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Who is Patrick Moran? Supposedly major news.


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Your point is well made. My only argument against is this: Goodell could have interviewed witnesses in the Ben R. case. Maybe even the "victim". However, in Merriman's case, Goodell will need an official report from the border patrol. Otherwise, this never happened at all.


You would help - hell, I would hope.


However, I do not trust Goodell to think that something along the lines of...


Goodell: "Shawn, there's a rumor on the internet. Were you in possession of anything on our banned substance list?"

Merriman: "No."

Goodell: "Shawn, don't lie to me. Were you?"

Merriman: "Absolutely not."

Goodell: "I think you're lying. That's a year for you, !@#$."


...isn't sufficient.

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then how is terrelle pryor punished for something he did in college?


although drug stuff tends to be very strictly defined as to whats punishable, whereas the conduct stuff is up in the air.


Pryor is now trying to become a member of the NFL with the CBA in place; a CBA where Goodell has authority over player punishment. Merriman allegedly was in possession of (a) substance(s), was detained and let go (still not confirmed by more than one source. Actually, conflicting reports on what he allegedly possessed.) This all happened outside the CBA. If they were going to punish transgressions during the lockout then Kenny Britt will be in trouble, too.

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So what? What's your point? Because Goodell hasn't called you to tell you what he knows there is nothing to it? Stick your head in the sand if you want - but don't think that because certain facts aren't currently reported they don't exist, or might not exist in the future.


The best thing anyone can hope for, if they are intent on having Merriman on the roster even if he is or was back on steroids, is that there was no personal conduct or drug policy until the new CBA was ratified.


agreed. ill again point to the miami investigation going on for months before the story broke this week. because the article wasnt out yet didnt mean everything in it just magically didnt happen. i know we are used to getting up to the second information all the time but this isnt like someone sitting out of practice. you get it wrong and you get sued, and lose any cred, or future job. just because no one at the big boys is willing to run with it yet does not prove it to be false.


it is reason to temper your opinion until we get more information, but it isnt conclusive of anything else.

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poor writing does not equate to false information was my point. clearly it can be indicative, but to say he wasnt arrested so the term busted is weak to use, and because of that i dont believe any of it is silly.

Dictionary.com lists 15 separate uses of the word, with about 50 different examples of bust or busted and none of them are "busted" like by your wife or with your hand in the cookie jar. Just sayin.'





Not to mention that I would bet if you asked 100 people what "Shawne Merriman busted for steroids" meant in a headline, 99-100 of them would have chosen "arrested or suspended by the league" versus "detained and released not carrying anything illegal" ;)

Edited by Kelly the Fair and Balanced Dog
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You mean FOIA?


Have YOU heard of it?

NY's version is called the Freedom of Information Law or FOIL


It's found at Sec 84-90 of the Public Officer's Law, smart ass.


FOIA is the freedom of Information ACT - its the Federal version.

Edited by Erik Flowers
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the no cba, no punishment thing is patently false. this case may be different but you can certainly be punished for things that happened during the lockout. again i reference the pryor suspension for things that happened before he was a member of the league, and before this cba was signed.


From what I read, with no CBA there is not player conduct policy. Jon clayton confirmed this prior to the lock out. As for Pryor he not a member of the NFL it a totally different issue. According to league offical he doesn't quilify for the draft. He was suspended from Ohio state for 5 games only. Just because he doesn't want to play for state or Ohio state doesn't want him doesn't mean he can't play at some other college.

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NY's version is called the Freedom of Information Law or FOIL


It's found at Sec 84-90 of the Public Officer's Law, smart ass.


FOIA is the freedom of Information ACT - its the Federal version.

You do realize this has nothing to do with NYS, right? And furthermore, even IF they were bringing chargers against Merriman, they CANNOT talk to the NFL. It is illegal to divulge information about a case before it goes to grand jury.

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Dictionary.com lists 15 separate uses of the word, with about 50 different examples of bust or busted and none of them are "busted" like by your wife or with your hand in the cookie jar. Just sayin.'





Not to mention that I would bet if you asked 100 people what "Shawne Merriman busted for steroids" meant in a headline, 99-100 of them would have chosen "arrested or suspended by the league" versus "detained and released not carrying anything illegal" ;)

i understand. poor word choice. he was allegedly caught doing something he wasnt supposed to be doing. if you want to argue the semantics of it, i think busted is refering to the act of catching, not the act of punishing. either way, it doesnt suddenly mean that something couldnt have been in his car.

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Dictionary.com lists 15 separate uses of the word, with about 50 different examples of bust or busted and none of them are "busted" like by your wife or with your hand in the cookie jar. Just sayin.'





Not to mention that I would bet if you asked 100 people what "Shawne Merriman busted for steroids" meant in a headline, 99-100 of them would have chosen "arrested or suspended by the league" versus "detained and released not carrying anything illegal" ;)


Does Dictionary.com have multiple listings for mopery? Some of us using the Shoutbox would be curious. :thumbsup:

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I remember learning this reporting technique in J school. When using unnamed sources, you can wish your kid to be run over by a car if the story isn't true and that will instantly prove your story is legit. Woodward and Bernstein would have done the same, except they didn't have kids.


I can just picture tonight's dinner discussion at his house.

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I remember learning this reporting technique in J school. When using unnamed sources, you can wish your kid to be run over by a car if the story isn't true and that will instantly prove your story is legit. Woodward and Bernstein would have done the same, except they didn't have kids.


I believe Bob Woodward is reported to have said "If I'm lying, you can run over Bernstein," however.


I can just picture tonight's dinner discussion at his house.



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