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Boardwalk Empire...the next Sopranos


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Any Boardwalk Empire fans here? So far it has been AWESOME!


I watch it...thought season 1 was a little dull at times, but things are starting to get interesting here in season 2.


Really enjoy the dynamic of seeing the famous gangsters of the 30's and 40's(Capone, Benny Siegel, Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano) as youngsters paying their dues.

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Yeah...it isn't "Sopranos good", but it is pretty damn great show...it, "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad" are easily my favorite shows...great cast on "Boradwalk Empire"...it is a bit of a slow burner, but like the Sopranos, things that seem insignifcant at the time, become key later on.

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Yeah...it isn't "Sopranos good", but it is pretty damn great show...it, "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad" are easily my favorite shows...great cast on "Boradwalk Empire"...it is a bit of a slow burner, but like the Sopranos, things that seem insignifcant at the time, become key later on.


I couldn't watch The Sopranos... to me the acting was substandard and I didn't feel it like Deadwood or Boardwalk Empire.

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I couldn't watch The Sopranos... to me the acting was substandard and I didn't feel it like Deadwood or Boardwalk Empire.

:lol: You're joking, right? If not, you should really give it another try.

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I like BE just a bit better..not sure why, just do.


BTW, who else thinks there is going be a little taboo stuff going on with Jimmy and Mommy?


She did tell "little Jimmy's" wife that she used to "kiss his tinker" when she changed his dipers as a lad... love Gretchen Mol,but I gotta say, I hate her character...like you are supposed to!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Watching the most recent episode through on demand. It is getting better and better.


Tonight's episode was great, with a shocking ending(won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet)....things are really falling apart for young Jimmy....only 2 episodes left this season, can't wait to see what happens next.


This show and "Homeland" on Showtime are 2 of my favorite shows on TV right now.

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Tonight's episode was great, with a shocking ending(won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet)....things are really falling apart for young Jimmy....only 2 episodes left this season, can't wait to see what happens next.


This show and "Homeland" on Showtime are 2 of my favorite shows on TV right now.

Those shoes are tight..what a great line. I was shocked as well at the ending.Manny is one twisted dude..I winder if Doyle made it?

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Tonight's episode was great, with a shocking ending(won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet)....things are really falling apart for young Jimmy....only 2 episodes left this season, can't wait to see what happens next.


This show and "Homeland" on Showtime are 2 of my favorite shows on TV right now.



Wow...I really didn't see that coming...


I agree, along with "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad", the best shows on tv right now, for me. I have heard good things about "Homeland", but honestly, I am kinda burned out on the terrorist thing right now...maybe I will start watching it when BE is over...can't fit too many shows into the schedule, during football/hockey/NBA season!

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