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Im Confused about the Shawn Merriman signing


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I'm going to let this gem stand for itself.


Yeah, you probably should let it stand for itself because he is right, even if he is having a hard time articulating the point he is trying to make. I don't understand why you are even bothering to argue your opinion. Are you trying to prove that the Organization has made bad decisions? Okay, thanks for pointing out what is already blatantly obvious to everyone.


Or perhaps your point is, that the only reason Merriman is here is because Buddy Nix has a little puppy dog thing for him. So what?? Do you know how many people have jobs in this world because they knew someone who worked at a company or could pull some strings?? That's how the world works my friend. Is it fair? No. Still, that is the way it is.


Was this all just to point out that they should have done a more stressing exam? Yeah sure they should have if you want to look at it that way. I probably should have never started smoking cigarettes. But that doesn't change the fact that my lung collapsed and have sense quit them. Hindsight is 20/20. It is easy to call out what should have been done when you already know the outcome. Life should be so easy.


Or maybe your point was to just annoy people with your rambling?? In which case my good man, bravo. :worthy: :worthy:

You are victorious.

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Yeah, you probably should let it stand for itself because he is right, even if he is having a hard time articulating the point he is trying to make. I don't understand why you are even bothering to argue your opinion. Are you trying to prove that the Organization has made bad decisions? Okay, thanks for pointing out what is already blatantly obvious to everyone.

Really? He's right? His first post told us that to subject Merriman to anything other than the same exam as everybody else (as though everyone gets the same exam anyway) was "discrimination" and, therefore, "illegal". This is completely untrue. Yet you agree with him. He then went on to claim, essentially, that all discrimination is illegal. Obviously untrue and I had to spell it out for him with everyday examples. You still agree with him.



Or perhaps your point is, that the only reason Merriman is here is because Buddy Nix has a little puppy dog thing for him. So what?? Do you know how many people have jobs in this world because they knew someone who worked at a company or could pull some strings?? That's how the world works my friend. Is it fair? No. Still, that is the way it is.

I've already acknowledged that this is how things work, so we are in agreement that this is why the exam was meant to turn over no stones.



Was this all just to point out that they should have done a more stressing exam? Yeah sure they should have if you want to look at it that way. I probably should have never started smoking cigarettes. But that doesn't change the fact that my lung collapsed and have sense quit them. Hindsight is 20/20. It is easy to call out what should have been done when you already know the outcome. Life should be so easy.


You concede they did a cursory exam. I think they should have done better. That's my whole point, in a nutshell. I n other words, the "outcome" likely could have been known before he was signed. Pointing out predictable error is not quite "hindsight", friend.

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You concede they did a cursory exam. I think they should have done better. That's my whole point, in a nutshell. I n other words, the "outcome" likely could have been known before he was signed. Pointing out predictable error is not quite "hindsight", friend.





recognition of the realities, possibilities, or requirements of a situation, event, decision etc., after its occurrence.



It would have been predictable error if you had pointed out the need for the exam before hand. As it is, you now know the result of him being stressed in practice was injury. Therefore you have the hindshight of knowing the outcome. If he was healthy, there would be no outcry from you for there to have been a more rigorous exam. As far as his position on discrimination goes, he is wrong, but he is correct in that he has the understanding that it is what it is and there is no changing it.


I have already acknowledged that you're right and a cursory exam didn't exploit something that a more rigorous exam MIGHT have (and there is still no guarantee that it would have anyway, you are only ASSUMING it would because you have the HINDSIGHT of knowing about the injury later on)


I think you can see where I am going with this. Either way I don't see why I am arguing with someone who I mostly agree with. I guess it is because you are trying to insult people and prove your intelligence while arguing about something that is ultimately hypothetical and...well...pretty much makes no difference in any way.



Mr Negative why are you bashing your head now? Didn't you start all of this?

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I know exactly how to spend 2.5 million.



Not on Shawn Merriman



In addition we lost a ton of money on him this year because the Bills can't tell who is an injury prone player and who isn't.

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I miss the days when the Bills had the best/smartest fans in football...



Come on. He expresses a legitimate concern--this team has a lot of needs, and must be aggressive in free agency this year--and spend wisely to get enough high quality players as possible. 2.5 million is a significant amount, could help us to keep a player or sign a player. A team like the Bills needs to make every cent count, has too many needs to fill to throw away money.


So, I think not questioning or being concerned about the Merriman signing is the unintelligent perspective.


I hope Merriman works out, am thinking that it must be more than a crap shoot and that Bills are confident that, at the least, he is going to be able to play. But the last time we heard this guy's name nationally was for his steroid use. Not a peep since and often injured. And injured here as soon as he started to practice.


The Bills have made too many fundamental mistakes lately to not question a move like this. I am not saying it is a bad signing, I'd have to know what the Bills know to evaluate it now, but you'd have to have had your head buried deep in the sand the last few years to not be skeptical.

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Pros: an all-pro at a position of dire need at a discount; attacting more FAs to Buffalo; solid team leader.

Cons: he gets injured and is a waste of money.


I like the pro arguments over the con.



Let me correct you:



He was an all-pro at a position of dire need

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recognition of the realities, possibilities, or requirements of a situation, event, decision etc., after its occurrence.



It would have been predictable error if you had pointed out the need for the exam before hand. As it is, you now know the result of him being stressed in practice was injury. Therefore you have the hindshight of knowing the outcome. If he was healthy, there would be no outcry from you for there to have been a more rigorous exam. As far as his position on discrimination goes, he is wrong, but he is correct in that he has the understanding that it is what it is and there is no changing it.


I have already acknowledged that you're right and a cursory exam didn't exploit something that a more rigorous exam MIGHT have (and there is still no guarantee that it would have anyway, you are only ASSUMING it would because you have the HINDSIGHT of knowing about the injury later on)


I think you can see where I am going with this. Either way I don't see why I am arguing with someone who I mostly agree with. I guess it is because you are trying to insult people and prove your intelligence while arguing about something that is ultimately hypothetical and...well...pretty much makes no difference in any way.



Mr Negative why are you bashing your head now? Didn't you start all of this?

Predictable error infers that it is known that an act would likely result in error, yet the act is committed anyway, like performing a cursory physical exam on a chronically injured player that does not seek to determine if he is in fact fully recovered or fit to play. Running him thorugh a few basic drills, as they did his first day at practice likely would have proven him unfit---as it did on his first day of practice.


You have to approach a guy like Merriman with a little more suspicion (medically speaking) than a guy like TO. Don't you? Wouldn't you have said that before the reinjury to Merriman? Of course you would! It's not really a shock that he was injured on day one, is it? Of course it's not! So it's not really hindsight at work here...


Anyway, I'm not "proving (my)intellegence" by pointing out a blatant (and goofy) falsehood some guy tosses up as an argument. Just defending my position.



Chewie wins.

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Predictable error infers that it is known that an act would likely result in error, yet the act is committed anyway, like performing a cursory physical exam on a chronically injured player that does not seek to determine if he is in fact fully recovered or fit to play. Running him thorugh a few basic drills, as they did his first day at practice likely would have proven him unfit---as it did on his first day of practice.


You have to approach a guy like Merriman with a little more suspicion (medically speaking) than a guy like TO. Don't you? Wouldn't you have said that before the reinjury to Merriman? Of course you would! It's not really a shock that he was injured on day one, is it? Of course it's not! So it's not really hindsight at work here...


Anyway, I'm not "proving (my)intellegence" by pointing out a blatant (and goofy) falsehood some guy tosses up as an argument. Just defending my position.

It's my understanding that when claiming a player off of waivers, it's caveat emptor. Meaning the Bills had no opportunity to give him a physical before claiming him (and since he was placed on IR by the Chargers with a calf injury, he had to be deemed "healthy," IOW pass a physical, before he was released by them), and had they put him through a rigorous physical that led to him injuring his achilles, it's not like they could withdraw their claim.

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I know exactly how to spend 2.5 million.



Not on Shawn Merriman



In addition we lost a ton of money on him this year because the Bills can't tell who is an injury prone player and who isn't.

I'm sorry Mr. Wilson. Please light a sadness cigar with a $1000 bill for us. PS: The Royal "we" doesn't really make a lot of sense here.


Wilson can spend his money on whatever he wants. Spending it on a 26-year-old former defensive MVP candidate is hardly wasting that money when you look at other guys who have robbed the Bills for far more. I'm going to make it my personal mission to cheer Shawne Merriman on and hope he succeeds in an extra special way, so that the know-it-alls and whiners will find something else to worry about (because they assuredly won't just shut up).



Where's Han?

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It's my understanding that when claiming a player off of waivers, it's caveat emptor. Meaning the Bills had no opportunity to give him a physical before claiming him (and since he was placed on IR by the Chargers with a calf injury, he had to be deemed "healthy," IOW pass a physical, before he was released by them), and had they put him through a rigorous physical that led to him injuring his achilles, it's not like they could withdraw their claim.

Is claiming different than signing?




!@#$ing WEO

Actually, it's pronounced "nnnnnyyyaaaaaahhhhrrrnnn".

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Let me correct you:



He was an all-pro at a position of dire need

It doesn't change the conclusion. It's a wager, or more so a call option, that he can return to form, and it seems to be a relatively cheap premium to pay in terms of NFL salaries.


If he turns out to be a bust, Wilson loses the cost of the premium--$2.5 mil? If it pays off, and he returns to form, helps bring in other FAs, and the Bills return to the playoffs in the next 2 years, then it was a good bet--the return will be significantly > $2.5 million/year.


Turn that frown upside down mr N.

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I know exactly how to spend 2.5 million.



Not on Shawn Merriman



In addition we lost a ton of money on him this year because the Bills can't tell who is an injury prone player and who isn't.


You sir, are an idiot!

Do you own part of the team? When you say we lost a ton of money makes it sound like you are one Ralph's cousins. Personally im so tired of what the owners and the players make it is completely irrelevant.

I believe that this move will turn out to be the most cost efficient value per dollar the team spends next year. Ya I know you don't like it. Suck it up. The guy has only upside as a Bill at the money given him.

And if he can see his way to bringing Tela Tequila here than even more money needs to be given to him. I want to watch her.

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