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i dont know a lot about them, and know less legally, but id imagine it has to do with making tweaks to the recipe and all new laws being needed to outlaw the replacement product. one of those situations where outlawing them ends up being a lot like a dog chasing its tail as the changes come faster than the laws. id imagine at some point you rack up a list of enough chemicals and derivatives, and such and the laws can catch up though. until the next craze.


Its a problem just as Kratom and "Spice" are.

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SOme of the different examples of what people have done while on bath salts are starting to get written about and reported. Nothing quite as disturbing as this but pretty darn crazy. For whatever reason it seems to make people want to bite and chew violently...like those night zombies from the movie I Am Legend.

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Don't look now....but here we go again...guy disembowels himself, throws intestines at cops...guy eats another guys face...now this:



And don't forget the Japanese cook who served his own genitals to 5 diners.


Here's a great line from a reporter covering this story:

At 65-years-old and after a life lived on the streets, Poppo’s survival of Eugene’s attack is likely the toughest thing he’s ever faced.


a) having your face chewed off on a city street is probably the toughest thing ANYBODY has ever faced

2) love the use of the word 'face' there, considering the subject matter



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SOme of the different examples of what people have done while on bath salts are starting to get written about and reported. Nothing quite as disturbing as this but pretty darn crazy. For whatever reason it seems to make people want to bite and chew violently...like those night zombies from the movie I Am Legend.

Apparently it also raises your body temperature to the point where its like your insides are boiling, thats why many remove their clothes and are found naked. Their body gets too hot and they are trying to cool down

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Don't look now....but here we go again...guy disembowels himself, throws intestines at cops...guy eats another guys face...now this:



what an awful article. id say dismembering and eating your roommate might not be the same as going naked zombie on a homeless guy on the street. writer is trying way to hard to piggy back the apparently in style news.


and what a weird week of news stories.

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SOme of the different examples of what people have done while on bath salts are starting to get written about and reported. Nothing quite as disturbing as this but pretty darn crazy. For whatever reason it seems to make people want to bite and chew violently...like those night zombies from the movie I Am Legend.


Who else teared up a little when Will Smith's dog died?

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I've written a few articles about bath salts, I co-own a website that helps people struggling in addiction and through that I as well as a bunch of other people with experience and knowledge have written about every drug you can imagine. I can tell you right now that comparing bath salts to weed is like comparing a wine cooler to moonshine. Bath salts are unimaginably horrible and it's remarkable that they are sold legally in a lot of states. I've worked with many who have used bath salts, they themselves will tell you how horrid they can be while using. Unfortunately the use of bath salts are used mainly because of how accessible they can be. This guys behavior although extreme is not uncommon.

Nightline did a segment about them last night, said unlike other drugs that when the high ends, you're back to "normal", bath salts screw up the chemistry of the mind so much it's permemantly damaged.



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Just craft the language broadly , give law enforcement a lot f discretion shutting it down. Stakes are too high to let this crap get out. I think the real problem however is more likely due to slow reaction time/ logistics coordinating across the Country. If there's anything good comes out of his god awful incident it could be a catalyst to get them off the shelves and the manufacturers behind bars.

It's impossible to get rid of these drugs. Most of the designer drugs are research chemicals that have some psychoactive effect. They literally have pages and pages of them, waiting until one is made illegal to release the next one.


The chemists will always be far ahead of the law.

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Guy who a) kept to himself, b) smoked a lot of weed and c) always had a mean look on his face, is pretty scary!

I saw him just before he started eating that guy. He looked to be in better spirits. I asked him if he was feeling better and he just smiled and said "I'm having a ball!"

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Nah, he didn't eat the parts, he was just confused when he finished filing his taxes and saw that the Canadian Government was making him pay an "Arm & a Leg" this year





Thank you, Thank you, I will be here all week, tip your waitress and don't forget to try the veal!

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It's impossible to get rid of these drugs. Most of the designer drugs are research chemicals that have some psychoactive effect. They literally have pages and pages of them, waiting until one is made illegal to release the next one.


The chemists will always be far ahead of the law.


Prohibition is never the answer since it doesnt work at all. Illegal drugs are easier to get than most legal products. And for the best example of prohibition not working, just look at the amount of drug use in maximum security prisons. If we cant keep drugs out of prisons, we're never going to get them off the streets.


It's all about education and how people are raised. And even then, some people will just have the self-destructive personality.

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Nah, he didn't eat the parts, he was just confused when he finished filing his taxes and saw that the Canadian Government was making him pay an "Arm & a Leg" this year





Thank you, Thank you, I will be here all week, tip your waitress and don't forget to try the veal!

Looks like the idiot sent stuff to schools too.



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Prohibition is never the answer since it doesnt work at all. Illegal drugs are easier to get than most legal products. And for the best example of prohibition not working, just look at the amount of drug use in maximum security prisons. If we cant keep drugs out of prisons, we're never going to get them off the streets.


It's all about education and how people are raised. And even then, some people will just have the self-destructive personality.


which legal products are you really struggling to get? Ill generally agree prohibition doesnt work though.

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They are assuming it was him, but they haven't been able to confirm that yet.


All he has to do is come back to Canada, claim he is mentally ill when commiting the killing (or claim he was brainwashed into it like his rumored ex Karla Homolka did) and he will go to an institution where in a few years he will get supervised trips/outings out of the institution into public like teh guy who decapitated teh kid riding a greyhound bus next to him, and another guy who killed his 2 kids because his wife left him.

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