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Shooting at Connecticut Elementary School


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What do you do with the kids' Christmas presents?




Seriously. How, as a parent, do you face Christmas, having all these presents you just bought for your child, looking forward to ten days from now when they'd open them and enjoy possibly the best morning of the year that a kid can have...that they'll now never see, because they were gunned down senselessly...but you still have all the presents, representing all that hope and joy, and you have to do something with them...




So it seems like a shallow and silly question...but really, it's not. What do you do with the Christmas presents? How do you even face that sort of issue?


Not a shallow or silly question at all. It's simply a practical question. And a compassionate one as well.


I imagine for some, like when we hold onto the clothes of a loved one that passed suddenly, they will simply keep them as a way of connection for as long as they deem it necessary. Others may donate them. Others may just beat the crap out of them. Still others who haven't even begun their shopping will buy them presents anyway.


Those five stages of grief are never a linear process.

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What do you do with the kids' Christmas presents?




Seriously. How, as a parent, do you face Christmas, having all these presents you just bought for your child, looking forward to ten days from now when they'd open them and enjoy possibly the best morning of the year that a kid can have...that they'll now never see, because they were gunned down senselessly...but you still have all the presents, representing all that hope and joy, and you have to do something with them...




So it seems like a shallow and silly question...but really, it's not. What do you do with the Christmas presents? How do you even face that sort of issue?

I'll add my 13 year old's perspective "parents should be buying Christmas presents for their children, not caskets."
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I'll add my 13 year old's perspective "parents should be buying Christmas presents for their children, not caskets."


I'm not a parent, but there are not enough pills or booze in the world that would make this manageable if something like this happened to one of my nephews or my niece. I am !@#$ing trying to stop watching the news, checking the news sites, but I can't.

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I'm not a parent, but there are not enough pills or booze in the world that would make this manageable if something like this happened to one of my nephews or my niece. I am !@#$ing trying to stop watching the news, checking the news sites, but I can't.

We want to 'understand', I think that's why we continue to watch even though we know that precious few new facts will come out tonight. One thing I do hope is that this POS has his name said as little as possible. He doesn't deserve the dignity of being named and he doesn't deserve the notoriety of being remembered.
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We want to 'understand', I think that's why we continue to watch even though we know that precious few new facts will come out tonight. One thing I do hope is that this POS has his name said as little as possible. He doesn't deserve the dignity of being named and he doesn't deserve the notoriety of being remembered.


Too late. Unfortunately, the names Harris, Klebold and Holmes are already engrained in my head.

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