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The Victim Complex


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No link here. I'm just trying to pin down the exact date and time at which the most important thing you could possibly do in your life became making known that you've been hurt in some way. Or, better yet, that your distant relatives/relatives two or more generations older than you were hurt in some way, and it's automatically highly relevant to whatever argument you happen to be making, on the internet or in real life.


Just look at the comment section of any article about Israel/Jews/whatever; someone is bound to use the fact that their great uncle thrice removed was at Auschwitz to justify some silly argument they're making which has nothing to do with the holocaust. Or the real-life example that I witnessed today, a young black woman telling us how her great-great-grandpappy was a slave and therefore the criminal justice system has no real justification for felony murder statutes. Or when I tell a fat white kid to get a lap band and he tells me that he's a loser because Obama's affirmative action nation is holding him down.


I mean really, when the !@#$ did this happen? How did we become a nation full of crybabies? I see things every day that make me think of LA's avatar and it's disgusting. How can it be fixed?

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While some may not agree....as I see it the victim complex is strong within virtually every sect of our society and has always been...that's not to say that today or ever has it been the quality that advances us...but in the grand scheme we always seem to advance...

Edited by SameOldBills
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While some may not agree....as I see it the victim complex is strong within virtually every sect of our society and has always been...that's not to say that today or ever has it been the quality that advances us...but in the grand scheme we always seem to advance...


SOB, this post of yours makes me wonder about our country's future, but only if the downtrodden can't get to your stuff.

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When in doubt, look to Irish immigration, and see how we've done.


You offered us a closed door, no services... no government...


Yet here we are, not just one of you, but amongst the strongest.


That is why we should open the border with Mexico the same way the border was open for the Irish... Great things can happen!




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I was reading the paper yesterday on the way home; the local city news section was nothing but a collection of victim/'what can I scam out of the system' stories:


--A teacher has been paid $1MM for sitting in the NYC teacher union 'rubber-room' for more than 10 years. He's a serial sexual harrasser of students so he can't be in a classroom. Come on union apologists, give me a "unions aren't perfect!"

--A lawsuit filed by a man whose deathly ill, 425-pound wife wasn't allowed on an airplane because she didn't fit (and presumably was deathly ill). She died a few days later; apparently the fault of the airline.

--Hundreds of residents of a Long Island shorefront community want the electric company to pay them $1MM each because of fires that broke out during Hurricane Sandy.

--A study was released that showed the majority of 'Occupy Wall Street' protesters where rich, white and college educated.

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We've never had a border with Ireland so I don't see the similarities. Now if you want to suggest that all Mexican immigrants go through Ellis Island that's another story.

I thought he was clamoring for the conscription of all Mexican immigrants so that yankee mexicans can go fight confederate mexicans. Either way I'm preparing a "No Mexicans Need Apply" sign which will look quite nice in the lobby of my office.

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We've never had a border with Ireland so I don't see the similarities. Now if you want to suggest that all Mexican immigrants go through Ellis Island that's another story.


Did you read the link? There are a lot of similarities in the stories between then two immigrant groups And yes, we do share a border... Just a really wide one: The Atlantic Ocean. Not all immigrants came through Ellis Island. Millions upon millions of immigrants came through various other ports of entry.



I thought he was clamoring for the conscription of all Mexican immigrants so that yankee mexicans can go fight confederate mexicans. Either way I'm preparing a "No Mexicans Need Apply" sign which will look quite nice in the lobby of my office.


First you have to let them take away the menial work that others are doing... EVEN refusing to do, that would undermine your "No Mexicans Need Apply Sign." THEN, you have to let them work their way up into positions of civil service by forming gov't and gov't services. Anyway, we can send them off Afghanistan if you want... They probably wouldn't mind all this. Let's give it a shot!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Did you read the link? There are a lot of similarities in the stories between then two immigrant groups And yes, we do share a border... Just a really wide one: The Atlantic Ocean. Not all immigrants came through Ellis Island. Millions upon millions of immigrants came through various other ports of entry.


Everything escapes you, now doesn't it? Have you ever considered that there is a difference between illegal and legal immigration? There used to be certain standards that had to be met to get into this country but those standards are not adhered to by people sneaking in.

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That is why we should open the border with Mexico the same way the border was open for the Irish... Great things can happen!



I'm all for the freedom to travel, and allowing anyone who wants to come here to work to do so. Citizenship is a privlidge, however, not a right. The Irish, my ancestors, who flocked here weren't greeted with open arms. We were denied housing and jobs. Our only paths to citizenship were indentured servitude, orphanages, and military service fighting on both sides of the Civil War.

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I'm all for the freedom to travel, and allowing anyone who wants to come here to work to do so. Citizenship is a privlidge, however, not a right. The Irish, my ancestors, who flocked here weren't greeted with open arms. We were denied housing and jobs. Our only paths to citizenship were indentured servitude, orphanages, and military service fighting on both sides of the Civil War.


It most likely has something to do with the fact that they showed up wasted to every meeting.

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First you have to let them take away the menial work that others are doing... EVEN refusing to do, that would undermine your "No Mexicans Need Apply Sign." THEN, you have to let them work their way up into positions of civil service by forming gov't and gov't services. Anyway, we can send them off Afghanistan if you want... They probably wouldn't mind all this. Let's give it a shot!

What the hell are you talking about?

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Purple banana dishwasher.


Get it right: Purple MONKEY dishwasher.




lol either way dude it's a different time we need to fix up the system so we actually have one... but the main thing we want is some nice young STEM educated immigrants...we don't need to just open the border....


Yes, I am being over the top about totally open borders. The present system is already heavily favored to accept educated immigrants... How is that working?


Honestly, who is to really define the word victim? Doesn't a victim lack control over their situation in many circumstances. How can a power structure define who's a victim and who's not? Quite a vicious circle this is.

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