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Progressives tout California Health care "success"

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Maybe when the WH is done explaining one more time how it's focused like a laser on the economy, it'll explain how ACA is supposed to be good for us...one more time.


Obama is the smrtist prezuhdint evah. It's not his fault teh rest of us haven't reached his level of enlightenment. This is a teachable moment for only he can bring us the light of knowledge

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Well considering the Democrats blamed the difficulty in passing Obamacare without resorting to legal gimmicks on the GOP for not supporting Obamacare or taking part in its drafting (you know, after the GOP was locked out of the process), despite the fact that the Democrats had a supermajority in both houses of Congress, this cartoon is appropriate.

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Getting the young health people to sign up will be a failure and lead to massive price hikes. Hear me now, believe me later.

This is the irony in all of this. Obamacare's success in large part depends upon young, healthy, white males buying into it. Yes, the very same people that have been the subject of incessant attack/marginalization, for their entire lives thusfar, by the biggest suppoters of this law.


Consider: these young white males are the 20-30 year old "oppressors", who don't even know they hold such status. Now, if you were to ask about oppressing their buddies, by farting and then locking the windows...that is a different story. :lol:


In fact a liberal blogger wrote this up in detail some time ago. I was thinking then, and, I'm thinking now: "Telling guys in their 20s they have to do anything, never mind spend good beer money on bad law? Law that the liberal blogger directly stated rips them off, in favor of the people who will be asking for their money for the rest of their lives? With the reason for this being, again stated by the blogger, that they should consider themselves lucky to be young, healthy and white, not everbody can be, and therefore: they owe?"


Hilarious FAIL rationale. :blink: The shakedown of the insurance companies for advertising dollars, is disgusting, but also irrleveant. Why?


Can't wait to see the Old Spice/Axe Body Wash-esque Obamacare commericals. :lol: ESPN the Healthcare. :lol: "Dude, the law is good for you, bro, you should whip out your phone and check it out. And, while you're there, check out what the laaadies are saying about it. Allriiiight. (cheezedick nod/smile) See you at GetMeMyExhcange.com. Peace."


Yeah, it's going to make us all cringe, and then laugh, when the distortion of young white males they've been running for years, bends full circle, to bite them in the ass.


Doubt it? 3 words: Duke Lacrosse Case. Thus, there's even precedent for this.

That sort of thing happens a LOT in DC. I know one guy who worked for a large contractor for a couple years, then they encouraged him to create his own start-up consulting company. Then - long story short and lots of shady maneuvering omitted - the large contractor ended using this guy's "minority-owned small business" as a front to bid on small business set-asides they wouldn't get otherwise, requiring the guy I knew to do nothing more than stand there and be black.

The government group of most software/consulting firms is 90-95% minority. Merely go to a trade show and see for yourself. Then go to the same firm's show in any other industry. Amazingly, it's down around 10%...which is just enough to keep the "greivance industry" off their backs, and, they can always point to the government group if things start to look Sharpton.


Yeah...no pattern there at all.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Obama on unilateral action: Lawyers? I don’t need lawyers.


By BYRON YORK | JULY 28, 2013


In an interview after his speech Wednesday in Galesburg, Illinois, President Obama was asked if he consulted White House lawyers before unilaterally delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare. Since Congress, in the Affordable Care Act, specified that the mandate is go to into effect at the start of next year, reporters from the New York Times asked if the president investigated whether he had the legal authority to put it off without going through Congress.


Obama didn’t exactly answer the question. But judging from what he said, his answer was: No, I didn’t consult White House lawyers because I know a lot more about the Constitution than the Republicans who are complaining about it. And besides, they don’t think I’m legitimately the president, anyway.

“People questioned your legal and constitutional authority to do that unilaterally — to delay the employer mandate,” asked the Times’ Jackie Calmes. “Did you consult with your lawyer?”


“Jackie, if you heard me on stage today, what I said was that I will seize any opportunity I can find to work with Congress to strengthen the middle class, improve their prospects, improve their security,” Obama began.


“No, but specifically — ” Calmes interjected.


“But where Congress is unwilling to act,” Obama continued, “I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”


At that point, Obama explained that if Congress doesn’t like what he’s done, then lawmakers can try to do something about it. “I’m not concerned about their opinions,” the president said. “Very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.” And some Republicans “think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency.”



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Wasn't Congress suggesting that they pass a bill legitimizing Obama's action and Obama threatened to veto it?


Yes 3rd and long,


thus is the bizarro universe of our present day administration.



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one small step towards single payer: http://www.nytimes.c...ss&emc=rss&_r=0


Oh goodie. Meanwhile, this is where single payer is heading - from today's WSJ


Fewer doctors are treating patients enrolled in Medicare, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts.


Progress we can believe in.

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it's still a large minority. when there is only one payer, the choice becomes much different.


Of course it does. More good doctors will CHOOSE to exit the field.

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Wasn't Congress suggesting that they pass a bill legitimizing Obama's action and Obama threatened to veto it?

If they pass such a bill, it means congress will have acted to strip the President of an unintended and usurped power. The President is having none of it. He likes being King.

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Of course it does. More good doctors will CHOOSE to exit the field.

And the best and brightest coming out of school will choose not to enter the field in the first place. What we'll be left with second rate hacks, self-serving leftist ACO zealots doing their best to respond to government care guidelines rather than patient needs, and under-educated PA's and MA's performing proceedures and rendering diagnosis which they aren't equiped for.

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And the best and brightest coming out of school will choose not to enter the field in the first place. What we'll be left with second rate hacks, self-serving leftist ACO zealots doing their best to respond to government care guidelines rather than patient needs, and under-educated PA's and MA's performing proceedures and rendering diagnosis which they aren't equiped for.

Pretty much sums it up.

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And the best and brightest coming out of school will choose not to enter the field in the first place. What we'll be left with second rate hacks, self-serving leftist ACO zealots doing their best to respond to government care guidelines rather than patient needs, and under-educated PA's and MA's performing proceedures and rendering diagnosis which they aren't equiped for.


And what careers will the many doctors leaving or not going in @ all go into?


Good... Let's see what happens...

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And what careers will the many doctors leaving or not going in @ all go into?


Good... Let's see what happens...



Thats the spirit....................let's play chicken with the number of MD's..........that'll show us..........lol


There ARE other alternatives to becoming a doctor, its silly to claim otherwise.





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I posted a similar article under the IRS scandal thread.




Watchdog requests IRS review of group that is promoting ObamaCare

By Sam Baker


A watchdog group is asking the IRS to review the tax-exempt status of a organization crucial in helping to promote ObamaCare.


Cause of Action has asked the IRS to investigate Enroll America, a nonprofit that is encouraging people to enroll in new coverage options under the healthcare law.


The watchdog group said Enroll America should not have received tax-exempt status because its work helps secure new customers for insurance companies.


“If Enroll America is designed to benefit insurance companies instead of the American public, then its charitable status no longer applies,” said Dan Epstein, executive director of Cause of Action. “An organization that has been granted tax deductible status but is actually depriving the American people of taxable revenue warrants an investigation.”


Enroll America is a known ally of the White House, and was established to help raise awareness of new insurance options available under ObamaCare. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has made fundraising calls for the organization.


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