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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Obama administration: Health law’s new rules will increase costs for most small businesses.






HHS official found White House in ‘disarray’ months before health law rollout.





Just Die Already! Liberals close their ears to O'care victims.

by Alec Torres






A Bad Doc Fix Congress's command-and-control proposal.




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400k deaths a year due to medical errors, and your fix for that is "single payor"?


Even for you, that's retarded.

the data is enlightening. hospitals in the same system with huge differences in outcomes and costs. why is it so difficult to see that a winning approach would be adoption of best practices with protocols and algorithms as guides? that doesn't necessarily require single payor. it's just much easier to implement in that type of system.

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the data is enlightening. hospitals in the same system with huge differences in outcomes and costs. why is it so difficult to see that a winning approach would be adoptation of best practices with protocols and algorithms as guides? that doesn't necessarily require single payor. it's just much easier to implement in that type of system.


It's not at all difficult to see that - it's self-evident, for the most part.


The ridiculous part is where you reduce everything to socialized medicine - which you then have to dishonestly call "single payor" because you're such a tool.

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From the Annals of Government HealthCare:


Department of Veterans Affairs employees destroyed veterans’ medical records to cancel backlogged exam requests.


Employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) destroyed veterans’ medical files in a systematic attempt to eliminate backlogged veteran medical exam requests, a former VA employee told The Daily Caller.


Audio of an internal VA meeting obtained by TheDC confirms that VA officials in Los Angeles intentionally canceled backlogged patient exam requests.


“The committee was called System Redesign and the purpose of the meeting was to figure out ways to correct the department’s efficiency. And one of the issues at the time was the backlog,” Oliver Mitchell, a Marine veteran and former patient services assistant in the VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center


“We just didn’t have the resources to conduct all of those exams. Basically we would get about 3,000 requests a month for [medical] exams, but in a 30-day period we only had the resources to do about 800. That rolls over to the next month and creates a backlog,” Mitchell said. ”It’s a numbers thing. The waiting list counts against the hospitals efficiency. The longer the veteran waits for an exam that counts against the hospital as far as productivity is concerned.”


By 2008, some patients were “waiting six to nine months for an exam” and VA “didn’t know how to address the issue,” Mitchell said.

VA Greater Los Angeles Radiology department chief Dr. Suzie El-Saden initiated an “ongoing discussion in the department” to cancel exam requests and destroy veterans’ medical files so that no record of the exam requests would exist, thus reducing the backlog, Mitchell said.


Audio from a November 2008 meeting obtained by TheDC depicts VA Greater Los Angeles officials plotting to cancel backlogged exam requests.


“I’m still canceling orders from 2001,” said a male official in the meeting.












You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing: Celebrities Distancing Themselves From ObamaCare.

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the data is enlightening. hospitals in the same system with huge differences in outcomes and costs. why is it so difficult to see that a winning approach would be adoptation of best practices with protocols and algorithms as guides? that doesn't necessarily require single payor. it's just much easier to implement in that type of system.


A national Medical records system is no brainer- the fact that in 2014 we still print records to send to another hospital is ludicrous.

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A national Medical records system is no brainer- the fact that in 2014 we still print records to send to another hospital is ludicrous.


Yeah, given that each state has a say in regulating their own health care, that should be a snap.


I agree in principle (I carry as much of my records as I can get with me)...but what world do you people live in that everything is so damn easy?

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School Districts Limiting Substitute Hours in N.C. Because of Obamacare

By Alec Torres


In school districts across North Carolina, substitute teachers are having their work time cut below 30 hours a week to save school districts from having to pay for their health insurance under the new Obamacare mandates, WITN-NC reports.


“We’ve got a good number of subs who have come to rely on substituting as their primary source of income,” Brock Letchworth of Pitt County Schools said. “Unfortunately when you cut hours you know you’re affecting their livelihood. It’s not something we want to do but it’s something that we’re forced to do because of these mandates that have been put on us.”


Liberal commentators have begun pushing the line that, in reality, no one is actually hurt by Obamacare, and such stories are merely propaganda pushed by right-wingers.


David Perry, a substitute teacher, would disagree. He received an e-mail from the Pitt County school district informing him that substitutes could work only twelve days a month or 90 hours a month. “I felt like they were telling me I couldn’t work when I wanted to work,” Perry said. “Who has a right to tell me I can’t work if a job is available? I was shocked.”






Sebelius: Actually, 7 Million Obamacare Enrollees Was Never Our Goal


this must be a Sebelius look-alike telling NBC on September 30 that success looks like “at least 7 million” enrollees.


What a buffoon..................




Edited by B-Man
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Yeah, given that each state has a say in regulating their own health care, that should be a snap.


I agree in principle (I carry as much of my records as I can get with me)...but what world do you people live in that everything is so damn easy?

the single payor world. it would take time but a single ehr would be much more easily instituted in such a system as would other forms of "standard work".
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Harry Reid goes Baghdad Bob for Obamacare.




Bad, bad Koch brothers.


Posted 18 February 2014 - 02:31 PM



The web site OpenSecrets.org has done a great deal of useful work. Especially helpful are its lists of high-dollar political campaign donor organizations.

The web site's 1989-2014 and 2012-specific lists, to name just two, demonstrate that the hyperventilating on the left and in the establishment press about the eeeevil Koch Brothers is completely out of line:


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"Each spoke of restraining (Massachusett's) health care costs, which now devour about 40 percent of the state budget and are projected to grow. "


Rut roooooooooooooo.



From your link:


Juliette Kayyem, a former homeland security official and Globe op-ed columnist, compared tax increases to casinos, saying, “We need to have a conversation. Taxes are a way to generate revenue in hard times.”

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From your link:


Juliette Kayyem, a former homeland security official and Globe op-ed columnist, compared tax increases to casinos, saying, “We need to have a conversation. Taxes are a way to generate revenue in hard times.”



That actually makes "Brawndo has electrolytes" sound smart.

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Pace of ObamaCare Signups Is Slowing in February.


So even the phony “shopping cart” numbers are below the target.



Harry Reid claims O-care horror stories ‘all untrue’; Epic refutation ensues [videos]







Both Democrats:

Two senior lawmakers from Connecticut have been subpoenaed in a civil racketeering case involving nursing homes and the SEIU.

It’s Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Rosa DeLauro.

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Pace of ObamaCare Signups Is Slowing in February.


So even the phony “shopping cart” numbers are below the target.



Harry Reid claims O-care horror stories ‘all untrue’; Epic refutation ensues [videos]







Both Democrats:

Two senior lawmakers from Connecticut have been subpoenaed in a civil racketeering case involving nursing homes and the SEIU.

It’s Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rep. Rosa DeLauro.

Hopefully they go down. Can't stand that weasel Blumenthal or that fugly wench DeLauro.

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The Uninsured Are Turning Against Obamacare. That’s A Problem.


“Fifty-six percent of those who identified as uninsured in a new poll conducted in February by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a research institution, had an unfavorable view of the health care reform law, compared to just 22 percent who said they view it favorably. The uninsured now see Obamacare less favorably than they did when the enrollment period began in October. As recently as September, more uninsured approved of the law than disapproved.”



The rubes are catching on...........








Obamacare Victims Are “Liars” Says Top Democrat: Denied medication, their long-term doctors, and having premiums and deductibles soar, everyday Americans are now told they’re faking it.






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Anybody know what a cargo cult is? http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Cargo_cult


The more I read/hear/think about this, the more "Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance" hardens as the very best way to describe WTF is happening here...from a anthropological context, but really? From any context.


Think about it:

The Melanisian cult members don't know a damn thing about how to build/fly/land a plane, or how to make cargo. But, they've seen planes, and they want that cargo.

The leftist cult members don't know a damn thing about how to create/market/sell health insurance. But, they've seen health insurance, and they want that cargo(votes).


So, what does each group do? They create their imitation of what they've seen. However, it's infused with their own previously held beliefs, and, due to the lack of understanding of how the thing they are imitating actually works, any "hole" in their design, is conveniently filled in by those beliefs.


And, hold on, this gets creepy. :lol: From the wiki:

Early theories of cargo cults began from the assumption that practitioners simply failed to understand technology, colonization, or capitalist reform; in this model, cargo cults are a misunderstanding of the trade networks involved in resource distribution and an attempt to acquire such goods in the wake of interrupted trade. However, many of these practitioners actually focus on the importance of sustaining and creating new social relationships, with material relations being secondary.

Um....yep. But hold on, it's get's creepier.

a "big man" political system in which individuals gained prestige through gift exchanges. The more wealth a man could distribute, the more people in his debt, and the greater his renown. Those who were unable to reciprocate were identified as "rubbish men".


Since the modern manufacturing process is unknown to them, members, leaders, and prophets of the cults maintain that the manufactured goods of the non-native culture have been created by spiritual means, such as through their deities and ancestors. These goods are intended for the local indigenous people, but the foreigners have unfairly gained control of these objects through malice or mistake.[9] Thus, a characteristic feature of cargo cults is the belief that spiritual agents will, at some future time, give much valuable cargo and desirable manufactured products to the cult members.[9]

:o :o Hair starting to rise up on the back of our neck a little?


Since the process of insurance is unknown to them(the idiots who created Obamacare), it therefore must be created by "evil" means. Thus, the righteous must create insurance by "good" means, as insurance is intended for all people. The stockholders of insurance companies have unfairly gained control of insurance through malice or mistake. :wallbash:


Spiritual Agents(otherwise know as the Main Stream Media), at some future time, will give the valuable cargo(approval of Obamacare) to the leftists(the dirty little pigmies in our story). Yes, sometime in the "future", "people", will "love Obamacare".


Hence the ritualistic dances, and howling at the moon....otherwise know as posting here, and elsewhere...will someday make Obamacare work.


Still worse:

Notable examples of cargo cult activity include the setting up of mock airstrips, airports, offices, and dining rooms, as well as the fetishization and attempted construction of Western goods, such as radios made of coconuts and straw.

Or, Healthcare.gov. A mock enterprise application platform. That was constructed by dopey, Joe's Accouting firm and Flow Shop developers...who clearly fetishized and attempted construction of an enterprise system with the software engineering skill set of: a Drupal "developer".


But, keep in mind: developers aren't where the "ideas" or what the system has to do, when, where, why, and which. That comes from the client = Obama Administration. Garbage in...

Believers may stage "drills" and "marches" with sticks for rifles and use military-style insignia and national insignia painted on their bodies to make them look like soldiers, thereby treating the activities of Western military personnel as rituals to be performed for the purpose of attracting the cargo.

Oh, and here I believe we have the behavior of sending Silicon Valley .com/consumer people...trying to act like enterprise consultants, largely because "they believe in Obamacare". No unaffected IT person would ever talk in terms of "belief". Not ever. "We believes in nothing, Lebowski, nothing" :lol:


4 words: Show me the code. Hmmm....seems were far past Jan. 1, and the back end I told you all wasn't even close to being designed, STILL isn't built. Good luck living this down fellas...and now? Accenture?


March is coming.

Novelist Chinua Achebe in his 1984 book The Trouble with Nigeria criticized what he called the "cargo cult mentality" of the rulers of many developing countries who issued lofty proclamations about the future of their countries but fail to exert the necessary effort to bring about those improvements

Now it's just getting weird.

Economist Bryan Caplan has referred to Communism as "the largest cargo cult the world has ever seen", describing the economic strategy of the 20th-century Communist leaders as "mimicking a few random characteristics of advanced economies", such as the production of steel.

:lol: Yes, that's the theme isn't it? Mimickrey.


Mimickrey of what a qualified:

1. Developer

2. Architect/Security Specialist

3. Business Analyst

4. Project Manager

5. Project Sponsor

6. CIO

7. CEO

would do, but with no real skill set at 1-7 to actually do the job, and a complete lack of understanding of what each job entails.


Thus, welcome to my new singature:


Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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