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OT: Los Angeles approves stadium deal

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Raiders, Chargers, Jags, Rams and Vikes all mentioned. Maybe we'll be lucky and the Bills will move to L.A. Then we won't have to complain about them anymore.



Promo, would you say this news calls for some kind of murder suicide pact? Or should TBD participants start cracking each others skulls open to feast on the goo inside? Did we already miss the panic signal? Are we too late for a gross over reaction? Should I shave my dog in protest?


Obviously this news calls for drastic measures, but given the uncertainty, what is the proper response?

Edited by Jauronimo
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my feeling is this, the league and owners love having the threat of "greener pastures" being out there so they can squeeze local municipalities . my best case scenerio for the bills would be this: let L A build two stadiums, or just one, whatever. lets say the vikings move, then, their market becomes a chit an owner could play to threaten the locals . i say if the chargers move to LA, that market would not be in play, that market is done. then, if the greedy basta-ds want another team in LA, let it be the JAGS, that market will not be a threat. st louis and minny will always able to be played if their teams leave. hopefully, its the chargers and jags, i could be missing something, but from a buffalo perspective, i think that is how i would want it to play out.

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If the Bills move anywhere, it's going to be to Toronto. They aren't going to move to LA with the Chargers being so close by and wanting a new stadium deal.


If I had to place money on where the Bills will be in 25 years, I'd say Niagara Falls (could be either side, depending on which government ponies up more money), with training camp somewhere close to Toronto.

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So they just want a commitment from a team to just move there, not sell it to them? Awesome!


It will be the Raiders and Jags. Davis has been wanting to get back into LA and the Jags get no support and have no history.

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Raiders, Chargers, Jags, Rams and Vikes all mentioned. Maybe we'll be lucky and the Bills will move to L.A. Then we won't have to complain about them anymore.




as an la resident, i feel that the bills coming here is the ultimate nightmare scenario. any move outside of western ny would immediately cause me to cease being a fan. the la bills would, inevitably, win the super bowl in their very first year, and i would be stuck in a 10 hour commute home due to the victory parade, culminating with my car being lit aflame and my apartment firebombed in the celebratory riots.


the la bills would, of course, go on to be the next great football dynasty, accumulating countless championships for their wealthy, well coiffed and mildly indifferent fans. and each additional ring they collect would be like a fist to the head.


somehow, sadly, it's a very fitting continuation of my pained relationship with the team.

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my feeling is this, the league and owners love having the threat of "greener pastures" being out there so they can squeeze local municipalities . my best case scenerio for the bills would be this: let L A build two stadiums, or just one, whatever. lets say the vikings move, then, their market becomes a chit an owner could play to threaten the locals . i say if the chargers move to LA, that market would not be in play, that market is done. then, if the greedy basta-ds want another team in LA, let it be the JAGS, that market will not be a threat. st louis and minny will always able to be played if their teams leave. hopefully, its the chargers and jags, i could be missing something, but from a buffalo perspective, i think that is how i would want it to play out.



I think you make a good point. The LA Jaguars (it even sounds right somehow)make the most sense. The southern migration has ended, and the once booming state of Florida is overloaded with football - college and pros. The Dolphins and Gators have the longtime local allegiance of football fans. The covered stadium seats for Jag homes games are an embarrassment to the league.


L.A. has had enough trouble trying to support one NFL team in the past. I can't imagine any scenerio where two teams would make much sense. From a business perspective, having two new teams fight for the same fan dollars sounds like suicide for both.



Don't know how a new owner could make money with the Bills if they are saddled with huge debt. WNY just can't compete with the teams that are supported by mega corporate dollars. Hope somebody has a plan for the inevitable ownership change.

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as an la resident, i feel that the bills coming here is the ultimate nightmare scenario. any move outside of western ny would immediately cause me to cease being a fan. the la bills would, inevitably, win the super bowl in their very first year, and i would be stuck in a 10 hour commute home due to the victory parade, culminating with my car being lit aflame and my apartment firebombed in the celebratory riots.


the la bills would, of course, go on to be the next great football dynasty, accumulating countless championships for their wealthy, well coiffed and mildly indifferent fans. and each additional ring they collect would be like a fist to the head.


somehow, sadly, it's a very fitting continuation of my pained relationship with the team.

Not a chance. Look at the Clippers, formerly the Buffalo Braves. Also see how AEG runs the LA Kings.



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Not a chance. Look at the Clippers, formerly the Buffalo Braves. Also see how AEG runs the LA Kings.




i wish i had your certainty. i suspect if the bills become available and la's still looking, they'll be in play. especially if, as ralph says, they're going to the highest bidder. the faster la steals another team (or two), the better.

Edited by Dirtbag
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i wish i had your certainty. i suspect if the bills become available and la's still looking, they'll be in play. especially if, as ralph says, they're going to the highest bidder. the faster la steals another team (or two), the better.

I didn't mean there's no chance the Bills move. There's plenty of chance of that happening. I mean there was no chance the L.A. Bills would turn into a football dynasty, especially if AEG owns them.



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Heard on the radio this morning that Schefter said its between Raiders and Chargers in the LA sweepstakes. He ruled out Bills, Jags and Vikes.

The question is, are they looking for one team, or two?

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