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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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Everybody thought the world was flat until everyone knew it was round! Or the sun revolved around the earth until ... you get the idea. What is unthinkable today is common place tomorrow.

Life is not exclusive to our little orb. Who are we to be so special? Now, where and what? That's different.

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Everybody thought the world was flat until everyone knew it was round! Or the sun revolved around the earth until ... you get the idea. What is unthinkable today is common place tomorrow.

Life is not exclusive to our little orb. Who are we to be so special? Now, where and what? That's different.

OMG get a room. get up to speed on sitcom math and you'll see that we have already looked everywhere mathematically.


Flat Earth lol. Yes people thought the Earth was flat and they were wrong. They also thought 2+2=4 and water is wet and the sky is blue.

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^^^^lol that was a quality video


Im a union surveyor, the curve of the earth isnt factored in when laying out a structure or a small job. But when laying out a road or a job with tight tolerences the curve of the earth is always factored in.


I did the Buffalo airport runway extention, the blacktop tolerence had to be within .02 of the designed final grade over then entire length of the runway. When we did an initial benchmark run prior to construction, we found that the certified grades were off 0.17 from one side to the other. This was because the curve of the earth was not factored in for the initial design.

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^^^^lol that was a quality video


Im a union surveyor, the curve of the earth isnt factored in when laying out a structure or a small job. But when laying out a road or a job with tight tolerences the curve of the earth is always factored in.


I did the Buffalo airport runway extention, the blacktop tolerence had to be within .02 of the designed final grade over then entire length of the runway. When we did an initial benchmark run prior to construction, we found that the certified grades were off 0.17 from one side to the other. This was because the curve of the earth was not factored in for the initial design.


That guy has endless videos. A FB friend of mine believes all of them. It hurts. But the conspiracists yearn to be the only ones "in the know."

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The new Flat Earthers approve your post.



What part of me saying Flat Earthers were wrong confused you? Although I loved the picture with the lightning bolts I didn't watch the video. I have seen a few and those dudes are as crazy as the sovreign citizens.


None of that has anything to do with what I said.

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How long ago?

last page?


Sorry I guess I missed it.


No biggie. For future reference, Ward and Brownlee are a little more informed on this general topic than some douche bag in a mask from a bad character in a ridiculous movie. They didn't get it all perfectly, but they pretty much narrowed it.

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That guy has endless videos. A FB friend of mine believes all of them. It hurts. But the conspiracists yearn to be the only ones "in the know."


Flat Earth is a disinfo meme created to discredit legitimate researchers (in all conspiracy subjects, not just the ETI question). Works something like this:


"You believe in aliens?! You probably believe the Earth is flat too!" kind of thing.

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OMG get a room. get up to speed on sitcom math and you'll see that we have already looked everywhere mathematically.


Flat Earth lol. Yes people thought the Earth was flat and they were wrong. They also thought 2+2=4 and water is wet and the sky is blue.


Did someone pee in your cornflakes this morning?

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Flat Earth is a disinfo meme created to discredit legitimate researchers (in all conspiracy subjects, not just the ETI question). Works something like this:


"You believe in aliens?! You probably believe the Earth is flat too!" kind of thing.



Ben used it just the opposite way on me. You DON'T believe in aliens? You must believe in flat Earth.


I know there are a lot of whack-a-doos out there. So many that we definitely don't need to invent any for disinformation campaigns. I think the flat Earth dudes and the sovereign citizens are real life whack-a-doos. A free society give birth to lots of things. Most enrich our lives and whack-a-doos are in that group because the are funny.


If you ask people whether they think there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe almost everyone says yes. If you don't believe it or even if you aren't sure, you are deemed a flat Earther, or arrogant or some other crap. That isn't fair. BTW most people did believe in flat Earth back in the day. Most people now believe in intelligent alien life. One group was wrong, the other is probably wrong.

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If I never hear the term "sitcom math" again, I wouldn't be too upset about it.


Just sayin'.



A rose by any other name still smells the same. I could make a case for calling it pinpoint math but I've let someone else's introduction of it do the work. Page 28 of this thread is where the discussion and the name started.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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