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Buffalo Bills Fan Advisory Board meeting 4/10

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I'd like to see more video from the pregame locker room on the video board before the game. Would be even better with audio.


Would also be cool to have footage of players and coaches (shot on the sidelines during the game) shown on the video board that same day.


The downside is it would probably be a huge game day editing task and also could cut into their advertising revenue.





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I would like to see really good half time shows. Either great marching bands like the one they had for the Ravens game last year. Or the USMC Silent Drill Team. Or cool rock/pop bands. Or Grambling Marching and. I saw Alice in Chains with the Seattle Rock Orchestra playing Kasmir at a Seahawks game. Usually their half times stink, but this one was cool. You know, stutf like that. Make it a spectacle. Something we get for being at the game that the schmucks at home don't get.


I'd like to see a Bills Band like the Ravens and Redskins have. Or a drumline like Seattle, Chicago, Jacksonville, and KC and probably a few others have. Or maybe a pep band like college basketball teams have.

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Bathroom attendants! We all know that the bathroom situation at the Ralph blows, but what helps here at Soldier field, United Center and Wrigley are bathroom attendants that "enforce" the enrty and exit of the bathrooms. One way in and one way out rather than a free for all trying to get in.


I personally think the player entrance to the field is kinda weak. The portable fire shooters or sparkler machines need to go.


One thing that really bugs me while wathcing the game are all the signs draping over the inner wall of the stadium. Signs such as "byrd's nest" or whatever take away from the solid blue colored wall with our emblem/name. Figure out a better way to advertise the players charitble groups or fan clubs. Please get the Bills to get rid of these signs! The signs look terrible on tv (insert joke about the play on the field).

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I am noticing a theme with the suggestions by many people - more theatrics.


IMHO NFL games need to add things that you can't get at home watching on TV. Most of the changes I've seen in NFL games lately have been to try to make it more like watching it on TV like more fantasy football stats and better cell coverage. That ain't gonna work. If you want to watch the game on TV you're going to watch it on TV no matter how much they try to make the stadium experience like the TV experience.


If they want to keep people coming the games they gotta make it different if not better than watching on TV. More theatrics? Maybe.

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Replays on cell phones! Sunday ticket is shutdown in the stadium, because of the local broadcast. Sometimes I want to see what just happened and the Tron may doing some applause o netter crap. It is technically possible.

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Considering that the Bills have a large out of town following, it would be nice if they could accommodate those fans in some ways. For example, the Bills offer various perks to season ticket and club holders, and sometimes out of town fans can't take advantage of those offerings due to being out of town. Flexible scheduling of these events, where possible, would be appreciated.

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how aboutb better ways of getting the fans invilved than the stupid "cheerometer" on 3rd downs. Things like the Jaws theme on knockoffs. The airhorns on defense. Maybe players making personal appearances on the scoreboards to get everyone up and motivated.


What I always thought would be cool is get videos of players on the jumbotron, like when the defense is on the field, it'd be a player making motions that he can't hear you (cupping his hand to his ear). And when offense is on, they'd be doing the shush motion (finger to lips).


Find a former QB. Have him come in and throw you a TD pass. Go get a former WR or TE and throw them a pass. Get a RB, hand him the ball. Get a shot of that throw it on a mug and someone would buy it to remember the time they handed the ball off to Ken Davis. Or threw a pass to Al Edwards.


Study a playbook with a former backup QB. Oh wait.....


Put a radio feed in the bathrooms. Not asking for video but at least audio.


Wait, the unwashed masses don't have this? We have it in the clubs.

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