here as a "fan". Their behavior, and the dictionary, prove that.


Thus, they came to the game as "something else". They came for "other reasons".


I can't speculate, but, normatively, these "other reasons"? They are resloved with medication/counseling. The Bills success or failure on the field? Neither will resolve the truly ironic behavior they displayed at the game.


I agree with the OP that the Bills are not my problem. My problem is with the OP. ;)

Choose wisely Kelly: do you really want me to be your personal problem?





I thought not.

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