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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Are you high?

No. He's a progressive.


here's a prediction: medicaid expansion will happen in all but the most backward states within the next few years. why? because health care systems are pressuring their senators and congressmen to get it done. the partial offset for decreased medicare payments for them is increased medicaid payments for the previously uninsured. that's not happening even in many of the poorest states that desperately need those healthcare jobs and dollars (yup, that map again - the southeastern states are all nonadopters). in effect, the uninsured that would be eligible for medicaid are being used as pawns by the cons. so what else is new? but once that happens, game over.


Thank God the left passed a massive trillion-dollar burden of a law on the American people built on massive lies, false numbers, bribes and threats to address this problem because heaven knows ACA was the only way to make things better.


The only chance you have of sounding less foolish is if gatorman comes to your defense.

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Thank heaven the 50 million formerly uninsured now have their inalienable right to healthcare coverage. Now they can freely exercise their Congressional-given right. Can't wait for the scene at healthcare provider's offices and hospitals when people show up demanding to exercise their "right" to healthcare that the healthcare coverage law doesn't provide. Let the lawsuits begin!


Oh my! Only 858,000 formerly uninsured are now covered? :o


50,000,000 - 858,000 = 49,142,000 to go till this is an unqualified success!


I can hear the new ad campaign now:


"Forty nine million one hundred forty two thousand uninsured people in the land,

Forty nine million one hundred forty two thousand.

You hunt one down and make them sign up... Forty nine million one hundred forty one thousand nine hundred ninety nine uninsured people in the land.


Forty nine million one hundred forty one thousand nine hundred ninety nine uninsured people in the land.

Forty nine million one hundred forty one thousand nine hundred ninety nine.

You hunt one down and make them sign up... Forty nine million one hundred forty one thousand nine hundred ninety eight uninsured people in the land."


Step and repeat Da Capo al coda.


Great work Libs. Simply stunning.

Edited by Nanker
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Thank heaven the 50 million formerly uninsured now have their inalienable right to healthcare coverage. Now they can freely exercise their Congressional-given right. Can't wait for the scene at healthcare provider's offices and hospitals when people show up demanding to exercise their "right" to healthcare that the healthcare coverage law doesn't provide. Let the lawsuits begin!

Ahh... the trickery of the functional differences between positive and negative rights.


If the right to quality healthcare means that other individuals are required to provide it to you, doesn't that logically mean that the right to bear arms requires others to provide you with guns?

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~900k new 'customers', plus all the sub 26 year olds on their parents plans still makes for more people in this country having health insurance.


Not at all perfect. But better than nothing.


I still think we should be switching over to a single payer/universal system, at the very least as base coverage.


Wonder if we'll see the next president/congress overturn the ACA, or if it will evolve into something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_National_Health_Care_Act

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If the right to quality healthcare means that other individuals are required to provide it to you, doesn't that logically mean that the right to bear arms requires others to provide you with guns?



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The Progressive Way: Where trillions of taxpayer dollars to bring you "better than nothing" sounds like a positive thing.

we're still waiting for the republican's amazing alternative plan...oh, wait! it looked very much like the aca initially until it didn't. and then it looked very much like the status quo. now it just looks like obstrutionism.
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we're still waiting for the republican's amazing alternative plan...oh, wait! it looked very much like the aca initially until it didn't. and then it looked very much like the status quo. now it just looks like obstrutionism.


You really need to read more sources, the GOP has no plan fallacy is telling.


Personally, I don't care for many of the features that I read they are proposing, or the "transitional period between policies, but the "no plan" lie just doesn't cut it anymore.




Obama´s Rose Garden phony numbers ´tell´

by Thomas Lifson


The April Fool’s Day show put on in the Rose Garden yesterday was no triumph, but rather an act of desperation, touting “enrollment” numbers generated without any transparency, intended to arrest the downward spiral of Obamacare and the Democratic Party’s electoral prospects. Obama himself gave away the game unintentionally, in what poker players call a “tell” that consisted of two parts.

The first part of the tell was the obvious outright lie told by the president in a “poor me” moment of self-pity. From the official transcript:

And we didn’t make a hard sell. We didn’t have billions of dollars of commercials like some critics did


Billions of dollars of commercials? Even if anyone believed the fairy tales about the Evil Koch Brothers, billions of dollars could not have been spent on anti-Obamacare commercials. That is the budget of an entire presidential campaign, planes, travel, and ubiquitous advertising, the whole nine yards.


The only advertising budget that even approaches that figure is the one spent by the federal and state governments promoting Obamacare. Last summer, the Associated Press tallied up the Obamacare spending plans of the feds and the states, and came up with the figure of $684 million. So lavish a marketing budget covered embarrassments like the $1.7 million tedious Richard Simmons video promoting Covered California:


Even The New York Times reported that:

From January until the end of March, the Centers for Medicare and
Services, which runs the HealthCare.gov site and administers the Affordable Care Act, will have spent $52 million on paid media, officials said.

Not since New Coke has there been an advertising campaign so well-funded and so ineffective.

The second part of the tell was the body language component. Missing from the platform was HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who now becomes the Official Fall Guy.

Once the true numbers for Obamacare are uncovered, she will be blamed. Consider new data from the RAND Corporation, still unpublished, but shared with the Los Angeles Times (which used them in flattering piece on Obamacare) and teased out by the UK Daily Mail:

..just 23 per cent of new enrollees had no insurance before signing up.

And of those newly insured Americans, just 53 per cent have paid their first month's premiums.

If those numbers hold, the actual net gain of paid policies among Americans who lacked
medical insurance
in the pre-Obamacare days would be just 858,298.


That would amount to roughly 2% of the
by President Obama to be the compelling reason for Obamacare’s disruption of the
health insurance
system in the United States.


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The Progressive Way: Where trillions of taxpayer dollars to bring you "better than nothing" sounds like a positive thing.


Trillions of taxpayer dollars on the ACA? Cite? This is news to me. If it is indeed trillions, then we are REALLY dumb for not going to a universal system.

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Trillions of taxpayer dollars on the ACA? Cite? This is news to me. If it is indeed trillions, then we are REALLY dumb for not going to a universal system.


Here's an Obamacare mythbuster website that says as such right here.


What is the cost of ObamaCare? ObamaCare, Obama's new health care law, has a massive impact on health care costs. ObamaCare's cost is estimated at up to net cost of $1.36 trillion dollars by 2023. Although Obamacare's net costs are in the trillions, the law actually reduces the growth in health care spending by tens of billions each year, reduces health care costs for many Americans, helps to insure tens of millions and is estimated to result in an overall net decrease of the deficit.


His first spending bill included $650B just to start the ACA plan in progress.More than half a trillion and the freaking law wasn't even started yet. He used that money to pay off his pals...something we all know by now.


The WH has pissed through trillions, sir, and the sooner you realize how completely incompetent they are, the sooner you can stop the madness and put people in the WH who have, y'know, run something before.

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Trillions of taxpayer dollars on the ACA? Cite? This is news to me. If it is indeed trillions, then we are REALLY dumb for not going to a universal system.

actually, not going to single payor was dumb no matter the cost of the aca. it wasn't politically feasable. but some think the aca is the trojan horse to get us there. i certainly hope so.
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actually, not going to single payor was dumb no matter the cost of the aca. it wasn't politically feasable. but some think the aca is the trojan horse to get us there. i certainly hope so.


American certainly hopes not...


New Quinnipiac poll: Obamacare opposed by America 55-41 and Obama's handling of health care is opposed even more...58-39.


But hey...7.1M are enrolled and it's in the fabric...so who cares what those pesky Americans like, ammiright? Let's face it, the world would be a better place if only progressives made decisions for everyone!! :lol:

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Premiums are not going down. Access has not been expanded. Provider networks are shrinking, reducing choice. These are all consequences of Obamacare. The president mentioned none of it in his Rose garden 'celebration'


The Obama administration is also neglecting to admit that their law is killing jobs. It is strangling hiring. It is killing the work ethic that built this country. The CBO estimates that we will lose the equivalent of more than 2 million jobs’ worth of work hours. Small businesses say that Obamacare is keeping them from expanding their businesses, and keeping them from hiring and growing their workforces. They also say that Obamacare is forcing them to cut hours, which translates into lost wages, for millions of workers. Obama mentioned none of that.


The president criticized Americans who donated their own money to run ads opposing Obamacare. But Barack Obama used government force to take Americans’ money and use that money to promote his law — whether we backed his law or not. . . .Which is worse?



Obama said that now that his law is the law of the land, it cannot be repealed. Also patently false.


It’s unpopular even before the employer mandate kicks in, which is destined to cost tens of millions of Americans the healthcare that they now have. Mr. President, we have a system by which laws and even amendments to the Constitution can be repealed.



Outside the gates of his little ceremony, Democrats remain on the run because Obamacare is wreaking havoc on people’s lives. This president’s “mission accomplished” moment has come. The Democrats will still lose the Senate this year, in part because Barack Obama remains so out of touch

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American certainly hopes not...


New Quinnipiac poll: Obamacare opposed by America 55-41 and Obama's handling of health care is opposed even more...58-39.


But hey...7.1M are enrolled and it's in the fabric...so who cares what those pesky Americans like, ammiright? Let's face it, the world would be a better place if only progressives made decisions for everyone!! :lol:

yup. people that get 3x's what they pay in to medicare back as benefits aren't gonna like it much when costs begin to get reigned in. people playing the health care lottery choosing to go uninsured and really only putting the healthcare systems at risk cuz they have no where near the assets to cover a catastrophic illness aren't gonna like it when they're made to be responsible. and some people don't like it because many of the benefits (especially the medicaid expansion) haven't been fully implemented. add to that outright propaganda against it (every new or old problem in healthcare is blamed on the aca) and an outright war against it by the cons and the results you cited are hardly surprising. they will improve.
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actually, not going to single payor was dumb no matter the cost of the aca. it wasn't politically feasable. but some think the aca is the trojan horse to get us there. i certainly hope so.


That's my view as well.


AFAIK, the whole mandate idea was an old conservative one (as a response to previous attempts to redo the healthcare system), but I guess they dropped support of it sometime in recent years.

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actually, not going to single payor was dumb no matter the cost of the aca. it wasn't politically feasable. but some think the aca is the trojan horse to get us there. i certainly hope so.


Thanks for the confirmation

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yup. people that get 3x's what they pay in to medicare back as benefits aren't gonna like it much when costs begin to get reigned in. people playing the health care lottery choosing to go uninsured and really only putting the healthcare systems at risk cuz they have no where near the assets to cover a catastrophic illness aren't gonna like it when they're made to be responsible. and some people don't like it because many of the benefits (especially the medicaid expansion) haven't been fully implemented. add to that outright propaganda against it (every new or old problem in healthcare is blamed on the aca) and an outright war against it by the cons and the results you cited are hardly surprising. they will improve.

Except costs won't get reined-in and premiums under Obamacaid will continue to rise, eventually pricing most people out. And good luck getting single payer passed.

That's my view as well.


AFAIK, the whole mandate idea was an old conservative one (as a response to previous attempts to redo the healthcare system), but I guess they dropped support of it sometime in recent years.

Not unlike how the Ku Klux Klan was an old Dem idea, eh?

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yup. people that get 3x's what they pay in to medicare back as benefits aren't gonna like it much when costs begin to get reigned in. people playing the health care lottery choosing to go uninsured and really only putting the healthcare systems at risk cuz they have no where near the assets to cover a catastrophic illness aren't gonna like it when they're made to be responsible. and some people don't like it because many of the benefits (especially the medicaid expansion) haven't been fully implemented. add to that outright propaganda against it (every new or old problem in healthcare is blamed on the aca) and an outright war against it by the cons and the results you cited are hardly surprising. they will improve.


Yes, yes...of course it will improve. After all, look how well it's doing after four freaking years. I'm sure the one thing Obamacare needs is more time. And maybe another speech from Obama since we all know its biggest problem was that it just wasn't explained well enough.



Edited by LABillzFan
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