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I've been missing for 7 + weeks


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Part 2

My brother and bil rented a truck and packed my stuff from storage in a day.On Tuesday 7/29, My brother and i flew to Buffalo while my bil (he's a truck driver for 30 years) drove my stuff east.He made to back in about 62 hours.(6AM Tuesday- 8 PM Thursday)

I'm 57. I have no problem speaking but have a problem remembering words.I don't use that often. Had a problem remembering the word rehab until I used it enough. I drool a little bit while laying in bed. I keep hitting the wrong keys while typing. My long term memory is great I forget a celebrities' mame ( but I have done that for years).My vision is out of focus and I need a magnifying glass to read my iPhone. That has been getting netter slowly but surely. I need to use a walker outside because of balance problems. I can get around in the house without it.My day now includes (while warm) going outside.I can negotiate the 3 stairs outside by myself and walking the 100 feet or so down the driveway to the mailbox. I then sit out in the sun for a while. This can tire me out and often I will come inside to nap for the rest of the afternoon.

I too drool while laying in bed. Should I see a doctor?
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you're not coming to the Two Bills Drive Annual Home Opener Tailgate?


He can make it! Get all healed up Wacka and milk it for what's it worth! ;-) When my brother fell off his semi loading cars a few years ago... Breaking his one ankle and the other foot... He made it to the game in a wheel chair... All his buddies where chomping @ the bit to push him around... That way they get better seats than sitting in the nosebleeds crammed inbetween fat people! I think they changed the rules now... You can only have one "handler" tagging along with the chair... Thanks Bro! He probably had 2 or 3 saying they needed to push him around! LoL... And of course hold the extra brews on the wheelchair! LoL... He shot some views from the handicap section... Nice seats!

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My wife knows to hop on...


Now that levity has broken the seriousness...


Sorry, couldn't resist Gug! Glad the BP is full check mode! I don't think the wife if helping...


Oh... I am going silent and deadly... And if I make it and pull through, I am springing back to drop the hammer and spoil the party! LoL...


Naw... I got a contingency plan... You guys know who to reach... ;-)


But back to seriousness... I still wonder and worry about StuckInCincy (Pete).... Grumpy old son of a gone that put all us other grumpy son of a gones to shame, but a heck of nice guy! You too Wacka, hang in there!!!!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Just get me 2 free tickets (me and a driver) and I'll be there!

I did't drool before. I was always coughing up phlegm before, but stopped after the stroke.

The porn - I had several vivid dreams the last month, so that part of my brain still works.

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Just get me 2 free tickets (me and a driver) and I'll be there!

I did't drool before. I was always coughing up phlegm before, but stopped after the stroke.

The porn - I had several vivid dreams the last month, so that part of my brain still works.

Better start building up your endurance, I'm sure that someone will come through for you!
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Bills fans are the best! Firmly well grounded (okay, well most of you... FU JA... ;-P ) down to earth people on the planet... Much more during times of duress (I guess there is a lot of practice) like this with Wacka!


Oh, and ain't it nice to see two silly kids so much in love... Beer and Gug sitting in a tree... Crazy kids! They sure make me blush.


Now, who's gonna fabricate the custom wheelchair for Wacka? It's gotta have 4 cup holders and a place to stash the cooler and spare sandwich, bottle of Frank's & Maria's bleu cheese. Dude just had a stroke, no need to start eating carrots and celery now! That's what the heavy medication and blood thinners are for. Chair must be scarlet, royal, & white, +50 hp, but in times of trouble and when Bills employees ARE LOOKING, needs to be manually pushed by 2 (hence the 4 cup holders) well meaning friends/aides willing to mooch along for a great handicap seat! And forget about parking up close by the stadium, that's for babies, Pats*, Fins, & Jets fans! It's the walk/roll to the gate that makes the event memorable... Hence the spare pusher. You know, in case the first buddy stumbles being blind drunk and all! Or... Gets run down by the overpowered wheel chair during a fit of blind Kevin Ward Jr. rage. Leave 'em and press on to the gate! That means, 2 double Platimun Prime parking @ Hammers! Quite a mission that Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold would be proud of! Screw winter, this has to be done during the month of September when the BFLO sun is good and cool! Leave moving cannons during the dead of winter to those aforementioned military greats!



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Wow. Very strange stuff. Glad you made it through. I know it's been said, but us old guys really do need to go to the doctor on occasion. Nothing wrong with having something checked out if you aren't feeling yourself.


So, three nuns are walking through Central Park when they come across a flasher. Never having seen a naked man before (let alone one whipping off his trenchcoat and baring it all in a park) the first nun has a stroke. The second nun also has a stroke. But the third nun doesn't touch it.

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