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Browns fans still pissed off at Modell

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I can understand how the fans feel. I was in Cleveland last year for a week for meetings with work. Talking to some of the other locals at the hotel at night for dinner, you can hear the vile they feel for Modell.


On the other side, I looked into it, and Ohio was somewhat screwing Modell out of upgrading the stadium, etc..


He proclaims he couldn't be profitable there. Then from the fans side, they watch their team go off, win a SB in 3 yrs. and have a mostly a winning franchise in Baltimore for years.


Then again, they did get a team, a new stadium, and their losing ways like ours has been poor mismanagement, coaching, drafting, poor choices for free agents, and so on.


I'm happy for Cleveland getting Labron, buzz from Manziel, a more talented defense, and I think Pettine will be a good coach. I commented recently how happy I was for the city to finally have their team possibly on the right path.


The urinating thing is disgusting. That should never happen. Modell was actually one of the true innovating owners in the NFL. He broke race barriers with Jim Brown, Ernie Davis, and so on. He was instrumental in the original TV deals and revenue sharing. He was one of the innovators for MNF. He's done a ton for football.


Even with the Cleveland bad blood, he should go into the HOF for his contributions to the game for 50+ years.

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This anger folks feel about moving is part of the reason I am confident the NFL will force any new owner to keep the Bills here.


Ralph did the locals a great favor by forcing any new owner to have to spend seven years wallowing in a death march if he decides to move the team and the Tv nets which provide the lionshare of the bucks to the NFL owners would find the whining which we Bills fans would do a horrible piece of storytelling.


This and the fact that any move simply means throwing away the money of 45,000 season ticket holders and all the other cash streams which are birds in hand for even a new larger cash stream from a bigger local market is not without cost.


The Bills will almost certainly stay and Ralph avoids the Modell fate.

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I'm not saying what this fan did was okay (it clearly wasn't). However, I'm not going to feel sorry for Modell. He made his money and earned his legacy, and he was within his rights to do so. Nevertheless, you reap what you sow.

Edited by fallen627
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This anger folks feel about moving is part of the reason I am confident the NFL will force any new owner to keep the Bills here.


Ralph did the locals a great favor by forcing any new owner to have to spend seven years wallowing in a death march if he decides to move the team and the Tv nets which provide the lionshare of the bucks to the NFL owners would find the whining which we Bills fans would do a horrible piece of storytelling.


This and the fact that any move simply means throwing away the money of 45,000 season ticket holders and all the other cash streams which are birds in hand for even a new larger cash stream from a bigger local market is not without cost.


The Bills will almost certainly stay and Ralph avoids the Modell fate.


Ralph Wilson had nothing to do with the provisions of that lease, it was entirely the state's conditions of protecting their monetary investment in a facility that serves no purpose if the team left WNY. Let's not make a Martyr out Ralph Wilson, he did just as much damage as he did good in the way he refused to sell the team until after his death. I am sad he has passed, but I do not for one second think he did us any favors.

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Browns fans are idiots and mindless whiners.


Art Modell had the decency to leave their franchise name in town - and the NFL gave them a team back after just 4 years. FOUR years!!


Do you think Buffalo would get another team back in four years??




Yep we could if we are tough. The NFL has clearly shown they can bebat.


The threat we would have to be led in Congress by Schumer in the Senate and some local GOP member of the House. The NFL has a limited exemption from antitrust laws which allows them to collaborate and break laws other US businesses operate under. Merely a serious threat to force this business to operate inmore of a free market system scares them.


I know most folks know that Buff municipal leaders are fools but I understand from folks I know in Cleveland that their city leaders are similar idiots so this threat is a real tool.


Also in the first renegotiation of the CBA Gene Upshaw key final outcomes even before reneg and they rolled the NFL in this reneg.


They can be beaten even by idiots.

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What's with all the moralizing???!!! If Jon Bon Jovi bought the bills and moved them to Toronto, how many on this board would be calling for his hide?? EVERYBODY!!! Pissing on his grave??? Yeah, I'd be a pretty old man by then, but I would happily relieve myself on his tombstone.

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What's with all the moralizing???!!! If Jon Bon Jovi bought the bills and moved them to Toronto, how many on this board would be calling for his hide?? EVERYBODY!!! Pissing on his grave??? Yeah, I'd be a pretty old man by then, but I would happily relieve myself on his tombstone.


So you would wiz on his grave?

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