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Now he's just lying through his teeth. Little girls were denied heart transplants not because hearts are scarce & there aren't enough to go around but because their insurance companies block them.


I rarely use this terminology, but that has me offended. I am a transplant recipient and to insinuate that the reason people can't get transplants is because of being denied insurance? HORSESHIT! The number one problem in transplantation is availability. To make this issue about politics instead of facts is disgusting...


Edited by TheMadCap
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I didn't catch Romney's speech so I can't speak to that, but his "policy" talk is illusory. Take for example his medicare & SS policy: Instead of voucher system he's going to reduce health care costs and take the responsible steps to ensure the survival of Medicare. That's not policy; that's just a more eloquent rendition of John Kerry's plan to have a plan.


That's the beauty of it. If you disagree with "take reasonable steps to ensure the survival of Medicare," then you just hate Medicare. It's designed to foster complete and mindless agreement.


I rarely use this terminology, but that has me offended. I am a transplant recipient and to insinuate that the reason people can't get transplants is because of being denied insurance? HORSESHIT! The number one problem in transplantation is availability. To make this issue about politics instead of facts is disgusting...



Image of parents walking into their kids bedroom to tell them they can't afford to play Little League OR get a new kidney...

Edited by DC Tom
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That's the beauty of it. If you disagree with "take reasonable steps to ensure the survival of Medicare," then you just hate Medicare. It's designed to foster complete and mindless agreement.




Image of parents walking into their kids bedroom to tell them they can't afford to play Little League OR get a new kidney...


It was a mistake, fon't got jacked up.

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That's quite the shouting. Was the transplant of a new voice box?


I kid, I kid.


Never mind the obvious - you can strive to cover more people, you can strive to eliminate the caps on the health benefits. But you can't do both under realistic economic scenarios.


I wonder if that's why Obama omitted the factoid that under ACA, benefit caps and procedure limits will likely be more stringent than under private coverage?

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Writing that statement has got to be the easiest job on the planet. All you have to do is dust of last month's.

Barry's speech writer had an easy job as well, seeing as he/she dusted-off Carter's re-election speech from 1980.

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But honestly, Obama isn't even in Carter's league.


He won't be until he espouses as a solution to foreign energy dependence the plan: "Wear a sweater."

Which makes it even more hilarious that Barry would give a similar speech.

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Meanwhile, Obama's job approval rating spiked up during the convention. At 52% approval, highest it's been in over a year.


LOL.....Apparently Gallup got Axelrod's hint



See what the threat of a lawsuit will do?



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Meanwhile, Obama's job approval rating spiked up during the convention. At 52% approval, highest it's been in over a year.

The bedtime stories were told and the dream was a nice one, but the wakeup revealed the harsh reality of a dismal jobs report. The approval ratings will do nothing but go down now.

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