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ESPN Poll regarding Buffalo Bills

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Wow, appears NFL fans do not think the Bills will be winning anytime soon ...



Will the Bills leave Buffalo?

    27% Yes, within a few years

    29% Yes, but not until at least 2020

    44% No

(Total votes: 20,106)

    Is Buffalo big enough to support an NFL franchise?

      67% Yes

      33% No

    (Total votes: 17,574)[*]



    Which would be the best destination if the Bills were to move?

      6% London

      58% Los Angeles

      36% Toronto

    (Total votes: 16,793)[*]



    When will the Bills next make the playoffs?

      11% 2014

      18% 2015

      24% 2016

      47% 2017 or later

    (Total votes: 15,990)[*]



    When will the Bills next contend for a Super Bowl title?

      3% Next season

      6% Within the next 3 years

      12% Within the next 5 years

      28% Within the next 10 years

      51% Not within the next 10 years

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Wow, appears NFL fans do not think the Bills will be winning anytime soon ...



Will the Bills leave Buffalo?

  • 27% Yes, within a few years
  • 29% Yes, but not until at least 2020
  • 44% No

(Total votes: 20,106)

  • Is Buffalo big enough to support an NFL franchise?

      67% Yes

      33% No

    (Total votes: 17,574)[*]

    Which would be the best destination if the Bills were to move?

      6% London

      58% Los Angeles

      36% Toronto

    (Total votes: 16,793)[*]

    When will the Bills next make the playoffs?

      11% 2014

      18% 2015

      24% 2016

      47% 2017 or later

    (Total votes: 15,990)[*]

    When will the Bills next contend for a Super Bowl title?

      3% Next season

      6% Within the next 3 years

      12% Within the next 5 years

      28% Within the next 10 years

      51% Not within the next 10 years

The average NFL fan couldn't name 5 players on the Bills. I don't think they are the best group to poll about our future chances.

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The average NFL fan couldn't name 5 players on the Bills. I don't think they are the best group to poll about our future chances.

And the average NFL fan using ESPN.com could name you two of the colors on the jersey and maybe CJ Spiller and Mario Williams.

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All this negative Buffalo speculation is really getting old...


Exactly...I thought I was negative about this team... Good grief... :doh:


The other day The NFL Network was focusing on the AFC East and basically only asking if the Bills can avoid being in last place again...I mean...OK...I understand NE is the favorite and that's the end of that conversation...But the Bills were 3-1 vs the Jets and Miami last year...They beat Miami twice with Thad Lewis at QB and shut them out the 2nd time...And they were probably one Justin Rogers away from sweeping those two teams...So...Is the question really what can the Bills do to stay out of last place? Or instead is it can the Bills do enough this off season to pass the Jets and Miami?...


Then there's Charley Casserly who is just giving his opinion but it was overblown especially considering the fact that EJ did have some success as a Rookie in only 10 games...And Daniel Jeremiah, who I like a lot...But the guy is completely and totally oblivious to the fact that the Bills signed Brandon Spikes this off season...He has brought up the Bills drafting a MLB about 100 times and has not mentioned Spikes name once...Jeremiah is usually MUCH more thorough...I know because there is not a single Path To The Draft, or almost any NFL Network show I have missed over the past two years...Most of them I DVR and watch twice...I just don't get it with Jeremiah ignoring the Spikes signing...At least mention it for Christ's sake...Then there's this...When they talk about the Bills losing Byrd with guys like Willie McGinest it's like the end of the freaking world...But when they talk about the biggest Free Agency moves this off season in the NFC South, and ask McGinest along with a few other ex-jocks, not a single one even mentions Byrd...Not one! Not a peep...So what is it Willie? I mean surely if it's that big a loss for the Bills it has to be one of the more significant pick-ups in the NFC South...Right?...


Look I can be as negative as anyone about this team...My record here on this board is proof positive of that fact...But I think the Bills have had a very good off season all things considered...I think there are three (main) factors that will determine if they can push NE, and yes they can push NE if these three things happen...One...EJ has to play better and play 14-16 games...The better EJ plays the less important all remaining factors become...And I mean all...Two...In order for EJ to be more effective the Bills have to run the ball better when they want to run it, especially when they run it on 1st down...Three...They have to play better, more consistent, Defense vs run...That's it...Plain and simple...Do those three things only and they will win more close games and push for a playoff spot...They have the overall talent...Now they simply need to rough out some edges and get better play at the most important position in the NFL... B-)

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6-10 Forever! That's our image and it won't change in people's minds or League sanctioned programming until the product and the record changes for the better.


We ARE what we are - perennial losers.


That's fine for the average NFL fan with collective IQ's in the single digits...I get that...I even expect it...


But for paid analysts I do expect more...And I don't expect glowing praise either...I simply expect for them to be more thorough and not take the easy way out the way most numb-nuts will...To say the Bills are just a bunch of losers is no where even remotely close to telling the whole story...And I seriously doubt the 5 teams they beat last year (Miami twice of course), or the three other teams that beat them by a FG on the last play of the game, feel the Bills are nothing more than a bunch of 6-10 losers...That's how close the Bills were to being 9-7 and finishing 2nd in the AFC East...Three last-play-of-the-game FG's...I'm certain that's worthy of conversation more favorable than..."The only question for the Bills is can they avoid finishing in last place..." That's all I'm saying...


Objectively I don't see any reason the Bills can't legitimately compete with Miami and the Jets for 2nd in the AFC East...I really don't see how anyone can see it differently unless they simply want to say the Bills always find a way to lose and that's that...But I expect more in depth analysis from paid ex-pros...Maybe it's just me...Maybe it's just easier to blame the Flutie curse and move on... ;)

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That's fine for the average NFL fan with collective IQ's in the single digits...I get that...I even expect it...


But for paid analysts I do expect more...And I don't expect glowing praise either...I simply expect for them to be more thorough and not take the easy way out the way most numb-nuts will...To say the Bills are just a bunch of losers is no where even remotely close to telling the whole story...And I seriously doubt the 5 teams they beat last year (Miami twice of course), or the three other teams that beat them by a FG on the last play of the game, feel the Bills are nothing more than a bunch of 6-10 losers...That's how close the Bills were to being 9-7 and finishing 2nd in the AFC East...Three last-play-of-the-game FG's...I'm certain that's worthy of conversation more favorable than..."The only question for the Bills is can they avoid finishing in last place..." That's all I'm saying...


Objectively I don't see any reason the Bills can't legitimately compete with Miami and the Jets for 2nd in the AFC East...I really don't see how anyone can see it differently unless they simply want to say the Bills always find a way to lose and that's that...But I expect more in depth analysis from paid ex-pros...Maybe it's just me...Maybe it's just easier to blame the Flutie curse and move on... ;)


So long story short is that you feel we might not finish last and there's possibly even a chance we might bear out second to last? And because of that espn is wrong for asking if we can do better than last?

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That's fine for the average NFL fan with collective IQ's in the single digits...I get that...I even expect it...


But for paid analysts I do expect more...And I don't expect glowing praise either...I simply expect for them to be more thorough and not take the easy way out the way most numb-nuts will...To say the Bills are just a bunch of losers is no where even remotely close to telling the whole story...And I seriously doubt the 5 teams they beat last year (Miami twice of course), or the three other teams that beat them by a FG on the last play of the game, feel the Bills are nothing more than a bunch of 6-10 losers...That's how close the Bills were to being 9-7 and finishing 2nd in the AFC East...Three last-play-of-the-game FG's...I'm certain that's worthy of conversation more favorable than..."The only question for the Bills is can they avoid finishing in last place..." That's all I'm saying...


Objectively I don't see any reason the Bills can't legitimately compete with Miami and the Jets for 2nd in the AFC East...I really don't see how anyone can see it differently unless they simply want to say the Bills always find a way to lose and that's that...But I expect more in depth analysis from paid ex-pros...Maybe it's just me...Maybe it's just easier to blame the Flutie curse and move on... ;)

Right on!


The ignorance towards the Bills by some, if not most people, on NFL Network is astounding and pathetic.

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So long story short is that you feel we might not finish last and there's possibly even a chance we might bear out second to last? And because of that espn is wrong for asking if we can do better than last?


It was NFL Network...


And it was not so much that the discussion was about how the Bills can finish better than last...It was more about how the best the Bills can hope for is to not finish last...With the assumption being they would probably finish last because all this team ever does is let their good players walk because they refuse to pay them...


I should also point out that it's not my assumption whatsoever that the Patriots are a given to win the Division...I feel if Manuel plays well enough the Bills have the talent to knock the Pats off their throne...I realize full well I'm in the minority on that one...In my previous post I was referring to the conversations among the talking heads being that it's a given the Pats will finish in 1st...If I can paraphrase what Daniel Jeremiah said the other day on Path to The Draft it was basically forget about the Patriots winning the Division...That is a given...The 2014 season is about if the Patriots can win the SB...So...To me at least...It's a given that all the experts will feel the best any AFC East team can do is finish 2nd to the Pats...So I'm not expecting anyone to consider the Bills for 1st place...Hope that explains where I'm coming from on this...Admittedly this crap bothers me more than it does most people... :lol:

Edited by KOKBILLS
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Yeah, I sat through an entire of hour of Total Access on the NFL Network, for their AFC East preview.


Each team in the division had a special report with an off-site correspondent...except the Bills. The only time they mentioned the Bills as being part of the division was when they took phone calls (all sounded scripted to me)...a question about each team, from a different caller. The Bills question, from a female caller, was something like "What do the Bills have to do to get out of last place in the division...and please, don't let the Bills move to Toronto." First, the busty lady host (can't remember her name) answers the Toronto comment with "move them to LA"....then the panel of "experts", who seem fairly well versed in the Patriots, Jets and Dolphins come up with "they lost Byrd, Peters, that linebacker that went to Jacksonville....Lynch...they need to keep their talented players." Charley Casserly, on the panel, was the only one who gave any indication that he was actually familiar with the team we have in 2014.... he ripped Manuel, but said he still thought Marrone was the right coach, and they had enough talent to challenge for a playoff spot...now back to the Patriots.


BTW- in case you missed it Chesty McCallahan did apologize for her "Bills to LA joke", in a rather condescending way "I know I am going to get a of hate mail from Bills fans for my joke, but it was just a joke...everybody in the NFL wants the Bills to stay in Buffalo"...now back to the Patriots and Jets coverage... Funny thing was, after they previewed all the teams (except the Bills), they had all their correspondents on for a wrap up...again, no mention of the Buffalo Bills. I kind of expect this stuff from ESPN...and I know, the Bills are losers, and "respect" won't come until they start winning more than they lose, but you would think the network devoted to the league would do a better job of covering all 32 teams, as opposed to the same 10 teams, over and over again.


Oh, shoot, gotta go, NFL NETWORK is showing the first Patriots/Giants Super Bowl...AGAIN!!!! It has only been on about 4 times in the last two weeks....can't wait to relive it all again....

Edited by Buftex
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No one expects the spanish inquisition

Buffalo Bills to succeed. Thats why i love them nowadays. Because they are going to rise up and give the Patriots a run for the money this year.

What will suck is the long hold (deathgrip ) the Bills will have on the top of the AFC East rung once they have attained it

Go Bills

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KOK-Tex, (wait.. WHAT?!?) I hear ya and agree NFLN should be more informed than any other networks coverage - and it does suck! Hell, even the hokey NHLN is better at staying atop all it's teams tha NFLN.


One thing I disagree on -and grudgingly agree with them on, is the Pats*. We all thought their age and departed talent would bring them back to earth last year, yet they won the damn Div by Thanksgiving and appeared yet again in the Conference Title Game.


So no more 'this is the year' for either the Bills to finally threaten or NE to finally fall - until these events actually materialize, IMO.

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First, it is an ESPN poll which tells me all I need to know. Secondly, who cares? Results on the field will change people's perception. Looking forward to the draft and the coming season and firmly believing the Bills will compete for a playoff spot.

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Those fans who voted have been right for a decade and a half. So I would say their assessment is highly regarded and they are most likely correct again as usual. Can't blame them for being honest and basing their opinion on proven facts.

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Yeah, I sat through an entire of hour of Total Access on the NFL Network, for their AFC East preview.


Each team in the division had a special report with an off-site correspondent...except the Bills. The only time they mentioned the Bills as being part of the division was when they took phone calls (all sounded scripted to me)...a question about each team, from a different caller. The Bills question, from a female caller, was something like "What do the Bills have to do to get out of last place in the division...and please, don't let the Bills move to Toronto." First, the busty lady host (can't remember her name) answers the Toronto comment with "move them to LA"....then the panel of "experts", who seem fairly well versed in the Patriots, Jets and Dolphins come up with "they lost Byrd, Peters, that linebacker that went to Jacksonville....Lynch...they need to keep their talented players." Charley Casserly, on the panel, was the only one who gave any indication that he was actually familiar with the team we have in 2014.... he ripped Manuel, but said he still thought Marrone was the right coach, and they had enough talent to challenge for a playoff spot...now back to the Patriots.


BTW- in case you missed it Chesty McCallahan did apologize for her "Bills to LA joke", in a rather condescending way "I know I am going to get a of hate mail from Bills fans for my joke, but it was just a joke...everybody in the NFL wants the Bills to stay in Buffalo"...now back to the Patriots and Jets coverage... Funny thing was, after they previewed all the teams (except the Bills), they had all their correspondents on for a wrap up...again, no mention of the Buffalo Bills. I kind of expect this stuff from ESPN...and I know, the Bills are losers, and "respect" won't come until they start winning more than they lose, but you would think the network devoted to the league would do a better job of covering all 32 teams, as opposed to the same 10 teams, over and over again.


Oh, shoot, gotta go, NFL NETWORK is showing the first Patriots/Giants Super Bowl...AGAIN!!!! It has only been on about 4 times in the last two weeks....can't wait to relive it all again....

I agree wholeheartedly, again.


ESPN can do whatever they want, they are not part of a single sports entity.


NFL Network on the other hand is a part of the NFL. I expect them to cover every team with real insight. Not to just cover the teams they love.

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