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Biden is a black preacher



Biden now saying that the GOP has no plan to address the debt.


I think Michelle may tackle him on her own.


Please make him stop. He is making DWS sound like an honest person.


EDIT: Good news. Someone told Biden what century it is.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I can't say whether it was good or bad because I watched the Cowboys vs Giants instead. I suspect most of America did the same.


Was he still talking at halftime? I know NBC said they would cut over the Convention at halftime but again I didn't watch. Halftime of MNF and SNF is usually spent away from TV. Refill beverages. Check email/voicemail/text. Potty Check. Stuff like that. And again I suspect most of America doesn't spend halftime watching the news


Brilliant call. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/1st-night-of-democratic-national-convention-reaches-262m-viewers-nearly-4m-more-than-rnc/2012/09/05/f0e372f6-f7cd-11e1-a93b-7185e3f88849_story.html Given how you nailed that prediction, I hope you predict a Jets' blowout on Sunday.

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Did I just hear Obama take credit for lowering oil imports in the same sentence he vows not to let Big Oil run wild? Exactly what was the source of the reduced oil? Wonder how many people think that reduced economic activity that's driving lower oil use is a positive?


They do talk a good game to the gullible

Edited by GG
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Did I just hear Obama take credit for lowering oil imports in the same sentence he vows not to let Big Oil run wild? Exactly what was the source of the reduced oil? Wonder how many people think that reduced economic activity that's driving lower oil use is a positive?


They do talk a good game to the gullible

He's also protecting the coasts from drilling by paying Mexico & Brazil to do it.

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We'll return to "The Best of President Obama's Stump Speeches" after these commercial messages.




Geez, Michelle's speech was better than this.............................lol




He's talking policy. Romney should have gave it a shot!


(But I do agree it sounds like a lot of his speeches)

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Infinitely more policy oriented than Mitt Romney's speech.

I didn't catch Romney's speech so I can't speak to that, but his "policy" talk is illusory. Take for example his medicare & SS policy: Instead of voucher system he's going to reduce health care costs and take the responsible steps to ensure the survival of Medicare. That's not policy; that's just a more eloquent rendition of John Kerry's plan to have a plan.

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There were just as many (vague) policy statements in Mitt Romney's speech....you just are going with the media spin.


The problem with the policies that Barack is talking about tonight, is that they are the same failed policies of the past 4 years,


he's asking for a "mulligan" to give it another shot.....no thanks

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