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Listening to CNN Early Start driving in today, rated Obamas speech as "Meh". Said it was just a bunch of disjointed one liners trying to touch on every swing states talking points. Said it was not his best speech. Just a very non-cohessive prose. They gave credit to Romney saying it was a great speech and Obama while not bad came up short. They did say that Bidens speech was good.


They did say that the speech and convention likely gave the DNC no bounce, but did say that the DNC's convention itself seemed to have more on floor energy than the RNC. They felt no swing voters were likely swayed by the speech.


The fact that CNN talking heads weren't all praise worthy and expecting huge bounces should tell you volumes about hw the DNC and Obamas speech really went over.

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Surprisingly, Biden gave a better speech than Obama. Partisan, entertaining, embellishing, and exaggerating but a pretty good speech.


Obama, like VABills said above. Meh. Maybe it's because I live in one of those TV Markets being deluged with ads from all sides, but it sounded like half of a commercial break (the other half being Republican ads) that I had heard a hundred times before


But my favorite speech was Jennifer Granolaholm, I think she was tipsy :lol:

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Surprisingly, Biden gave a better speech than Obama. Partisan, entertaining, embellishing, and exaggerating but a pretty good speech.


Obama, like VABills said above. Meh. Maybe it's because I live in one of those TV Markets being deluged with ads from all sides, but it sounded like half of a commercial break (the other half being Republican ads) that I had heard a hundred times before


But my favorite speech was Jennifer Granolaholm, I think she was tipsy :lol:


Wasn't me, I fell asleep. It was CNN talking heads and I quote from them , "MEH".

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That’s it?


It would have been better had he not spoken. Seriously. Like an aging rock star, President Obama, in a downsized venue, with downsized proposal and spewing downsized rhetoric only reminded us how far he has fallen from the heady days of 2008. The man, the agenda and the aura are faint imitations of their 2008 incarnations. And most importantly, he put forth an agenda that was entirely, and obviously, lacking, one that didn’t begin to match the demands of our time.


Even for the liberal media, it will be hard to characterize a speech this prosaic as uplifting or fresh. The crowd — you know, the people who favor abortion on demand up to birth, all paid for by the government -- were thrilled at the onset, although quiet during long stretches of the speech. On TV the speech came across in large part as flat. It was frankly not as good a speech as his wife’s.


But what did he say? Where is the argument for his re-election?


As a preliminary matter he played the victim unconvincingly. (“I know that campaigns can seem small, and even silly. Trivial things become big distractions. Serious issues become sound bites. And the truth gets buried under an avalanche of money and advertising. If you’re sick of hearing me approve this message, believe me – so am I.”) Since it is his own campaign that is irredeemably negative and petty he really has no claim to the high ground.




No matter how desperately the Obama team spins, there is no getting away from this simple fact: He has no credible plan to reduce the debt or intention of attacking the drivers of debt, namely entitlement spending. For those Democrats and independents who though he would eventually get serious about our most serious problem, the answer tonight was: “Y ou’ve been had.”


What followed was one spending program after another, as if no debt crisis loomed and as if the key to jump-starting the economy were to spend more money. (Recall we have spent trillions and trillions already.) It was, to put it mildly, shockingly weak and rather dull. Before our eyes, Obama has become the anti-reformer, the defender of the status quo and the throw back to mid-20th century liberalism.




The Romney camp will breathe a sigh of relief. There is nothing in the speech we have not heard, nor is there any sense that Obama has grown in the job, is ready to tell his own party (let alone the public, as he claims he has done) hard truths or do what may be unpopular but is nevertheless essential. He leaves the field wide open for Mitt Romney to be the adult in the race, the responsible leader. If Romney can fully embrace that role, the presidency will be his.



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Payrolls rose less than projected in August and the unemployment rate declined as more Americans left the labor force, indicating the U.S. labor market is stagnating.

The economy added 96,000 workers last month following a revised 141,000 rise in July that was smaller than initially estimated, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The median estimate of 92 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for a gain of 130,000.





Surprise surprise, unemployment rate dropped because of people dropping out of the labor force.


The labor force participation rate, or the percentage of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one, fell to 63.5 percent -- the lowest since September 1981.





Which Means that there are more people who have given up hope looking for work in over three decades.


Average hourly earnings fell one cent last month, highlighting the underlying weakness in the labor market.


In another sign of a weak labor market, average earnings ticked down by one cent to $23.52 an hour, while the average workweek was unchanged at 34.4 hours.


Which means wages are remaining stagnant, while the cost of living is increasing.


Then you have the revisions from the previous months:



Compounding the weak August report, July and June payroll numbers were revised down—July payrolls rose 141,000, compared with the initially reported 163,000, and June was up 45,000, versus an earlier estimate of 64,000.




Things aren't getting better, they're getting worse.

Edited by WorldTraveller
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Obviously, if you don't like Obama, you won't have liked his speech. I watched more of both conventions than I ever have in the past, and IMO, the Democrats gave more solutions. The Republicans' tactic is fear based and anger. Obama didn't clear up Bush's mess fast enough and we will fix it without giving telling you how we will. But it will get get done and we're better than BO.

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, the Democrats gave more solutions. The Republicans' tactic is fear based and anger.


You could swap "Democrats" and "Republicans" in that, and it would be equally as accurate.


AND you ignore one critical point: what happens when the solutions you give suck ass?

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You could swap "Democrats" and "Republicans" in that, and it would be equally as accurate.


AND you ignore one critical point: what happens when the solutions you give suck ass?


Let me be clear: the 2 party system is completely outdated. But to use a football analogy, a coach inherits a 1-15 team. Do you honestly expect the coach to win the Super Bowl the next year? I don't care who got elected President in 2008. It is completely laughable what some people expect a President to do. And because it's the Bloods vs. Crips, parties would rather fight agaisnt each other than pass bills to help the country. I respect Romney as a business man even if pops handed off to him. I simply don't think those 2 have the best interests of the country as a whole in their midset.


And DC Tom, you claim to be a smart guy. How would you have fixed this country in the last 4 years?

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Listening to CNN Early Start driving in today, rated Obamas speech as "Meh". Said it was just a bunch of disjointed one liners trying to touch on every swing states talking points. Said it was not his best speech. Just a very non-cohessive prose. They gave credit to Romney saying it was a great speech and Obama while not bad came up short. They did say that Bidens speech was good.


They did say that the speech and convention likely gave the DNC no bounce, but did say that the DNC's convention itself seemed to have more on floor energy than the RNC. They felt no swing voters were likely swayed by the speech.


The fact that CNN talking heads weren't all praise worthy and expecting huge bounces should tell you volumes about hw the DNC and Obamas speech really went over.


I didn't listen to any coverage and haven't had time to. I heard the speech on the radio. Seemed good--certainly (in terms of delivery) a lot better than Romney but that's to be expected. Also (again expected), more pulled heartstrings.


The RNC floor energy was terrible. Except for the top dogs. most of the convention hall shots (I watched all speeches through the RNC webpage) showed people milling about and not listening to speakers at all. The DNC must have seen that and put out a mandate to pay attention. It's certainly hard to take seriously rising rhetoric when attendees are hamming it up. Not that it matters for ratings or anything, but the energy couldn't help but be better for the DNC.


Obama will probably get a bigger bounce than Romney. The media gobbled the speeches from the first lady, Clinton, Biden, and Obama.

Edited by John Adams
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