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Amateur Hour - Year 3


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I'm sure there's another thread about this, so this will get locked down soon, but what they hey.


This is what you get for a continual settling on a GM and a coaching staff. Face it, when Ralph sued Wade Philips for firing him, that turned into rumors were flying about Ralph calling in plays during the game, followed by Brandon making GM, and then a no name like Brian Schottenheimer turns down the job, Jim Harbaugh turns down an interview, and probably other behind the scenes shenanigans we don't know about, it's time to face the truth.


We are fans of an amateur run team trying to make it in the big leagues. Sometimes they get close to give us hope, but in the end, it's always the professional Lucy pulling the ball away from the amateur Charlie.

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Defense getting worse from poor game planning IMO...we have some talented players who know they are talented. But the problem is 1. They know they are talented and think success will come with 75% effort. 2. They are coddled rather than led with a firm hand by coaches. 3. They are outcoached and outadjusted at every turn when it counts.

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I'm sure there's another thread about this, so this will get locked down soon, but what they hey.


This is what you get for a continual settling on a GM and a coaching staff. Face it, when Ralph sued Wade Philips for firing him, that turned into rumors were flying about Ralph calling in plays during the game, followed by Brandon making GM, and then a no name like Brian Schottenheimer turns down the job, Jim Harbaugh turns down an interview, and probably other behind the scenes shenanigans we don't know about, it's time to face the truth.


We are fans of an amateur run team trying to make it in the big leagues. Sometimes they get close to give us hope, but in the end, it's always the professional Lucy pulling the ball away from the amateur Charlie.

What you say is true. Whenever the team had a decent coach he was run off. The one genius GM was simply dumb luck. Polian was in house and he was given his shot and he was outstanding. He was eventually...run off.


Nix has done some things well, but he has done some things very poorly too. Switching to a 3-4 (I railed against it at the time) and only spending one 7th round pick on a QB have undone all of the good decisions he's made. We have 3 backup QBs on the roster and no one to point to who may have a future. Sad...


I'm going to heed the advice of many around here next Sunday, if the weather is decent I'm hitting the links. If the weather sucks I'll watch whatever game happens to be on.


Really disappointed no player stood up yesterday. We were out coached. We were out played. We were out hit. We were embarassed at home.


Same as it ever was...same as it ever was...

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I'm sure there's another thread about this, so this will get locked down soon, but what they hey.


This is what you get for a continual settling on a GM and a coaching staff. Face it, when Ralph sued Wade Philips for firing him, that turned into rumors were flying about Ralph calling in plays during the game, followed by Brandon making GM, and then a no name like Brian Schottenheimer turns down the job, Jim Harbaugh turns down an interview, and probably other behind the scenes shenanigans we don't know about, it's time to face the truth.


We are fans of an amateur run team trying to make it in the big leagues. Sometimes they get close to give us hope, but in the end, it's always the professional Lucy pulling the ball away from the amateur Charlie.

this is what ralph gets and unfortunately we are pulled along. even worse, it never seems to bother him and we all know it bothers the hell out of us. he is quite possibly the worst living owner in major professional sports. more fool us for being his customers.
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I think our GM, Head Coach and Roster are all pretty good. They've put together a nice O line and D line over the past two years.


The Jets have played in the AFC championship game for 2 of the last 3 years. Does that legitimize their front office and coaching staff?


Go read their message board today.......

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I think our GM, Head Coach and Roster are all pretty good. They've put together a nice O line and D line over the past two years.


The Jets have played in the AFC championship game for 2 of the last 3 years. Does that legitimize their front office and coaching staff?


Go read their message board today.......

yes, it does.i'd be over the moon if we made it to the wildcard game 2 out of the last 3 years with martha stewart as our gm and steve martin as our coach. Edited by birdog1960
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I'm sure there's another thread about this, so this will get locked down soon, but what they hey.


This is what you get for a continual settling on a GM and a coaching staff. Face it, when Ralph sued Wade Philips for firing him, that turned into rumors were flying about Ralph calling in plays during the game, followed by Brandon making GM, and then a no name like Brian Schottenheimer turns down the job, Jim Harbaugh turns down an interview, and probably other behind the scenes shenanigans we don't know about, it's time to face the truth.


We are fans of an amateur run team trying to make it in the big leagues. Sometimes they get close to give us hope, but in the end, it's always the professional Lucy pulling the ball away from the amateur Charlie.




They cannot attract the best personnel and coaching minds in the business anymore, no matter what they offer. The front office is a direct result of poor ownership, and the coaches/players are the result of a poor front office. It's basically become an emperor has no clothes situation at OBD.


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If we finish with a losing record this season, I fully support firing everyone on the coaching staff and in the front office.


I know it's not productive starting over every few years, but it's also not productive sticking with bad ___. So you might as well take a chance and see if you can strike gold.


We also need new players at 50-75% of positions.

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Nix and Gailey are an improvement, but it's painfully obvious we'll never be a contender without a legit franchise QB, especially the way Ralph runs the organization. Gailey is a good offensive coordinator and Nix is a good college scout, but you need more than that if you want to compete against organizations like the Pats.

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Maybe Wanny thinks this is still preseason and he's just testing out some new wrinkles with his gameplan...Chan apparently forgot to tell Dave W. these are regular season games.


I would love it if someone had a candid pic of Wanny sitting up in his ivory tower box taking a big bite of a beef on weck right when Ridley ran in for a TD....horseradish and ketchup running down his chin.

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The sooner this team the better it will be for the fans.


(Yes I am aware that the team may move, but no team is better than this team)


NO team is better?


Now youre just being assine.


I'm sure there's another thread about this, so this will get locked down soon, but what they hey.


This is what you get for a continual settling on a GM and a coaching staff. Face it, when Ralph sued Wade Philips for firing him, that turned into rumors were flying about Ralph calling in plays during the game, followed by Brandon making GM, and then a no name like Brian Schottenheimer turns down the job, Jim Harbaugh turns down an interview, and probably other behind the scenes shenanigans we don't know about, it's time to face the truth.


We are fans of an amateur run team trying to make it in the big leagues. Sometimes they get close to give us hope, but in the end, it's always the professional Lucy pulling the ball away from the amateur Charlie.


I dont buy this becuase when the Bills were winning, they had zero problems getting talent to come to Orchard Park. There are other "meddling" owners in Sports and coaches dont have a problem going to those organizations, either.


I think the wildcard is the current instability of the ownship situation, which wasnt there ten years ago. Would YOU go take a job where the ownership could change and the entire place possibly moving literally any secord now? I know I wouldnt.


I would love it if someone had a candid pic of Wanny sitting up in his ivory tower box taking a big bite of a beef on weck right when Ridley ran in for a TD....horseradish and ketchup running down his chin.


Right, becuase there have never been good coaches who manage the game from upstairs.

Edited by RkFast
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I dont buy this becuase when the Bills were winning, they had zero problems getting talent to come to Orchard Park. There are other "meddling" owners in Sports and coaches dont have a problem going to those organizations, either.


When exactly was that?


20 years ago, and before Ralph sued Philips.


Sad part is that Donahoe was the closest thing to a professional running the front office in over a decade.

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