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Passport required to get into Canada?

KD in CA

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In the past I didn't even need a drivers license.  But I'm going up to Buffalo for the Holidays and my family told me to make sure we all bring our Birth Certificates in case we want to go to Canada.



I went up to Canada last year. My wife and I had our passports, but my parents only had driver's licenses, and they were fine. This was April '03.



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Last time I was up in Buffalo, you didn't need a passport to get into Canada (and back), just a driver's licenes.  That was several years ago....is this still the case?




I don't know if they still do this, but I always called my insurance company and let them know I was going to be in Canada. They'd prepare a form that met Canada's proof of insurance requirements in the event of a fender bender.

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Take T-Bone with you when you go, then leave him there. ;)



Sorry, didn't you read the post above? They don't allow you to take fruits in.


As to the original post, I wouldn't get a passport to go to Canada, but if you have one, bring it with you (unless it has the stamps from a bunch of Middle Eastern countries in it :lol: ). The more "authoritative" the documentation you have with you (birth certificate, passport over driver's license/Sam's club membership card), the less chance you'll get a hassle.


And whatever you're doing up there, just tell them you're "sightseeing." :lol:


And when they ask you if you have any weapons, don't say "what do you need?" ;)

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If you have kids make sure you have ID for them. We went two years ago and didnt think we needed any ID for our children. Well, the * at the border had a sh!tfit that we had no ID for the kids and sent us to immigration where essentially we were interrogated. They asked my kids (Who look alike and resemble us oddly enough) "Are these your parents?


Welcome to Canada.

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Here's a question I always wanted to ask. If you're going to the Ballet, do you tell the customs guy that? What if it's a customs girl? And she's hot?


I would think you'd just say "I'm here for sightseeing." Then you're not lying. ;)

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I would happily trade the state of Pennsylvania for the City of Toronto. Who's with me?


I'm sure there's a lot of other self-important, small-minded, short-sighted, arrogant children who would be glad to give up tens of thousands of square miles of beautiful river valleys and rich farmlands in exchange for a stinking concrete pit of self-important, small-minded, arrogant Torontonians. ;)

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you should be ok with just a drivers licence...but if you are bringing children with you definately bring their birth certificates....unless you want to get dragged into their little interrogation room for about 4 hours.

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I'm sure there's a lot of other self-important, small-minded, short-sighted, arrogant children who would be glad to give up tens of thousands of square miles of beautiful river valleys and rich farmlands in exchange for a stinking concrete pit of self-important, small-minded, arrogant Torontonians.  ;)




Next time I'm having a party, PLEASE remind me to send you an invite. I'm sure you are just a BARREL of laughs at any social gathering!



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If you have kids make sure you have ID for them.  We went two years ago and didnt think we needed any ID for our children.  Well, the * at the border had a sh!tfit that we had no ID for the kids and sent us to immigration where essentially we were interrogated.  They asked my kids (Who look alike and resemble us oddly enough) "Are these your parents?


Welcome to Canada.



:lol: yeah...that happened to my wife a few years ago when she was coming back from Michigan...man she was pissed. They made her go to immigration too, they were just making sure these kids weren't kidnapped. ;) So if you are going with kids, make sure they have thier birth certificates.

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