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Another Reason Not to Like Starbucks

Chef Jim

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I imagine there are many of you that like Starbucks. Like the coffee, the abiance, the convenience or whatever. I'm not a big fan. I hate their coffee and I hate oversaturation and the franchise food service concept. I like variety. Well this article gives me another reason to dislike Starbucks. See the CEO is in the hospitality business but doesn't really seem to understand the history of the hospitality business if this guys story is that great of a lesson to him.



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i think starbucks coffee is overrated...i have taken to roasting my own at home...is it as good as starbucks...hell no...but its fun to experiment on your own....there are so many other coffee shops out there that are head and shoulders above starbucks...they were good with their marketing....


I imagine there are many of you that like Starbucks. Like the coffee, the abiance, the convenience or whatever. I'm not a big fan. I hate their coffee and I hate oversaturation and the franchise food service concept. I like variety. Well this article gives me another reason to dislike Starbucks. See the CEO is in the hospitality business but doesn't really seem to understand the history of the hospitality business if this guys story is that great of a lesson to him.



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I like the coffee, but can't for the life of me understand the people I pass by every morning who are standing in a 20 minute line at Starbucks when there are ten other places to get coffee within one block.


I like roasting my own too and found some really good beans but haven't had the time lately.

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What do u use to roast? I'm still using an air popper.

What beans?


I like the coffee, but can't for the life of me understand the people I pass by every morning who are standing in a 20 minute line at Starbucks when there are ten other places to get coffee within one block.


I like roasting my own too and found some really good beans but haven't had the time lately.

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What do u use to roast? I'm still using an air popper.

What beans?

My wife is the big coffee fan so I bought her an iroast2 for XMAS a couple years ago. Of course I'm the one who ended up doing all the roasting, but that was fine.




I bought beans from a couple places on the web, including the ones below, which gave a lot of good info on the roasting process as well as a good variety of beans. I tried a bunch of different ones; some very good, some just ok. I'd have to look for my notes to remember the specifics but definitely found a couple from Indonesia that were terrific.




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I am a big coffee drinker...I loathe Starbucks' coffee...way too bitter!


Incidentally, I once received a $50 Starbucks' gift certificate from an old boss...I turned around and sold it on Ebay for $48 and change...people really love Starbucks!

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I like the coffee, but can't for the life of me understand the people I pass by every morning who are standing in a 20 minute line at Starbucks when there are ten other places to get coffee within one block.


I like roasting my own too and found some really good beans but haven't had the time lately.


In my almost 45 years on God's green earth, I have probably drank less than an eyedropper of coffee... I absolutely hate coffee... YUCK, pure mud! Anyway, what is up with what you say! Same think w/Tim Horton's... They put those stores on the smallest footprint and the line @ the drive thru is a mile long! My brother was joking that they must put crack in the coffee... LoL.. Last time I was in BFLO over the holidays to see my ill father, all he wanted was a Tim Horton's coffee... LoL... There I am, before going to the hospital, waiting in the drive thru @ a shop on Union Road w/all the other drones! LoL... My God... I was ready to go ballistic! I couldn't even leave the queue... Cars and a delivery truck blocking things up! I was ready to take the Jeep and jump the curb... My luck there would be a huge spike lurking in the bushes and I would blow out a tire. There I waited! Dad, I hope you were happy and got the best cup of coffee! LoL... Wallbash!


I will gladly pay $2.05 for my Tim Hortons XL every day before spending a cent in Starbucks. Overpriced .


Oops... Case in point! My wife, now is a coffee snob... Can't touch that stuff (the cheap stuff)! She actually likes DD and coffee... And shutter, Starbucks...


Amazingly, she will let a cup of coffee... Especially, Starbucks sit for days and then micro it! Heck, that has to be so bitter... :-O

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I will gladly pay $2.05 for my Tim Hortons XL every day before spending a cent in Starbucks. Overpriced .

Just coffee at Starbucks is cheaper than that. Not the expresso drinks. Tim Horton's is swill btw. Muffins and donuts are good though.

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I am a big coffee drinker...I loathe Starbucks' coffee...way too bitter!


Incidentally, I once received a $50 Starbucks' gift certificate from an old boss...I turned around and sold it on Ebay for $48 and change...people really love Starbucks!

You're right, but "too bitter" sells all the other extra cost crap they add to it so you can choke it down!


Give me a DECCO's and the Courier Express, and life will be good again!

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But... this is really good crack ;)


LoL... By the time I got outta that drive thru (Cheektowags @ Union just across from the Holiday Theaters) I was ready to erupt! All I could think of is: "Peace and calm, peace and calm... Joy to the world... Dad's gonna love it!" LoL They even have signs in the parking lot not to block other business with "courtesy reminders." Don't mean to hijack the tread... BUT can they put Timmy Ho's on any smaller footprint???


You're right, but "too bitter" sells all the other extra cost crap they add to it so you can choke it down!


Give me a DECCO's and the Courier Express, and life will be good again!


See, my wife is a coffee snob and claims the exact opposite. Starbucks coffee she claims is one of the best and drinks it black (please do NOT insert joke here :bag: ). Like I said, coffee she grinds @ home or doesn't have time to drink can sit days and then get nuked! OMG, that stuff has gotta be hideous... BUT then again, it is a better roast?

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I like Starbucks. I find as I get older, I' m enjoying bitter as a flavor more and more . darker roasts of coffee, hoppy beers, dark chocolate, etc.


I don't really care for Timmy Ho' s as it' s not (surprise, surprise) strong enough for my taste. I will say that Horton' s coffee packs quite the caffeine punch though.


in warmer months you' 'll find me with an iced dark roast from Dunkin Donuts. harder to find in WNY, but beats any iced coffee at Horton's or Starbucks.

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