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Don Banks of CNNSI has his 1st Mock Draft

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For what it's worth, I've seen many more articles saying that Glennon is the only QB "shining" at the senior bowl. Bleecher Report seems to be the only one saying his stock is falling.






At first, I didn't want to go near Glennon, at all. Then I watched a bunch of his games. Now, I would be very excited if we took him.


Glennon is a big slooooow qb. He was sacked 71 times in the last two seasons. The NFL has much faster, better DE and blitzes more often than college teams. This guy will be similar to the old version of Bledsoe at the start of his NFL career. .

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Please no Glennon ... small hands.

Wilson has small hands and concussions , Glennon has slow slow feet, Bray throws the most beautiful pass you'd ever see then turn around and misses by a mile, Jones crumbles under pressure, Nassib can't escape pressure, throws really bad passes when pressured and is inaccurate past 20 yards, Manuel is fast but not quick, decisions and delivery are too slow,
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Not matter what revisionist historians will tell you. Ngata was not a consensus, hands down Top 10 pick.

Where as Orakpo was clearly better than Maybin in almost every aspect, PT, combine, stats, eye ball test. There were som dip **** "experts" that liked "maybin's first step" but the consensus was Orakpo would not be available when the Bills picked.

The fact that the Bills could have drafted a clearly better, clearly higher rated player THAT PLAYED THE SAME POSITION as Maybin. Is far far far far far far far more disappointing than Wintner over Ngata. Then to have Orakpo go the very next pick . . .Not even close.

The Level of ineptitude to evaluate Maybin over Orakpo is breath taking.



Which is "more" displeased ?

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It amazes me that with *NO* indication of what the Bills are going to do that people feel they need to get 'the message'. I like how the Bills get held accountable for things they may do in the future. It is better to watch than Minority Report.


You're right.


Because the Bills don't have any priors for doing stupid things with high picks.


What amazes me most about people is the tendency that the dummer ones have of disregarding context when discussing hypothetical situations.


Her are two things I know for sure.


1)Minority report was THE aboslute WORST movie I ever saw.


2)People who aren't interested in speculation, should stay the hell off MOCK DRAFT THREADS. -Good night, children.

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Wilson has small hands and concussions , Glennon has slow slow feet, Bray throws the most beautiful pass you'd ever see then turn around and misses by a mile, Jones crumbles under pressure, Nassib can't escape pressure, throws really bad passes when pressured and is inaccurate past 20 yards, Manuel is fast but not quick, decisions and delivery are too slow,


All the more reason to go defense in the first two rounds. Unlike last year, none of these young QB's are ready. -Not even Geno.


If I ever get my mock together it'll probly go like this:


Rd#1: Best MLB available


RD#2: Best 4-3 OLB available


RD#3: Best Safety available


RD#4: Best WR available


RD#5: Best RB available



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Dont be surprised if we take Warmack especially if Levitre walks. He is a 10 year starter and absolute road grader.


No way this happens, Nix can turn the scrap pile and find good guards. However I'd be pretty happy with LT Eric Fisher, having another bookend tackle with Glenn would be awesome.

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I like Glennon. I am curious how much he improves in the next few months. A lot of NFL level correction occurs in these QB pre draft

training camps. Once you get NFL level instruction and 24 hours in the day to train without having to go to school you see good players become elite. You can't teach arm strength but every thing else is correctable.

God I wish that were true. I think very few things are correctable, that a player either has an inherent knack for split second decision making, sensing pressure, pocket mobility, when its a throw/no throw/scramble/checkdown decision, stuff like that.


Some things like pre-snap reads and footwork would be correctable hopefully, but I still think you are flipping the coin every time you draft a QB. There are still the Harrington, David Carr, Leftwitch, Kyle Boller, Rex Grossman, Jason Campbell, JaMarcus type dudes that everyone looked at as having correctable problems but never had the unteachable knack for the position in the NFL.

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I won't disagree with that - he's extremely raw. I question if he could even step in and be a first-year starter for us. But like you said, it's a very weak QB class. He may be a slightly riskier pick, but I see him having the highest ceiling out of this class.

]I don't want him in the first...He is far from raw though, as he was groomed to be a QB from day 1. I saw him play in High School and he led his team to a Championship then, but the other QB was more impressive that day. His older Brother Sean Glennon also played QB for VA Tech, so again he is far from raw.



by Dan Trevino • 9,47

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He's more mobile than Flacco, Brady, or Ryan - 3 QBs that just played in the conference finals. He's far more mobile than that lumbering hack Jim Kelly we had. What a dud that guy was.


Look at this statue...




That is a play action, designed rollout with the defense rushing four guys. I don't think this proves that he is plenty mobile.


Yes, he may be as mobile as many traditional pocket passers like Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco, but he doesn't have anything else that those guys have like a winning college pedigree or dominating competition. He has a strong arm. That doesn't mean he is as good a prospect as Ryan or Flacco were. Despite being drafted in the 6th round, even Tom Brady produced wins at a major school. Glennon has literally done nothing to justify him being a top prospect. A good talented QB prospect should dominate the ACC, even if the talent around him wasn't the best like Jay Cutler or Philip Rivers. He has huge bust written all over him. Plus, everyone likes his size, but he's 6'7 220 lbs. He looks plenty frail to me. Pocket passers need to be able to take hits, that's part of the trade off for standing tall in the pocket.


Also, on Warmack: He looks like a stud perennial Pro Bowl G who can dominate in the run game. Levitre is a very good player but will be expensive to re-sign and is not a dominant player. He is a good player, but is he a $7 mil/year G? No way. The price on Levitre will dictate if he is re-signed or not. You should not just re-sign every good player on the team just to do it. You have to factor in the $$$. I have no problem letting him go, drafting Warmack, and using the savings to bring other FAs BUT I would have a problem letting him go, drafting Warmack, and NOT using the savings to improve other parts of the roster.


All this being said, I don't see the Bills passing on Barkevious Mingo if he still there. He is that hybrid LB/DE that Pettine's defense seems to need.

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]I don't want him in the first...He is far from raw though, as he was groomed to be a QB from day 1. I saw him play in High School and he led his team to a Championship then, but the other QB was more impressive that day. His older Brother Sean Glennon also played QB for VA Tech, so again he is far from raw.


I don't know what it means that his brother was a QB. And let's be honest, the high school game is a lot different than Division 1 football. I guess we just differ on the definition of raw. Glennon, to me, looks very unpolished. His footwork looks erratic and he tends to throw off his back foot. His decision making at times is very questionable - i.e. those bombs he threw up short to the endzone in the Music City Bowl (uggh, whyyy?) Some traits that I do like about him is that he keeps his eyes focused downfield even under heavy pressure, and he slides very well in the pocket for guy that can't run well. Well, that and his bazooka arm and snap release.


That is a play action, designed rollout with the defense rushing four guys. I don't think this proves that he is plenty mobile.


It doesn't. But then again, nobody here is saying that he is "plenty mobile." I was just showing another poster that he doesn't have zero mobility aka Dan Marino in a ski boot. Glennon's mobility is probably on par with Flacco/Ryan - which is not very good, but at the same time he is not a complete immobile statue. Also you can't dominate the ACC without an O-line that can block and you need receivers that can catch (10 drops in the N. Carolina game???)


I do agree that he would have to bulk up a little, probably not a big concern for a QB who doesn't run. And yes, I agree he could be a bust, however every single QB in this draft has a very high bust potential.

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I don't know what it means that his brother was a QB. And let's be honest, the high school game is a lot different than Division 1 football. I guess we just differ on the definition of raw. Glennon, to me, looks very unpolished. His footwork looks erratic and he tends to throw off his back foot. His decision making at times is very questionable - i.e. those bombs he threw up short to the endzone in the Music City Bowl (uggh, whyyy?) Some traits that I do like about him is that he keeps his eyes focused downfield even under heavy pressure, and he slides very well in the pocket for guy that can't run well. Well, that and his bazooka arm and snap release.




It doesn't. But then again, nobody here is saying that he is "plenty mobile." I was just showing another poster that he doesn't have zero mobility aka Dan Marino in a ski boot. Glennon's mobility is probably on par with Flacco/Ryan - which is not very good, but at the same time he is not a complete immobile statue. Also you can't dominate the ACC without an O-line that can block and you need receivers that can catch (10 drops in the N. Carolina game???)


I do agree that he would have to bulk up a little, probably not a big concern for a QB who doesn't run. And yes, I agree he could be a bust, however every single QB in this draft has a very high bust potential.


He's not as mobile as flacco. That's nonsense. If he is, then he's REALLY bad at reading defenses. 71 sacks in 2 years. Say what you like about his Oline and WRs. That's too many sacks for a guy that can "has an advantage in reading defenses due to his 6'7 height", as he says. If you can read the defense so well, why do you get sacked so much? Slow feet, slow recognition. You think his weight isn't an issue because he doesn't run? He gets sacked and hit as much as a running QB. I'm 6'2 220. Same weight, but 5 inches shorter. I'm sure I'd get hurt playing in the nfl. That dude is a rail. And he moves like one too. In the 2nd or 3rd, sure. #8 overall......ugh. He has a cannon. That's all.


This report calls him statuesque btw. Does that mean his an immobile statue? No. I think you're reading too much into being an immobile statue.




01/24/13 - 2013 Senior Bowl, Quarterbacks...3. Mike Glennon, North Carolina State. After three days there's pretty much no denying that he has a strong arm. That's not to say he's wholly consistent or mobile and that keeps him from being complete. Everything you've seen and read about him being a statuesque pocket passer is true and concerns about his accuracy down the middle of the field and being frenetic when under pressure are valid. There's work to be done on him but the consensus is that his arm has potential and that might be enough for a team to fall in love with him with a Top-30 pick. I wouldn't call him great but this is where he ranks among the group in Mobile. - Dave Richard, CBSSports.com


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Say what you like about his Oline and WRs.


They were terrible. You can't simply dismiss the 10 other guys on the field with him so easily. Again, I admitted that Glennon was raw and has some rough edges.


You think his weight isn't an issue because he doesn't run? He gets sacked and hit as much as a running QB. I'm 6'2 220. Same weight, but 5 inches shorter. I'm sure I'd get hurt playing in the nfl. That dude is a rail. And he moves like one too.


No. I said him bulking up a bit wouldn't be an issue because he doesn't run. Adding 15 pounds of weight doesn't effect a pocket passer as much is it would a mobile QB that relies on his feet.


He's not as mobile as flacco. That's nonsense.


You know, I'm starting to sound like the President of the Mike Glennon Fan Club, but that's really not the case. I still think he could be a bust. I just think he has a higher ceiling than any of the other potential-bust QBs coming out this year.


This last quote got me. I think when there is no dominant QB coming out, people tend to gravitate to one they like. I'm not sure what causes fans to become infatuated with a single college QB they probably don't have much tape on - but once someone gets fixated on "their" QB, every single other QB must be bashed relentlessly by his detractors. One month ago the consensus from the anti-Glennon crowd was in - "He's another Flacco, no thanks," "Joe Flacco 2.0, pass," "Why the heck would another team pick Joe Flacco Jr in the top 10?"


Fast-foward 3 road playoff wins and a Super Bowl appearance and now the line is "He's no Joe Flacco!" Good stuff.

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I find it interesting that folks are saying that the Eagles would want to pick up a QB when they still have Vick, Foles, and Edwards around. It seems they have some other glaring holes that need to be filled before QB?


the coach could get his daughter to carry the clip board around--seems this would open up a roster spot

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Wilson has small hands and concussions , Glennon has slow slow feet, Bray throws the most beautiful pass you'd ever see then turn around and misses by a mile, Jones crumbles under pressure, Nassib can't escape pressure, throws really bad passes when pressured and is inaccurate past 20 yards, Manuel is fast but not quick, decisions and delivery are too slow,

He had 2 great comebacks this year later in the season, so I'm not sure about crumbling under pressure. Yes, he did not play well against KState and Texas A&M, but neither did the entire team. He seems the most NFL ready of all of the QB's and has the stats to prove it. I just don't understand why he is not getting more press. Who did any of the other QB's play vs. what Jones did. Okla did lose to ND, but he had over 300 yeards in that game and considering how bad Okla played that night, he should be given credit fior that, along with his great comebacks vs. West Virginia and Okla State.

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