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I love the seriousness of the reporter.......the first planking death........as though morons killing themselves by doing stupid things is somehow new or different because they read about it on the internets.

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Welp, with modern medicine and modern warfare saving lives, we need to weed them out somehow.

the best part is that when they live through it, the modern medicine saves them...and they go on...just like the prohpecy of the life as expressed in Idiocracy.

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I was thinking about making a documentary called "Stupid Crap White People Do". There won't be a shortage of material to use, that's for sure!

Sounds like a good idea but I'm not sure you want to make it racially motivated. It will work great if you're only mocking white people but if you have to expand to other groups, some will be more sensitive. Granted white people could keep you busy for a while but most shows tend to lose their edge unless they mix things up.


You could go with Mormon suicide bombers as chapter two but that is controversial because the Mormons always have excuses why blowing themselves up is actually smart. This would also lose the comedy aspect. Mormons are also a religion, not a race. No good.


Canadians are mostly white and you would run out of film or digital media to store everything on. Plus they are not technically a race.


Belgiums? Forget I said that.


I suppose you could go for black people but it would be tricky. A lot of times they do the same stupid stuff as white people. When you make it specific and say that skin color causes actions you get into a slippery sloop. But I guess you already did it with white people so who cares?


Drunk Irish people might work for an episode but again, white.


Chinese people that do stupid stuff like speaking up or standing in front of tanks? Stupid, but not really comedy.


How about basing it on age instead of race? Babies are always good for a laugh when they spit out their food and although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, let's face it they tend to crescendo in doing stupid things in life's latter stages. You could have a show just about old people driving to the grocery store.


Anyway, good luck with your project.

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