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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Now it's just getting embarrassing for the WH.


Obama Issues Another Delay...for Mid-sized Company Mandate Through 2016.


Someone needs to just abort this abortion and start over.


But we can't. It's the law. Or something like that.


On the plus side, this proves he's a born American. A naturalized citizen is REQUIRED to have a better understanding of the principles of our government than he does.

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"It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice,

if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read,

or so incoherent that they cannot be understood;

if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow." --James Madison




Jonathan S. Tobin:



From its inception, the strategy behind the Obama administration’s implementation of ObamaCare has been simple: to frontload the benefits and postpone the pain and costs of this massive government intrusion into the private sector for as long as possible. This deceitful approach enabled President Obama run for reelection in 2012 on the spurious promise of extending insurance coverage to the poor and those with pre-existing conditions without being held accountable for the problems with the law that would only become apparent in his second term.

Over the course of the last year, as the president’s signature accomplishment debuted with a disastrous rollout, the administration has retreated bit by bit from its insistence on implementing the entire unwieldy and gargantuan edifice on the American people immediately after Obama was safely ensconced in his second term. A dysfunctional website and the president’s broken promises about patients being able to keep their coverage and their doctors has led to the law being dismantled piece by piece as various elements were delayed. Today, yet another element of the law was similarly postponed, by executive order.




The motivation for this latest delay is transparently political. By delaying yet one more element of the law until after the midterm elections, the administration hopes to save some faltering Democratic red-state incumbents who, unlike the president, are faced with the difficult task of running for reelection in the wake of the ObamaCare rollout. Though the pain of the health-care law is already being felt by millions of Americans who have lost their coverage and are facing higher costs for insurance that fails to meet their needs, Democrats are trying to do anything they can to put off the devastating impact the law will have on employers and, by extension, the economy.


But the problem here is not only the flagrantly political nature of this decision. Rather, it is the spectacle of a law being stretched to the breaking point by an administration that thinks it can selectively cherry-pick what parts of the law it will enforce


More at the link:



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The ACA just keeps getting more and more hilarious. Now employers of mid-size companies must swear that certain staffing decisions were not driven by provisions of the ACA.


Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.





Just imagine the IRS on the receiving end of that kind of oath. Geez, next thing you know the IRS will be in charge of the implementation of the ACA.


Oh, wait..........

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The ACA just keeps getting more and more hilarious. Now employers of mid-size companies must swear that certain staffing decisions were not driven by provisions of the ACA.


Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.





Just imagine the IRS on the receiving end of that kind of oath. Geez, next thing you know the IRS will be in charge of the implementation of the ACA.


Oh, wait..........

Businesses must sign a legal document affirming that business decisions were not driven by opperating costs?


I'd laugh at the absurdity if I wasn't already crying about the reality.

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The ACA just keeps getting more and more hilarious. Now employers of mid-size companies must swear that certain staffing decisions were not driven by provisions of the ACA.


Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.





Just imagine the IRS on the receiving end of that kind of oath. Geez, next thing you know the IRS will be in charge of the implementation of the ACA.


Oh, wait..........


That is so unbelievably dumb, I want to see it from a source other than FoxSnooze.

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This needs to be called out, only as the first time in history both Tony Robbins and Thucydides has been referenced in the same sentence.


I can beat it:


Thucydides, Tony Robbins and Celine Dion walked into a bar. Each of them was wearing a "Hello my name is" name tag. The bartender said "What'll it be Tony?". Robbins ordered an energy drink. He then turned and said "What'll it be Thu...Thuc....Thucy....I'll get back to you". He then turned to Celine Dion, who was wearing ONLY a "Hello my name is" name tag and :sick: :sick: :sick::death: .

Edited by 4merper4mer
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I can beat it:


Thucydides, Tony Robbins and Celine Dion walked into a bar. Each of them was wearing a "Hello my name is" name tag. The bartender said "What'll it be Tony?". Robbins ordered an energy drink. He then turned and said "What'll it be Thu...Thuc....Thucy....I'll get back to you". He then turned to Celine Dion, who was wearing ONLY a "Hello my name is" name tag and :sick: :sick: :sick::death: .


This is a fantastic example of trying too hard.

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Democrats, Media Slam President Romney Over Health Care Law Changes


Worst abuse of executive power since Bush admin, Dems say.


By Charles C. W. Cooke


Washington D. C. — In a move certain to please his conservative supporters and infuriate his critics, President Romney announced this afternoon that his administration would make yet another change to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In a terse release, posted without fanfare to the Department of Health and Human Services website, officials revealed that the law’s employer mandate would be suspended until 2016 for all businesses that employ between 50 and 99 people.


The move comes hot on the heels of news that the agency would not be enforcing the provisions in the law that require Americans to buy approved health insurance until after the next election. Now, as then, a simple explanation was forthcoming. “The president won,” a White House aide told National Review Online. “His disdain for the law was ratified by the people. Now he’s going to fundamentally transform it.”

This is an utter disgrace,” griped Senator Chuck Schumer (D, N.Y). “This law was passed through Congress, signed by the previous president, and upheld by the Supreme Court.”


Schumer’s colleague, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, described the Romney administration’s behavior as “the nuclear option.” “This abuse of executive discretion is beyond the pale,” Reid fumed. “I’m a lawyer, I know.” (For more information on the American system of government please take a look at Ezra Klein’s comprehensive explanatory primer, “Our Constitution in Exile: Why Everything President Romney Does Is Illegal,” over at VoxProg. Alternatively, consult Greg Sargent’s excellent Washington Post column, “Article I: A Love Story,” published January 20th, 2013.)


Others went further. “It’s. The. Law,” animated Democratic spokesman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told reporters at a hastily assembled press conference in Miami, barking out each monosyllable and pounding her fist on her desk. “The terrorist, anarchist, hostage-taking neo-confederates in the Republican Party tried for years to delay this in the legislature and now, simply because they have a Senate they dislike, they are trying to do so with the executive branch. It’s a disgrace to the memory of our Founding Persons and it will not stand.”




continues at the link:

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This is a fantastic example of trying too hard.

Sorry if I offended your taste in women.

How many more times are you going to fail, before you realize that you aren't good at this?


You don't realize: I want to laugh. Really.


I can't realize that wish, because you can't realize your limitations.


Tom doesn't realize much, but at least he appreciates.

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How many more times are you going to fail, before you realize that you aren't good at this?


You don't realize: I want to laugh. Really.


I can't realize that wish, because you can't realize your limitations.


Tom doesn't realize much, but at least he appreciates.


This post prompts the mental image of you buried up to your neck in a hole in the ground, upside-down.


Really. It's just that surreal.

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You know the phrase "speaking in tongues?"


You speak in elbows.

All this constant defense of the unfunny, not-Crayonz....ponderous. I wonder, is he part of your 8th grade girls club, or, did somebody just give you 4mer's user/pass, and this is the best you can do? I don't know. Either is plausible. Either way this continues to amuse me.


Please continue. It's been a weird day, and I appreciate too...

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Speaking of amusement, here he is, Ron Fornier(famous here for writing the article that caused me to start the "What if Obama Can't Lead" thread), with his latest hilarity:


Why I'm getting tired of defending Obamacare


:lol: Ron must be striking a nerve here for some of you. Some of you must be getting tired of being forced to sit in the eternal dunking tank, that is Obamacare. Your own party's deceit, lawlessness, and incompetence, keep you in the tank, and also provides us with an endless supply of balls to throw.


The best part of Fornier's work? He has something for every poster here! It's Christmas! (Mostly for me!)

Then officials started fudging numbers and massaging facts to promote implementation, nothing illegal or even extraordinary for this era of spin. But they did more damage to the credibility of ACA advocates.

Hey JuanGuzman: that's your own team saying that. :lol: Still want to come here with your dopey charts, and tell us that these things are credible?


Still waiting for you to explain how "illegal but condoned side payments" = universal health care. What does the word: universal mean to you? Does it mean: The Rich get by on payoffs, and the poor wait 7 months to see the doctor? Nothing like supporting Soviet-style corruption, eh Juan? Boy, you must be tired too.


And of course, here's the birdog section of the post:

Put me in the frustrated category. I want the ACA to work because I want health insurance provided to the millions without it, for both the moral and economic benefits. I want the ACA to work because, as Charles Lane wrote for The Washington Post, the link between work and insurance needs to be broken. I want the ACA to work because the GOP has not offered a serious alternative that can pass Congress.


Unfortunately, the president and his team are making their good intentions almost indefensible.

:rolleyes: Yes, it's moral to lie, cheat, and steal, as Fornier flat out says they have, because you're more moral than others, and your more moral agenda is morally superior. :lol: Fornier/birdog are both wonderful exercises in cognitive dissonance, or, they just don't know what the word moral means. Hint: The Rs do have now, multiple replacement plans, and, lying is not moral. Neither is fudging numbers, or suborning perjury. birdog must be exhausted. He's been carrying the moral superiority water forever.


I'm sure that every other Obamacare "believer" (cause they sure as hell aren't thinkers) is tired of defending a piece of crap law, and a piece of crap president. It's just that Ron Fornier has said what I am sure many of you are thinking.



Tipping point? Not quite, but man, it's coming, isn't it?



I'll leave you with: "You must be kicking yourself...for not walking out when you could. Bad judgment. But...don't you worry, son. It will all be over soon. It hurts, doesn't it? You can't believe what fell. All your dreams... dashed. Hopes down the f'ing drain. Your fate, he is sitting right beside you." (That's B-Man, btw)


But this time? You didn't flop a nut straight. You flopped Democratic political appointees designing a massive system, and managing an enterprise IT project.


You should have folded that hand immediately.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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