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Thank you, and goodbye

The Big Cat

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I joined this board in 2006 because, even then, us out-of-towners were hard-pressed to consume on-going Bills news.


I got a lot of news and insight from posting and participating in the on-going dialogue here, and I continued to come back to settle some inexplicable urge to always right (what I perceived to be) un-informed, and misguided masses who dare speak out against our beloved Bills in short-sighted,


Well, it's consumed more of my time than I'd like, it's interfering with my professional life, and bickering/curbing the idiot fringe is quite frankly not worth my time anymore. I've come to realize that my input isn't needed, that others will carry the same banner I would have hoisted anyways. Plus, thanks to Twitter, et al, there are plenty of outlets to receive news, plus the opportunity to just lurk here, account be-damned.


I'll still watch the Bills every Sunday, but after yesterday, I'm learning to just smile and go on with my life, completely unaffected by the outcome.


I am grateful for the 6+ years I had here, the mods have a thankless and noble job keeping this place up and running, but it's no longer for me.


I really enjoy what a lot of you have to say, and for every poster who makes me want to chuck my monitor out the window, there's at least one more who brightens my day, makes me laugh out loud, and makes me love the Bills that much more.


Thank you, all of you. AND GO BILLS!

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I joined this board in 2006 because, even then, us out-of-towners were hard-pressed to consume on-going Bills news.


I got a lot of news and insight from posting and participating in the on-going dialogue here, and I continued to come back to settle some inexplicable urge to always right (what I perceived to be) un-informed, and misguided masses who dare speak out against our beloved Bills in short-sighted,


Well, it's consumed more of my time than I'd like, it's interfering with my professional life, and bickering/curbing the idiot fringe is quite frankly not worth my time anymore. I've come to realize that my input isn't needed, that others will carry the same banner I would have hoisted anyways. Plus, thanks to Twitter, et al, there are plenty of outlets to receive news, plus the opportunity to just lurk here, account be-damned.


I'll still watch the Bills every Sunday, but after yesterday, I'm learning to just smile and go on with my life, completely unaffected by the outcome.


I am grateful for the 6+ years I had here, the mods have a thankless and noble job keeping this place up and running, but it's no longer for me.


I really enjoy what a lot of you have to say, and for every poster who makes me want to chuck my monitor out the window, there's at least one more who brightens my day, makes me laugh out loud, and makes me love the Bills that much more.


Thank you, all of you. AND GO BILLS!


Thank you for your service. I will try to fill your shoes.

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Big Cat....Jesus beevis ....take the Bye week off and calm the Hell down. Another thread was bemoaning all the noobs on the board. At least play the season out with us!

i believe i qualify as a noob, at least partially. but i've been around long enough to have read and enjoyed a few of your posts. so i thank you for your time and wish you well. and, i hope that someday soon the bills will make you want to shout!...something other than profanities.

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