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Players I don't think will be back

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Nix has said he would like FJax and SJohnson back but he made no such solid statement about Parrish. Nix seems to be a straight shooter. When he sayd "it is up to him" he can be surmised to mean that the team has made their final offer and it is up to the player to show willingness to accept or negotiate a reasonably close offer. (See: Whitner, Poz)

We may differ in our opinion about should he be back but signs about him really brought back are looking slim.


I think you're right,



I'll admit I would take him back at almost league minimum. Anything much more than that isn't worth it IMO. I'm guessing Nix offered something similar as well. Whatever offer they might have come up with, they will not budge.


I'm still ready to make that bet for lunch though if you want.


I'm willing to bet lunch he will NEVER complete a 16 game season in a somewhat starting role. Obviously if he's only in as a PR all bets are off. I'd say let's put a minimum of Receptions on it. 35 sounds good to me. If he finishes every game ever again and has at least 35 catches then lunch will be on me. Are you in of I win?


Haha, nice try. But the argument was whether hehasvalue to the Bills, not whether or not he's durable...


No way Leodis is released. He's not a great corner but we still need him. Troup won't be cut especially if his back problems are behind him


Nicely done.

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Haha, nice try. But the argument was whether hehasvalue to the Bills, not whether or not he's durable.

Fine, then I'll bet he never has more than 35 receptions EVER in a single season with the Bills or not for the rest of his career. I'd say we might have to look this ine up years from now but this is Roscoe were talking about so I'll probably know his career is over by 2014.


And my arguement about him being durable is connected about him having value to any team. If he can't be on the field he will never be of any value.

Edited by mrags
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Fine, then I'll bet he never has more than 35 receptions EVER in a single season with the Bills or not for the rest of his career. I'd say we might have to look this ine up years from now but this is Roscoe were talking about so I'll probably know his career is over by 2014.


And my arguement about him being durable is connected about him having value to any team. If he can't be on the field he will never be of any value.


Look, just like with Merriman, his value is based on potential.


As for DEvaluing the team, I conceded to John From Hemet that his lack of durability is a detriment to our team's development. The question is: if he can stay healthy, would his contributions offset any potential setbacks his presence would create? I think they would. That's based solely on conjecture. I'm not wrong. You're not wrong to disagree. We just see things differently.


As for the 35 receptions:


That would equal his career high, and it's two more than he got in 2010 through 7.5 games.


So you're essentially betting me that he'll never play 8+ games again. Not knowing the extent of his last injury, I'm simply not going to go there. I've argued that he hasn't GOTTEN injured because he's small, but I will admit that because of his size, he's far more likely to get completely BLOWN UP.

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Little people have little bones = easy to break. He is fragile. People dont even have to hit him and he breaks bones! Maybe he jumped 7 feet, but 8 feet is just ridiculous!


Good grief. Go back and try to pass a basic anatomy class before spouting off. This ranks as one of the most asinine things i've ever read on this site.

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I think Parrish, Corner, Scott, Andre Davis, Morrison, McGee, and Carrington are gone for the D.


Chandler ($), Bell (depending on the draft), Easly, Parrish, and Ruvell Martin on the O.


Carrington will be going into his third year. I doubt he's going anywhere any time soon. Folks

need to be more patient. Some players take time to develop and Carrington was coming from a small

program to boot. He has talent. Let it develop before trying to run him out of town.

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Good grief. Go back and try to pass a basic anatomy class before spouting off. This ranks as one of the most asinine things i've ever read on this site.

It was a joke u tard, and it is far from the most asinine thing i have read on this board! U could always block me or just dont read anything i respond to. Uptight!

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sad to say, but after the Jauron-era of constantly picking DB's, we still are shaky back there.


Certainly adding a couple of DEPENDABLE pass rush threats will go a loooong way towards helping our secondary, but Nix states wanting to add 2 DB's via the draft.


They might have Corner and McKelvin in to compete for slots, but I think that if the rookies are better, those guys are gone. McKelvin may have a little bit of saving grace because of his flash in the return game...but let us not forget that it was McKelvin with that 4th quarter fumble on a return in a nail biter against the Patsies on Monday Night Football a couple of years ago that arguably cost the game.


McKelvin, besides being thus far a bust of a 1st rounder, tends to fumble a bit too much.


Troupe is a good one to lose, too...if injuries are any factor.


Roscoe is finally in the right offense, but can't stay healthy. McGee is not getting any younger.

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Troup may well turn out to be an awful pick but probably not for football reasons.



What would the reasons be then? He appears to be a nice guy and a hard worker. Just can't stay healthy enough to stay on the field and gain the experience he needs.


Please elaborate?

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I really thought Nix sounded like the injury prone would be on very short leashes. After all the IRing they did this season I think for good reason, you have to have healthy guys or you are wasting roster space and bring in back ups or back ups to the back ups. The problem with depth is also a problem of having oft injured guys. I think they give the talented ones a year (so Bell, Merrimen, scoe, Mcgee, Troup, Easly, stay, the ones that are FA may get low offers though). Johnson goes no where especially if we use 4/3 more.


The others on the bubble get shown the door if there are options. Andre actually is very stout against the run still (see Denver game and he is in 1/2 the time) and he was coaching his replacement, they may like his presence but looking for younger faster guys at LB. So I will guess he will be gone.


Chandler, I hope he stays, he maybe asking too much and Nix isn't buying though. They may have eyes on others (in FA) or even think Brock (is that is name even?) has a lot of potential.


McKelvin, well they have to be thinking he could be very good...tradeable yes but in this draft or next? We certainly will need a replacement for him in the nickle too. Will he be coach upable? I think he will stay and they at least give him a camp before any decision is made. I know he must make some decent money though and it becomes a question of do you keep a expensive guy around to be a back up? IHJDK but after Hang last year? Scott always finds a way to make the team, that won't change this year. Carrington stays, too early to let him go yet.


So my guesses list:

Bell, Merrimen, scoe, Mcgee, Troup, Easly, stay (FAs are low balled though and might leave)

Andre Davis goes

McKelvin last year to make a difference (or he goes in camp or gets traded before)

Carrington, Scott stay

Chandler, I hope he stays

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