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Disappointment at conclusion of Bills games

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I wouldn't say that Kelly necessarily threw it too many times. It was just that the defense couldn't get off the field and the offense had trouble getting into a rhythm.


The one series that I remember the most that no one ever talks about is the offensive series AFTER the safety. The Bills had just gone up 12-3 and the momentum was on their side. They received the ball in favorable scoring position -- and a score there may very well have sealed the game because the Giants' offense was not built to come back. Instead, the offense wasted that series -- all of which were passes: a beautiful throw to Reed that was incomplete due to a crazy hit by the defender, an errant throw from Kelly that went incomplete, and another beautiful throw to Reed that was simply dropped (poor Reed was beaten to a pulp that day and certainly heard footsteps).


The Giants got the ball back, marched down the field on a 8 or 9 minute drive to get within 12-10 -- then got the ball first in the 2nd half to go on another 8 or 9 minute drive to take the lead. The Bills' offense was dormant for over an hour.


Yes, those NFC East teams of the early 90s were a poor match-up for us (always thought the Bills would have fared much better against the 49ers). But Marv was badly out-coached in all 4 of those Super Bowls.


I can remember Marv being interviewed after the game and was asked why the Bills threw so often, he stated " you gotta dance with who brought you" . So clearly Marv had no idea what he was doing. Since Marchibroda setup the offense so Kelly could call his own plays he really should have made Kelly run Thurman more like they had done all year. 20 point favorites and the Bills blew it trying to throw against the same team that shut down Joe Montana and the 10-1 49ers by a score of 7-3, a team that had won the last 2 super bowls. Then, the NY GIants beat the 49ers again in the playoffs by a score of 15-13. With QB Phil Simms out with a broken foot I suppose the Bills thought it would be an easy game, and in the coaches stupidity they didn't game plan against the Giants very well, or they simply didn't watch the game film of the Giants beating the 49ers. If they had, they would have had Kelly throw less and allow Thurman to run the ball more pure and simple.


Then, like I stated Kelly wasn't very bright either looking at that 5-1-5 defense with an over the hill LT trying to cover Thurman Thomas and while throwing into constant nickle coverages. The other Bills fans around me were saying Kelly was trying to get MVP by throwing so much. 25 rushes vs 30 passes doesn't seem like that much of a disparity. But the Bills used to run more then they passed most games that year. Thomas had 190 all purpose yards in that game and he would have won the MVP if the Bills had won the game. I felt so bad for him that the Bills didn't run the ball more often early in that game to force the Giants into stopping the run first



I was at that game and watched as Bruce Smith grabbed Jeff Hostetler's wrist with the football in the same hand, in the end zone! I thought for sure its a sack, fumble and recovery for a Bills TD. Instead Hostetler managed to curl around the ball and only give up a sack and safety...I couldn't believe it. That one play could have changed the entire momentum for the game and forced the Giants to play catch up with a back up QB. Instead of 12-3 it would have been 17-3 and things could have been so different. Not blaming Bruce, just saying lady luck didn't want the Bills winning this one. A 47 yard FG from a guy who was a never miss inside the 30, but never kicked a kickoff into the end zone in Norwood was asking for a miracle.

Edited by Fear the Beard
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No one mentioned the Dallas game yet.

Wasn't too bad for me...I saw it coming.


Funny story, I had started dating a girl a few weeks before that game and she called me during the game. She knew I was big into football and liked the Bills, but probably not how much. I was pretty much freaking out with excitement at that point, talking all about everything that had happened so far (all to someone who didn't care about football at all).


So she was laughing at me and calling me a dork, then:


Her: well, I'm glad the Bills are going to win.


Me: Oh, they're not going to win!


Her: Silence for a few seconds, then...Why wouldn't they win?


Me: You don't understand the Bills. This game is amazing, but they're not going to win.


Her: I don't get it.


Me: It's just the way it is.


Her: Well, maybe they'll surprise you.


Me: You'll see.


Come to think of it, similar thing happened during the NE/Mckelvin game. Just before the kickoff I said to my friends, "how are they going to screw this up?", then a few seconds later, "Ah!"

Edited by Faustus
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This reminds me of that old 'masochism by catharsis' thread from a few years back..that was one of the best.


The only good thing about these tough losses is that if and when the Bills ever do win it all, the victory will be that much sweeter.

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As many times as I've feared the Bills would give my father a heart attack from anger, I guess I should be more worried it would burst if they actually won. If we sign that YouTube trick shot QB to back up Fitzcrackedribs, I think we got a shot this year.

Edited by benderbender
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Far too many to choose from - with the obvious ones repeated so many times.

Couple others: '86 @ Bucs, Kelly hits Riddick in the end zone on the games last play, but the ball bounces off his arm cast..Tom Dempsey blowing a 10 yard. FG on games' last play to lose to Fish.. Ron Smith running free to beat us in playoff game @ SD in '80..Fergy hitting Roland Hooks on the head in the end zone to loose to Cinci in the playoffs in '81.. Norm Bullach busting up the middle for the winning TD with seconds to play @ Miami in '75..

Gotta go find the Kleenix...

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Over the years there have been many memorable losses the Bill have been part in. Post the one you find most disappointing and why you think they lost.


My personal favorite: Super Bowl XXV Late in the game as the Bills were driving Jim Kelly had apass to one of the TE's and the ref piddle-farted around for 10 to 15 seconds before finally placing the ball on the right hash mark. Had the ref had hurried I am sure the Bills could have had 1 more play then spiked the ball or what not and the ball may have been in a different place. To me the ref(s) kept the Bills from the win and as always you have to play them and the other team. Most miserable loss.

Can we end this thread? Bills fans are such downers. Get happy people. The team is back. Forget the past. There is only the future.

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I think I need therapy after reading this thread.




Can we end this thread? Bills fans are such downers. Get happy people. The team is back. Forget the past. There is only the future.


This is a last chance to remember the bad-old-days that this new organization and roster is about to bury in the past.


There - I've said it - again - May 11th and I'm saying they're finally going to turn it around this year.


Damn you Bills - you've roped me again!! :doh:

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Pretty comprehensive list here Jabber. I would only add the home opener several seasons ago where Jax won on the last play of the game. I was there, in endzone seats where the Jags scored, and couldn't remember a more depressing walk out of Ralph/Rich. Forgot the CB (Clements?) where just a few plays before on fourth and long, only needed to bat the ball down but instead went for the INT and was burned for a big gainer that set up the Jags' TD.


In order:


1. Superbowl XXV

2. Superbowl XXVI

3. Superbowl XXVII

4. Superbowl XXVIII

5. Bills/Jags 1996 Playoffs - end of an era, when Jim Kelly is knocked out of the game

6. Bills/Titans - The forward lateral/Flutie benched - both were B.S.

7. Bills/Steelers 2004 - eliminated from the playoffs by a bunch of backups

8. Bills/Pats - an 11 point lead blown (take a knee McKelvin)

9. Bills/Dallas - MNF - prevent defense & bad special teams cost the Bills

10. Bills/Broncos - Lost by a last second field goal, and horrible game management by Jauron & Losman

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