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Why is it that Fitz gets all blame?


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He doesn't get all the blame but he should get quite a bit of it. Let me see if I can explain it so it makes sense. First let me say the defense is playing horribly, now with that being said, every time the offense goes 3 and out or there is a turnover the defense has to take the field. Defenses are not designed to be on the field for 8 minute drives.


Er...if the D doesn't want to stay on the field for 8 minutes, can't they control their own fate?


I think there's this thing called the "stop on 3rd down".


Other teams seem to find it conducive to winning.

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Quite pleased indeed. Even last week, missing 2 starters including the LT, the Bills were able to run well, and Fitz's stats made him appear, on paper, to be an accurate quarterback. Things have changed SO much that I have posted things defending Pears lol! Take away Peters when he played RT, and tell me the last RT we had who was even almost as good as Pears. And Hairston is already better than Bell ever was.


As you know, I conceded the importance of the qb position, given the rule changes. Fitz isn't getting it done. We all know this. That said, the defense is a seperate issue, but it is a HUGE one. Kyle Williams and Kelsey in pass coverage tells you each and every thing you need to know about Wanny. He is literally horrible, and killing this team imo.


I agree that the defense is a huge problem; and that a change will have to be made at defensive coordinator. I'd like to see the Bills hire a young, up-and-coming position coach from some other team. Ideally he should be a linebackers coach for a team which plays a 3-4. Not the joke 3-4 which we used last year. A real 3-4, like the one Belichick uses, or like the one Wade Phillips employs.


On another matter, giving a QB lousy pass protection is like giving a swordsman a short, dull, heavy sword. Giving him good pass protection and good WRs is like giving him a long, light, sharp sword! The quality of the weapon matters a lot. So too does the quality of the swordsman. Right now, the Bills have given a very good sword to an inferior swordsman (Fitzpatrick).

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Yeah Utica, tell that to Tom Brady who had one of the worst defenses in the league last year and STILL made it to the Super Bowl. Not that Fitzputrid is Brady...just saying.


Actually this is another way of twisting statistics...While the Patriots were 31st in total yards defense, they were 14th overall in Points Allowed per game (21.4 points per game, while the league worst 30 points was by Tampa Bay). I think that is the most important statistics for a defense. Let us not compare the crap we have this year with that of the Patriots from last year.

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Actually this is another way of twisting statistics...While the Patriots were 31st in total yards defense, they were 14th overall in Points Allowed per game (21.4 points per game, while the league worst 30 points was by Tampa Bay). I think that is the most important statistics for a defense. Let us not compare the crap we have this year with that of the Patriots from last year.


To me, the most important defensive statistic is points allowed per drive. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any sites which keep track of that particular stat. (Even though they should!)


That being said, I agree that last year's Patriots defense was probably better than its yards allowed defense would seem to have indicated. That defense had a lot of injuries. Once guys started coming back healthy--which happened toward the end of the year--it became something of a strength for that team. That defense was at its weakest earlier in the year; back when the injury bug had hit the hardest. The defense which the Bills faced in the first Bills-Pats game was especially weak.

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Bills are 12th in the NFL in points per game scored up from 14th last year. Dead last in points given up per game down from 30th last year. But yeah, QB is where we need to concentrate our efforts.


Fitz gives the Titans the ball and they score. Rather than being angry with Fitz for giving the Titans the ball in the first place, they blame the defense for not dealing with Fitz's bed wetting. Then they glaze over the fact that he can't even make 1 first down with a minute left.


So the thought process is to replace the 11 players on defense rather than the most important one. Sure, that makes sense.

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Fitz gives the Titans the ball and they score. Rather than being angry with Fitz for giving the Titans the ball in the first place, they blame the defense for not dealing with Fitz's bed wetting. Then they glaze over the fact that he can't even make 1 first down with a minute left.


So the thought process is to replace the 11 players on defense rather than the most important one. Sure, that makes sense.


Hey skippy, Fitz did his job perfectly all game except 1 friggin play. The defense crapped all over themselves the whole game, couldn't make a single good play to save their lives and you feel the need rag on the QB. :wallbash:


Talk about myopic tunnel vision, holy cow Batman! :wallbash:

Edited by FreakPop
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Why is it so hard for people to understand that Fitz is not a good QB, regardless of what the defense is doing? The defense has lots of issues that need to be address; coaching, bad linebackers, inexperienced CBs and WTF is wrong with everyone on the DL. We get it.


Meanwhile, at quarterback we have a guy who threw 23 picks and had 7 fumbles last year. 9 + 3 so far this year. That might be excusable if he could throw the ball like a Manning, but he can't. He is one of the worst medium-to-deep ball QB in the league and that means other teams don't need to respect the Bills passing game and that means they can key on stopping the RBs and short routes.


Just because the Bills score 30+ a couple times a year against horrible defenses doesn't change the fact that the current QB is not capable of taking this team to contender status.

yeah yeah yeah, we need a top 10 QB. About 20 teams need one. It will come. They don't grow on trees. Fitz is the best we have right now. He looked excellent against the Titans, the pick was just a bad call in my opinion. that one is on Chan. But look at all his other throws. Right on the money and crisp. I don't know what you guys want.

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Hey skippy, Fitz did his job perfectly all game except 1 friggin play. The defense crapped all over themselves the whole game, couldn't make a single good play to save their lives and you feel the need rag on the QB. :wallbash:


Talk about myopic tunnel vision, holy cow Batman! :wallbash:

Perfect does not describe Fitzy's performance in any way shape or form.

He had a little over 200 yards passing.

The ball traveled from his hand to the receiver maybe 30 of those 200 yards.

If you think that is perfect, it may have been awhile since you've seen good QB play.


You're welcome to believe Fitz played perfectly except for 1 pass. If you believe good for you.


However in reality that isn't the case.



yeah yeah yeah, we need a top 10 QB. About 20 teams need one. It will come. They don't grow on trees. Fitz is the best we have right now. He looked excellent against the Titans, the pick was just a bad call in my opinion. that one is on Chan. But look at all his other throws. Right on the money and crisp. I don't know what you guys want.

Same goes for you, "excellent", "right on the money and crisp"

Do not describe Fitz. Especially the "right on th money" description he has never been money before or after the Bills gave him money.

So if you really believe that you're unfamiliar with excellent QB play and what accurate passing looks like.

You're welcome to believe that but that is not reality.

Edited by Why So Serious?
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Perfect does not describe Fitzy's performance in any way shape or form.

He had a little over 200 yards passing.

The ball traveled from his hand to the receiver maybe 30 of those 200 yards.

If you think that is perfect, it may have been awhile since you've seen good QB play.


You're welcome to believe Fitz played perfectly except for 1 pass. If you believe good for you.


However in reality that isn't the case.



So up until the pick, Fitz was 25/30(83%) 217 yards 3 TDs no picks, don't know how to figure the QB rating, but that is not good enough for you, Really dude! WTF do you want? Any other QB in the history of the league ever has that stat line and that is considered really good, but not Fitz. WTF are you smoking? You are ridiculous.


In case you haven't noticed and as others have pointed out, Chan's gameplan is to get the ball in the receivers hands in space asap and let the receivers create and break tackles and rack up YAC.


So because Fitz had a good day except 1 pass, and haters deep down really know the defense was to blame, haters focus on what they perceive to be a negative, and this week it is "the ball only traveled 30 yards tops" what effing ever. Go hate somewhere else.

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So up until the pick, Fitz was 25/30(83%) 217 yards 3 TDs no picks, don't know how to figure the QB rating, but that is not good enough for you, Really dude! WTF do you want? Any other QB in the history of the league ever has that stat line and that is considered really good, but not Fitz. WTF are you smoking? You are ridiculous.


In case you haven't noticed and as others have pointed out, Chan's gameplan is to get the ball in the receivers hands in space asap and let the receivers create and break tackles and rack up YAC.


So because Fitz had a good day except 1 pass, and haters deep down really know the defense was to blame, haters focus on what they perceive to be a negative, and this week it is "the ball only traveled 30 yards tops" what effing ever. Go hate somewhere else.



I noticed you didn't say perfect again.

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IF we had better than a historically bad defense, Fitz would have us at 4-3 or possibly 5-2. He gave us a 2 td lead in the 2nd half against the Pats and a lead in the 4th against the Titans. It isn't pretty but when you pay $100 million to the defense, Fitz did his job and that's on them. You put Fitz on Miami or Minnesota, they have the same record if not better. Top 10 defenses are a QBs best friend.


Fitz is very limited and I want a legit 1st round talent at QB next year. But except for 2 games, Fitz has done his job. The defense is the biggest obstacle from this team having a winning record.

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No one is putting ALL the blame on Fitz


People are just watching the games with their eyes and not just looking at stats and determining that the defence isn't just the only problem here.


Yes, in the Titans game the offence scored what should have been enough points to win the game, and the defence gave up the winning TD. But instead of playing it safe to preserve the one score lead in that game, Fitz throws a timely INT and gives the Titans great Field position for the winning TD.


Watching the games, and watching some of the other games with the leagues better QBs, you see a difference in the play of the QBs, guys making accurate throws that make it to the WRs. Not over/under throwing wide open WRs, leading drives down the field and being efficient with the ball. How many times does the offence get the ball and go 3 and out with it, giving it back to the other team and putting the defence back on the field? With the way the defence is playing, the offence has to help out and play to preserve the ball and keep the defence off the field


Fitz isn't the only problem with the team right now, and not the only reason for the losses, but he also isn't winning games for them

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IF we had better than a historically bad defense, Fitz would have us at 4-3 or possibly 5-2. He gave us a 2 td lead in the 2nd half against the Pats and a lead in the 4th against the Titans. It isn't pretty but when you pay $100 million to the defense, Fitz did his job and that's on them. You put Fitz on Miami or Minnesota, they have the same record if not better. Top 10 defenses are a QBs best friend.


Fitz is very limited and I want a legit 1st round talent at QB next year. But except for 2 games, Fitz has done his job. The defense is the biggest obstacle from this team having a winning record.


You and I seem to have somewhat similar perspectives.


The offense the Bills used last weekend didn't ask the QB to make long throws, or difficult throws. Gailey designed the offense to fit within Fitz's (very narrow) limitations. For most of the game, Fitz looked reasonably competent, playing within those limitations. His numbers were good, in large part because he was going against a poor defense.


I agree that if the Bills had a top-10 defense, they would probably have won most of their games thus far. The offense has a ridiculously good running game, and a somewhat good passing game. That passing game is the result of very good pass protection, Stevie Johnson's ability to get open even against the best CBs in the league, the emergence of players like Chandler and Graham, and a mediocre QB who does some things well and other things poorly.


The offense is pretty good, and is one to two players away from being very special. If you were to add a Kurt Warner and an AJ Green to the offense, you'd have something similar to the Greatest Show on Turf. Our offensive line would be comparable to theirs, our running back situation would be as good as theirs--if not better--our receiving corps (after adding Green) would be at least as good as theirs.

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Actually this is another way of twisting statistics...While the Patriots were 31st in total yards defense, they were 14th overall in Points Allowed per game (21.4 points per game, while the league worst 30 points was by Tampa Bay). I think that is the most important statistics for a defense. Let us not compare the crap we have this year with that of the Patriots from last year.

Hmmmm, thats funny cause I used to argue this fact with Jaurons "Bend but don't break" defence that everyone thought was "The worst ever"

At that time the defence was giving up tons of yards a game, but keeping the opponent out of the endzone to where they were holding them to atleast 20 points a game, it was the offence at that time that couldn't get into the endzone and score more then 20 points. But it was all the defences fault they were losing games, and now that its the Patriots that are doing it, its ok and their defence isn't bad.....


I agree that the defense is a huge problem; and that a change will have to be made at defensive coordinator. I'd like to see the Bills hire a young, up-and-coming position coach from some other team. Ideally he should be a linebackers coach for a team which plays a 3-4. Not the joke 3-4 which we used last year. A real 3-4, like the one Belichick uses, or like the one Wade Phillips employs.


On another matter, giving a QB lousy pass protection is like giving a swordsman a short, dull, heavy sword. Giving him good pass protection and good WRs is like giving him a long, light, sharp sword! The quality of the weapon matters a lot. So too does the quality of the swordsman. Right now, the Bills have given a very good sword to an inferior swordsman (Fitzpatrick).

Was that not the type of 3-4 they tried to do here? I remember people saying that the 3-4 they were trying to do (a hybrid 3-4) was similar to that of what the pats used, where they could rotate in guys to switch between a 3-4 and a 4-3 when needed. The only problem with the Bills version was that they didn't have the talent to do it very well Edited by apuszczalowski
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So up until the pick, Fitz was 25/30(83%) 217 yards 3 TDs no picks, don't know how to figure the QB rating, but that is not good enough for you, Really dude! WTF do you want? Any other QB in the history of the league ever has that stat line and that is considered really good, but not Fitz. WTF are you smoking? You are ridiculous.


In case you haven't noticed and as others have pointed out, Chan's gameplan is to get the ball in the receivers hands in space asap and let the receivers create and break tackles and rack up YAC.


So because Fitz had a good day except 1 pass, and haters deep down really know the defense was to blame, haters focus on what they perceive to be a negative, and this week it is "the ball only traveled 30 yards tops" what effing ever. Go hate somewhere else.


Yet in the two most important offensive series, he choked. That's like saying, "Hey, for 8 2/3, the Nats pitching was good enough to get to the NLCS!"

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IF we had better than a historically bad defense, Fitz would have us at 4-3 or possibly 5-2. He gave us a 2 td lead in the 2nd half against the Pats and a lead in the 4th against the Titans. It isn't pretty but when you pay $100 million to the defense, Fitz did his job and that's on them. You put Fitz on Miami or Minnesota, they have the same record if not better. Top 10 defenses are a QBs best friend.


Fitz is very limited and I want a legit 1st round talent at QB next year. But except for 2 games, Fitz has done his job. The defense is the biggest obstacle from this team having a winning record.

And a top 10 QB is a defences best friend

Just ask the Pats, or do you consider them to have a top 10 defence?

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