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Peter King has Pats ranked higher than Bills

Matty Shu

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as they should be....-i love this team of course---but i think 7 is a bit high.we've played 3 games and could have been 1-2.

10 would be fair.


10 would be a utter slap in the face. NFLs top ranked offense. Top ranked rushing team, top ranked offensive line, and we just beat the best team in the NFL. Not to mention we are 3-0 and being ranked 10 would be fair? Sorry, disagree.

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honestly i would prefer that everyone continues to underestimate the bills. i mean sure we are 3 weeks in and its a long season. if the bills continue to be viewed as a sub par team they will continue to carry that chip on their shoulder. analysts and every team that the bills played this season expected that the bills would choke and not have a chance at winning until the bengals game. i want them to be ranked lower, be the ultimate trap game.

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Sooo... the Pats* have never won a game with a few lucky breaks? Against the Bills or anyone else?


But when they do it, it means they are great. When the Bills do it, it is only further proof of how bad the Bills are. All that "good teams make their own breaks" or "luck is the residue of design" stuff only does not count when it refers to the team of which you are (nominally) a fan?


The self-hatred of some fans is truly astonishing.


Exactly! Remember the Super Bowl Bills would stink up a game for 3 quarters, get a break, make a couple plays, and walk out with a win right at the end. Really it is the sign of a GOOD team

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I know and maybe the Pats should be ranked higher but Bills should be closer to the top. Maybe 4 or 5. I think maybe we will if WHEN we beat the Jets.


Corrected :thumbsup:


The Jets IMO are much more beatable than Oakland or NE. Sanchez is not Brady, and neither LaDanian or Green is in the same league as McFadden.


There will be blitzes galore, but at the level the O-Line is playing at I like our chances of beating those for big chunks of yardage. Revis is great on bump and run coverage, and he does things that normally most guys get flagged on...not sure if it is just because he keeps his head turned around or what. Either way, Revis can't cover everybody and Oakland beat the crap out of them with the running game. Turn Freddy loose.

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Pats 3, Bills 7. Means nothing I know but, C'mon. Also has Lions ranked higher than us and I question the strength of the Lions opponents compred to Bills. Lions have beat two 0-3 teams.

I don't have any problem with King's rating. Our victory is being toasted all over the national media today (Fitz is on Rome's show right now and Rome is just cheering on the Bills) but if you take a deep breath I think we can all understand why the Patriot's are ranked higher after the first three games. As for the Lions, they are 3-0 too but their defense has shown a little more than ours to date.


What matters is that we are on top of the division, 3-0, we have a division win and three conference wins. Can't wait to watch the rest of the season ... all that matters is come February that we have the last selection in the first round of the draft!



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geeez people. I'm not bitching about the power rankings just commenting. Personally I think we should be ranked higher thats all. Why are some going on the offensive?


Look, I'm new to the boards and I'm not up on all the "rules." If power ranking talk is not acceptable or taboo to talk about here I'll refrain. I thought it would be a good discussion topic. Sorry for causing a stir.


This is a very defensive place right now, as it should be. Long time Bills fans do not want to see the team be ranked higher because right now they know it's thier underdog personna that inspires them to win games. We also know that Buffalo fans must always be cautiously optomistic because there has been so much heartbreak in the two Buf teams histories...


The starters this years are about 4 or 5 starters this year, different thatn last year. Some moved up the Depth chart. Both first havles of the Raiders and Pats game drudged up feelings that the team still has a long way to go...


Don't worry about rankings. Enjoy the win and enjoy 3 and 0. If the Bills are really as good as we hope they are the rankings will come into line soon enough. Beating Brady once doesn't get any Bills into the HOF...

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I think prognosticators will be much more likely to give the Bills a top 5 ranking once they prove they can win a game by dominating (or coming lost to dominating) a very solid opponent (ie, not the Chiefs).


While the wins against the Pats and Raiders have been impressive and this isn't taking anything away from those victories, one couldn't say that the Bills dominated either game. Coming back from 18 down is very impressive, but I think anyone will admit that its not a recipe for success in the playoffs.

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King is one of the few who was giving us love before the season started. If someone is ranking the Lions higher than eye, my guess is that it's all based how they view our rosters.


Agreed. The lions were a fashionable pick to make noise. Now that they are it's easier to say "yup - doing what they were supposed to." bills aren't meshing with expectations which means you get cautious optimism.


Best record, does not equal best team.


Certainly not after only 3 games...


I'm certainly glad the Bills won, but the Patriots are probably still a better team in the long run.

Agreed. We play that game 10 times on a neutral field no one can tell me we win 6+ of them. Will that opinion change? Maybe. Currently I feel pretty strong about it.

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The Bills got 4 INT's off Brady with not much pressure on him, just another perspective... Brady threw 4 INT's all last season!!


So yesterdays game was just lady luck making a correction for the last 19 games



The Bills did beat the Patriots, revel in it, bask in it, and feel good for at least a week. But then realize that its a long 16 game season and the Patriots and Jets will win most of their games

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