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I really don't understand why anyone goes to Bills home games


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I really don't think anyone is asking fans to be behaved the same way they would at church. No one cares about what language people use. No one wants to ban alcohol outright.


I just want to go to a game and not have to worry about my car getting damaged from an unattended tailgate fire. I want to be able to go to a game and not have to put up with !@#$s that pick fights because they are smashed beyond belief, not just simply drunk. I want to be able to go to a game and not have to watch someone piss all over an opposing team's car.


This is not too much to ask. I am not asking for a setting that's kid-appropriate - dive bar-type behavior is fine with me. None of the above would be even close to tolerated at the local watering hole by my house - you'd be thrown out right away and asked not to return. I don't see why an NFL game somehow excuses it and I don't understand at all why Orchard Park and Erie County haven't demanded that something be done about it.

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The behavior is pretty rediculous before, during and after the game.


We were sitting in the indoor M&T clubseats (great experience by the way and that's the way we'll do it from here on out). We didn't even make it to half time before one of the local drunks started with the F bombs that everyone could hear. I thought I was going to escape that by sitting in premium seats. Then it was off to the car after the game, it was a mad house. Drunks every where, f bomb that f bomb this, kicking bottles into cars etc.


The next morning on the way to the airport we drove by the stadium and it looked like a local dump.


I've been to three other stadiums, Jacksonville, Dallas and San Antonio (when we played the Saints after the hurricane) and none of them are any where near the level of the bad behavior as the young Bill's fans.


We'll be back, just wished the behavior was better.

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I'd say that's a horrific summary of your opposition's point. What we're saying is that because people have gotten drunk and done stupid things at other NFL stadiums (more than once I might add), then it is therefore unfounded to say that such things do not happen in other NFL stadia, as has been said (more than once I might add) in this very thread (you don't have to look to hard to find it either).






And that is indeed sound logic.


Regardless of whether or not you agree with me, I think it's pretty easy to surmise that I'm a smart enough guy. Do you really think that I would suggest that in the history of Lambeau Field or Arrowhead, etc., that there has never been one unruly drunk fan that has caused trouble? Listen, I'm beating a dead horse here, but when I went to Lambeau in 2010 I was absolutely blown away by the hospitality, the friendliness, the extent to which it was actually a family atmosphere, etc. "Oh you guys are Bills fans? That's great! Glad you could make it! Come on over, we have extra food. Make sure you go in early, there's going to be a flyover today, you don't want to miss it." At the Bills-Chiefs game this year, I saw people blatantly ripping rails in their cars at 10 in the morning, young punks funneling beers wearing jester hats who have (I'm sure) never even heard of Kent Hull, no one cleaning up after themselves, girls passed out before the game started, F-bombs galore, etc. If you really think that the behavior at a Bills game is on par with the majority of the league, then you simply have not been to other stadiums and/or really gotten a chance to tailgate and interract with other fans at other stadiums*


*with the exception of a few- Philly, Oakland, San Fran


And if you still disagree with me, I ask you to try going to another stadium sometime and find their equvalent of our main lot. I can save you the trouble: it doesn't exist. My friend says it best- he says that the main lot at about 12:30 looks like Baghdad the morning after a shock and awe campaign.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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The garbage is one thing Metz. Ill give it that. But that's in our main lots. If you go to the smaller ones closer to the stadium that where the lots are freshly paved it looks nothing like that. FWIW, I've been to San Fean and I saw nothing even resembling the Ralph. So apparently you had a not so great experience there and say that it's not the best. I was in the other boat. It looked like snobs at a wine tasting. The kind of people that make me think I'm under them. Just what it is. Depends on personal experiences. Mine was great in that regard and yours not so much.


Yes, the Ralph is more rowdy than most. But to say something like being at a Green Bay game and fans were great. Well, of course they were. It's a non conference game against the Bills for Christs sake. How do you think they would act? But I bet if it was Minn, or Chicago you'd see things differently. Just like a Chiefs game against Oak, or Denver. It's a ton of different scenarios that add to if man.


Your right though, we are more rowdy than others. And honestly, as long as there's no fights towards me, or like on my jacket, oh well, I'm here for the game.

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From a personal standpoint what changes do you advise will help the actions of POS people around the world, in the US, at professional sporting events and at RWS?


Oh there's nothing you as an individual can do or will do about it. Guess your just gonna have to put up with it when you go, or stay at home on your couch. But watch out, your kids might hear swear words in TV nowadays, or watch shows that have nudity on national TV, or talk about raping, robbery, murder on just about every channel besides Disney. But hey, then you can talk to your kids about how well the kids stars from the Mickey Mouse club are stand up citizens. Brittney Spears is a winner. Christina Aguilera isn't a whorish looking person. Lindsey Lohan isn't a drug addict drunk whore either.


Come in man. It's society as a whole. It sucks but that's what we have to live with.


I think that I would just have to teach my kids to have a little respect, for themselves and for those around them, to show some common courtesy towards others. I would not say, "Well if everyone else is doing it then go ahead and act like a jerk."

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I think that I would just have to teach my kids to have a little respect, for themselves and for those around them, to show some common courtesy towards others. I would not say, "Well if everyone else is doing it then go ahead and act like a jerk."

And I 100% agree with everything you just said. But that's besides the point about what's going on at the stadiums now. The facts are that the Baby Boomers children are having children that are about that age. There's tons of them. And just so happens that society has taken a dump at about the same time. Single mothers and fathers that are not home at all or care about thier kids ruin it. Parents that had children because they were unplanned. Drugs ruining households. Etc... Whatever you want to blame its not the same as it once was. Kids now days spend more time in thier iPhones than they do outside playing street hockey or football. Or personally going to friends houses with other neighborhood kids and playing together.


I was raised better than all of that. I don't believe it's all right. I don't want my unborn kids to experience the crap that kids now are experiencing. But unless we are better parents and teach them better, it will continue.


I broke many of windows as a kid, got into a few fights, had my share of drinking and smoking multiple things at a young age. I grew up just fine. I have a respectable job. A respectable life. I work around criminals all day long and as I said, some of the things I hear would make you sick to your stomach. I'm glad I grew up when I did and not 10 years later. Not near a crack house. Not with a single mother. I'm blessed. I truly am.

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The garbage is one thing Metz. Ill give it that. But that's in our main lots. If you go to the smaller ones closer to the stadium that where the lots are freshly paved it looks nothing like that. FWIW, I've been to San Fean and I saw nothing even resembling the Ralph. So apparently you had a not so great experience there and say that it's not the best. I was in the other boat. It looked like snobs at a wine tasting. The kind of people that make me think I'm under them. Just what it is. Depends on personal experiences. Mine was great in that regard and yours not so much.


Yes, the Ralph is more rowdy than most. But to say something like being at a Green Bay game and fans were great. Well, of course they were. It's a non conference game against the Bills for Christs sake. How do you think they would act? But I bet if it was Minn, or Chicago you'd see things differently. Just like a Chiefs game against Oak, or Denver. It's a ton of different scenarios that add to if man.


Your right though, we are more rowdy than others. And honestly, as long as there's no fights towards me, or like on my jacket, oh well, I'm here for the game.


I've never been to a game in San Fran. I'm basing this off of a Real Sports episode I saw recently where they featured 49ers fans, plus my friend used to live there and said it can get pretty hardcore, that's all. As far as here in Denver, no, even if they're playing the Chiefs it's still tamer than a meaningless Bills game in December. And FWIW, the crowds here are super-wine and cheese- I absolutely loathe Broncos fans. By and large, Bills fans are WAY better. That being said, you are less likely to deal with a 20 year-old drunken buffoon who has no knowledge of the team but is only at the game to get as bombed as humanly possible, cause trouble and would probably only be able to afford and have access to a ticket in a place like Buffalo. That's all I'm saying. Dude, I freaking love Bills fans, please don't get me wrong.

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I know you do Metz. I agree with some things especially after this past Thursday night. At the end if the day though it does t bother me that much I guess. And if I had kids I'd use it as a point of how not to act. But I still think a lot of this happens everywhere.

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Regardless of whether or not you agree with me, I think it's pretty easy to surmise that I'm a smart enough guy. Do you really think that I would suggest that in the history of Lambeau Field or Arrowhead, etc., that there has never been one unruly drunk fan that has caused trouble? Listen, I'm beating a dead horse here, but when I went to Lambeau in 2010 I was absolutely blown away by the hospitality, the friendliness, the extent to which it was actually a family atmosphere, etc. "Oh you guys are Bills fans? That's great! Glad you could make it! Come on over, we have extra food. Make sure you go in early, there's going to be a flyover today, you don't want to miss it." At the Bills-Chiefs game this year, I saw people blatantly ripping rails in their cars at 10 in the morning, young punks funneling beers wearing jester hats who have (I'm sure) never even heard of Kent Hull, no one cleaning up after themselves, girls passed out before the game started, F-bombs galore, etc. If you really think that the behavior at a Bills game is on par with the majority of the league, then you simply have not been to other stadiums and/or really gotten a chance to tailgate and interract with other fans at other stadiums*


*with the exception of a few- Philly, Oakland, San Fran


And if you still disagree with me, I ask you to try going to another stadium sometime and find their equvalent of our main lot. I can save you the trouble: it doesn't exist. My friend says it best- he says that the main lot at about 12:30 looks like Baghdad the morning after a shock and awe campaign.


I've never questioned your intelligence, which is why your prior post surprised me.


As I've mentioned, I've been to other NFL venues: Miami, KC, San Diego, Cleveland. Miami & San Diego were completely benign, as it seemed nobody really cared about the game; fans didn't even fill in until well into the 1st quarter.


As for KC and Cleveland, well, different story. We personally managed to avoid any issues, because our crew really went out of our way to be friendly. I did, however, see a group of Bills fans in Cleveland 2 sections away being pelted with beer bottles for literally the entire game. That's certainly no better. In KC, we had a group throw some tailgate garbage at us and then threaten to "beat our a**es" when we asked them (politely I might add) to show some class. Again, certainly no better than what goes on at the Ralph.


The only time I've ever had a member of a group with which I'm associated cause any kind of problem at the Ralph was actually at a company event. An office from northern Ontario came down for the game, and decided to have a keg party on their bus on the way down. Needless to say, they were incredibly drunk when they arrived at around 9:30 a.m. Several of them passed out in the parking lot and never made it into the game; others were ejected for passing out in their seats. Worst group I've ever been associated with.


Hey, I'm not saying you aren't entitled to your opinion. I happen to believe that your perspective is skewed by what you've seen, which is likely the case for everyone. I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in between our views. The Ralph is not an entirely sunshine-and-daisies place, nor is it the epitome of scum as some here paint it.


Yes, over-indulgence and unruly behavior are an issue, and I'd like to see the problem cleaned up. It has not, however, affected my game day experience one bit over the last 25 years.


I hope that makes sense.

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I have a few different takes on this. Firstly a story. I haven't been to a Bills hame game in many years. One of the last games that I went to was memorable not because of what happened on the field. My friends and I had seats in the very last row of the stadium for MNF. We partied, had fun and coexisted with those around us. From where we sat we could see an exit walkway outside the stadium. Two guys were leaving while the game was going on. One guy was trying to help his drunken friend who for whatever reason couldn't walk and keep his pants up. They both kept falling down. It went on for about ten minutes. We'd watch a play and look over and sure enough, no progress. Staggering, falling down, pants still down. It was funny but probably PG. Before the game, my friends and I had a similar experience as the earlier poster with some tailgaters a few spots down from us but with some differences. We were buzzed but in control. Our neighbors offered us some burgers and hot dogs and we obliged. We appreciated the gesture. It was very cool. That was then and I guess that still goes on. Drinkers can be cool and sober people can be asses. But too often it is the other way around. However, I don't think sniping at all young people and young drinkers is accurate. I love their enthusiasm and passion. In fact, I prefer sitting near the younger people. I don't mind smart partying. I do mind rude, inconsiderate and overly drunk. And that isn't just the young. A lot of the young fans are cool and they are fun. And some of the young fans also prefer to avoid the drunkenness.


I bartend for a living. I see all walks of life, professions, age groups, etc. I have served many, many, thousands of people. I have also partied with Buffalo expats at football and Sabres games and at various Bills bars nationally. A sizable number of Buffalo fans party hard. It is true at RWS, Chippewa, Elmwood and many places Buffalo fans and nonfans gather. Buffalo people drink hard. Sorry, the evidence is out there! No denials! Buffalo people drink hard! It is expected for a city with a 4 am bar closing time. Nationally, Buffalo football and hockey fans have a rep. Deny it if you will be that is a fact. And it isn't just football fans. Sabres fans (including my own peeps) go to games and get ripped. It happens. And happens. I am no innocent but I do try to take stock of my surroundings when attending games. Families, kids, opposing fans. It does matter Look around and park the f-bombs! At hockey games in places such as Carolina, Columbus, Washington, Anaheim and Florida, etc., Sabres fans come in with great enthusiasm and a great buzz. Fans in those cities don't come to games because of us! Part of that has nothing to do with drinking but some of it does! Comparing what happened and does happen at RWS with other stadiums doesn't make overly drunk behavior acceptable anywhere. Denial is typical of drinkers. But I repeat, it isn't just the younger fans. I was the same way. Getting buzzed is fun. But when buzzed and when trying to recollect what happened the previous day, usually it is the fun that sticks out. Why does my drinking have to ruin the experience for ANYBODY else? There is drinking and there is drinking to get hammered!


Nationally, I think Americans like to let their steam fly too much when drinking. Drinking too much, too fast and too often is a national problem and it is routinely a problem for the newest drinkers. The DUI's and hit and runs are a national epidemic. Drinking leads to violence for too many. Especially, after Super Bowls. And as for the litter. Never excusable. Never.


One last point. The idea that Bills fans have some pent up energy has some truth to it. We are tired off waiting for success on the field. And we also have this perception that we are jilted when scheduling MNF and prime time games. Success on the field could help that state of mind.

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. The idea that Bills fans have some pent up energy has some truth to it. We are tired off waiting for success on the field. And we also have this perception that we are jilted when scheduling MNF and prime time games. Success on the field could help that state of mind.

This statement is an excuse, a silly one but, holds some water for the 18-22 year old drunken bozos. And IMO a insult to the fans that are in Buffalo. Translating what you're saying is: The Bills suck so some fans go to games, spend money on a ticket, but since the product blows feel entitled to act like A-holes. Sorry, It's been said here before and for anyone that buy's into it, and there are some. It's Possibly part of the reason the Ralph is considered a dump to see a game (stadium issues excluded), and part of the negative perception many have of the city of Buffalo.

During the glory years, it was NO different. In fact my wife wouldn't even go to a night game because of the A-Holes.

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League wide problem. I have had family and friends get assaulted at games at Pittsburgh, Cleveland and NY Jets. I have been attacked twice in Indianapolis at the old Hoosier Dome. Alcohol was a prime factor. I don't drink and saw what was about to happen. I think the NFL, the home teams and stadium operators need to curtail sale of beer. Cut off at half time and reduce the size to 12 ounces. More security in the parking lots are a must because these drunken idiots will try to drive home and can be a bigger hazard on the road. Enjoy the game, cheer on your team and quit acting like a drunken fool.

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This statement is an excuse, a silly one but, holds some water for the 18-22 year old drunken bozos. And IMO a insult to the fans that are in Buffalo. Translating what you're saying is: The Bills suck so some fans go to games, spend money on a ticket, but since the product blows feel entitled to act like A-holes. Sorry, It's been said here before and for anyone that buy's into it, and there are some. It's Possibly part of the reason the Ralph is considered a dump to see a game (stadium issues excluded), and part of the negative perception many have of the city of Buffalo.

During the glory years, it was NO different. In fact my wife wouldn't even go to a night game because of the A-Holes.


The "translation" is incorrect. That is not what I wrote nor implied. People (not just 18-22 year olds) are frustrated and that is expressed in many ways and not necessarily having any thing to do with alcohol. Not going to games in December or at all. Cancelling season tickets. Not following the team any more. Not buying merchandise. Blackouts (the TV form not the alcohol one). It isn't an excuse. It is an observation. The 18-22 olds drink heavy whether it is at a football game or not. That is another observation expressed by many. I get the frustration and the anger. I do know what people are talking about. Like I wrote, heavy drinking (binge drinking) is a national problem that is getting worse. And yes,the abusive drunkenness is part of the perception people have of Buffalo. I live in San Diego. We used to be able to drink beer at the beach. Heavy drinking, violence and litter combined to end that "privilege". Every weekend there is a slew of DUI's and hit and runs reported on SD news. Traffic checkpoints and $20,000 "deterrents" are not enough to deter the DUi's and hit and runs. Shawn Merriman knows about that one. So does Vincent Jackson. At some point, individual teams like the Bills will have to get further involved in the situation. I don't know what they are waiting for. The national drinking issues are why teams are building stadiums with limited tailgate options.

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tailgating at the Ralph is a 60,000 person party....you should see my house after I have 50 people over. I don't see an issue with the littering as long as it gets cleaned up by someone. We pay $25 to park for a reason.

This is correct. They have lot sweepers come in after every game. When that happens I don't know exactly, by I do know it happens.
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6. When last in Hammer's lot, I saw something interesting. Two tailgate sites, not that far away from each other, with two completely different outcomes. Both had around the same # of people, ages, demos, and setup. One was a disgusting mess, the other was very clean. I showed a few people I was with, just because it was so clear. A few other people overheard us and they saw the same thing. We all observed it for a few seconds, and then moved on.



I have noticed that also. Some parkers are slobs and I am taking steps to change their mind set. Last game I banned a guy for the rest of the season from stepping foot on the property.

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When last in Hammer's lot, I saw something interesting. Two tailgate sites, not that far away from each other, with two completely different outcomes. Both had around the same # of people, ages, demos, and setup. One was a disgusting mess, the other was very clean. I showed a few people I was with, just because it was so clear. A few other people overheard us and they saw the same thing. We all observed it for a few seconds, and then moved on.


Did that shame you into cleaning up your tailgate?



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The "translation" is incorrect. That is not what I wrote nor implied. People (not just 18-22 year olds) are frustrated and that is expressed in many ways and not necessarily having any thing to do with alcohol. Not going to games in December or at all. Cancelling season tickets. Not following the team any more. Not buying merchandise. Blackouts (the TV form not the alcohol one). It isn't an excuse. It is an observation. The 18-22 olds drink heavy whether it is at a football game or not. That is another observation expressed by many. I get the frustration and the anger. I do know what people are talking about. Like I wrote, heavy drinking (binge drinking) is a national problem that is getting worse. And yes,the abusive drunkenness is part of the perception people have of Buffalo. I live in San Diego. We used to be able to drink beer at the beach. Heavy drinking, violence and litter combined to end that "privilege". Every weekend there is a slew of DUI's and hit and runs reported on SD news. Traffic checkpoints and $20,000 "deterrents" are not enough to deter the DUi's and hit and runs. Shawn Merriman knows about that one. So does Vincent Jackson. At some point, individual teams like the Bills will have to get further involved in the situation. I don't know what they are waiting for. The national drinking issues are why teams are building stadiums with limited tailgate options.

I get it. I misunderstood your comments. However, many people do have the mind set I spoke of. The binge drinking issue you speak of probably can be attributed to not only crappy football but also the prolonged lack of jobs thing for so many. After so many decades of Bills football any binge drinking I do is after a unexpected victory. The last one for us was patriots 2011.

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