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Another NRA wetdream:1 dead, 3 injured campus shooting

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Obama Praises Australia’s Gun-Confiscation

By Charles C W Cooke


Speaking to users of the blogging platform, Tumblr, President Obama today

Australia’s confiscation of firearms. Per Business Insider:

Obama cited favorably Australia’s enactment of gun-control laws after a single mass shooting. Australia’s laws, and the drop in gun violence that followed them, have often been
as an argument by gun-control supporters in the U.S. as a model.



In other words, the president of the United States just praised a government for forcefully removing all semi-automatic firearms (i.e. pretty much all of the guns in America) from its citizenry.


Let me be clear, as Obama likes to say:You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program. That is Australia’s law.


When the Left says that we should respond to shootings as Australia did, they don’t mean that we should institute background checks on private sales; they mean that they we should ban and confiscate guns. No amount of wooly words can change this. Again, one doesn’t bring up countries that have confiscated firearms as a shining example unless one wishes to push the conversation toward confiscation.


Worryingly, Obama appears not to understand how the American background check system actually works. He would like to see an arrangement, he said, in which anybody who wishes to buy a weapon has to “go through a fairly rigorous process so we know who you are, so that you can’t just walk up to a store and buy a semi-automatic weapon.”


This is already the case.


Under federal law, nobody in the United States can buy a gun from a store without a background check. The question at hand is whether one should have to undergo a background check when one sells a gun privately. Some states require residents to do so; others don’t. It is beyond astonishing that a president who considers the failure to reform the background-check regime to be the defining failure of his presidency has not yet bothered to acquaint himself with how the system operates.


Obama gave the impression that gun-violence is on the increase. This is false. As both Pew and the Department of Justice recorded last year, the majority of Americans believe that gun violence is proliferating when it is in fact dropping.


This year marked a 20-year low. More than anything, America has a copycat problem in its schools.

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And the hits just keep on coming ....


"Armor-clad gunman kills high school student during gym class"

A teen gunman opened fire with a military-style rifle inside a suburban Oregon high school Tuesday morning, killing a student and wounding a teacher, officials said.


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Shocking. Luckily the school is also an alcohol and drug free zone, so there's no possible way our precious youth have access to either of those things.


Maybe we should model ourselves after Mexico. They have extraordinarily strict gun laws. We'll just bury our heads in the sand and ignore the murder rate that's 500% worse than ours and pretend we'd be more like the island nations of England and Australia.


!@#$, liberals are stupid.

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Yeah because we all know that armed guards never kill anyone ....reports like this are liberal media lies!!!


Marine guard shoots, kills another guard at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/marine-guard-shoots-colleague-camp-lejeune-article-1.1750109#ixzz34HZtsFfR

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Shocking. Luckily the school is also an alcohol and drug free zone, so there's no possible way our precious youth have access to either of those things.


Maybe we should model ourselves after Mexico. They have extraordinarily strict gun laws. We'll just bury our heads in the sand and ignore the murder rate that's 500% worse than ours and pretend we'd be more like the island nations of England and Australia.


!@#$, liberals are stupid.



Careful.....As I am sure you know....we have the most LIBERAL gun laws in the industrialized world....

Edited by baskin
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Yeah because we all know that armed guards never kill anyone ....reports like this are liberal media lies!!!


Marine guard shoots, kills another guard at North Carolina’s Camp Lejeune


Read more: http://www.nydailyne...9#ixzz34HZtsFfR

You mean reports with absolutely zero details? You might want to see someone who can prescribe you something to counteract the estrogen in your system.


Is there a downside to this one?

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I guess I'm confused. If guns are banned from that school zone, how did the student possess a gun there? He wasn't allowed to possess one on school property, after all.


Isn't it true that people will obey gun bans and that banning guns will apparently somehow make people who intend to violate laws and cause harm not violate laws and cause harm? I mean, that's what libtards want us to believe, right?

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not if you're the NRA, because we all know the answer to gun violence is more guns!!!!!


The sloganeering from idiots like you never gets tired. We get it, you need a boogieman to blame for the violence that human beings have wrought on each other throughout history. So the NRA it is.



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The sloganeering from idiots like you never gets tired. We get it, you need a boogieman to blame for the violence that human beings have wrought on each other throughout history. So the NRA it is.




Oh, just stop. The secret's out. The NRA's sole reason for existence is to put a gun in everyone's hand and make them use it. They get paid by the murder, you know.


I don't know how JtSP found out. I thought that memo was secret - I sure didn't give it to him.

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I don't know how JtSP found out. I thought that memo was secret - I sure didn't give it to him.


I'm going to have to raise my hand here and say, "my bad", on that one. I may have left the memo where he could get to it.


At least he doesn't know the secret handshake.

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I'm going to have to raise my hand here and say, "my bad", on that one. I may have left the memo where he could get to it.


At least he doesn't know the secret handshake.


Yes, but don't say anything because as of this moment he thinks it involves a 7th round draft pick, a piece of cake and some gay tongue action.

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