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Boardwalk Empire...the next Sopranos


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I really liked this last episode...they just had too many stories and characters going, the first four seasons, to wrap it all up completely satisfactorily. Still enjoying it though... I got a little crush on Margaret, so could to see her back in her ravishing (or ravishable?) form, even though that whole thing seemed a little too dreamy... does Van Alden flip and return to his roots?


Jim, I know what you mean about the flashbacks...but I will say, the ones in this past episode were pretty powerful. Young Nucky breaking down and balling because he sees what it is to have a "happy home" at the sheriffs house was pretty powerful. That, more than any other part of the flashbacks, kind of explains Nucy Thompson, and how he came to be...it is hard to find good kid actors...

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I'm looking forward to the Luciano/Maranzano storyline. Luciano could be his own series


And Masseria, I dunno if you're watching Sons of Anarchy. But the actor who played Masseria showed up this season as one of the Mayans (Hispanic biker if you're not familiar with SoA)

I saw that. He's the Mayans president. I guess his accent is all propose he sounds the same as on BE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been enjoying the final season (this show, if nothing else, just looks so great in HD, its' hard not to like it), but have been a little underwhelmed by some of it. I have never had a problem with the Jillian character, but to be spending so much time with her, in the very last episodes? It kind of feels like they are trying to justify her existence on the show, from the beginning. Other than finding out that Jimmy was actually Nucky's son (they would never go there), I thought her story line was pretty much done when she was arrested.


I knew they would always get to making some point about Nucky's dead wife and son, but because of the shortened season, it just seems like they are ham-fisting a lot of these "deep" character issues....as if they always thought they would have time to get to them, at some point, and now are just having to tack them on. I honestly thought Eli would be gone by now...cat has nine lives!


Speaking of cats with nine lives, my favorite scene from this past episode, was Nucky looking at Mickey, and both of them chuckling at the fact that they would one day be the "last men standing" in NJ...given the animosity that Nucky has had for Mickey over the years. But, as it turned out, Mickey was on his tenth, and final, life!


I will miss this show a lot. It has been one of my 2 or 3 favorite shows on television since the Sopranos went off the air...but this final season hasn't really done it justice, IMO.

Edited by Buftex
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I have been enjoying the final season (this show, if nothing else, just looks so great in HD, its' hard not to like it), but have been a little underwhelmed by some of it. I have never had a problem with the Jillian character, but to be spending so much time with her, in the very last episodes? It kind of feels like they are trying to justify her existence on the show, from the beginning. Other than finding out that Jimmy was actually Nucky's son (they would never go there), I thought her story line was pretty much done when she was arrested.


I knew they would always get to making some point about Nucky's dead wife and son, but because of the shortened season, it just seems like they are ham-fisting a lot of these "deep" character issues....as if they always thought they would have time to get to them, at some point, and now are just having to tack them on. I honestly thought Eli would be gone by now...cat has nine lives!


Speaking of cats with nine lives, my favorite scene from this past episode, was Nucky looking at Mickey, and both of them chuckling at the fact that they would one day be the "last men standing" in NJ...given the animosity that Nucky has had for Mickey over the years. But, as it turned out, Mickey was on his tenth, and final, life!


I will miss this show a lot. It has been one of my 2 or 3 favorite shows on television since the Sopranos went off the air...but this final season hasn't really done it justice, IMO.


I loved the Doyle scene too. He was always a survivor, figuring out a way to extricate himself from a sticky situation and weasel himself into promotion. I had a conversation with a fellow BE viewer the preceeding week. She thought Doyle was sleazy but I responded yes, but he's a sleazy survivor. Next time I saw her, first thing I said was "That was an abrupt end to Mr Doyle" :lol:


A couple speculations about the finale...

Capone's storyline is wrapped up with him getting arrested by the agent who shot Mueller/Van Alden


The finale is spread over 5 years with flashbacks between 1897 and 1931-1936. Nucky is beaten and reflects upon his life during those 5 years in the 30s. Eventually he visits Jillian and gets her out of the nuthouse.


Flashbacks to 1897 and conversations in the 30s leave us to ponder the paternity of James Darmity.


Jillian mentions her brief affair with Lucky Luciano (Season 1) to Nucky who then crafts one final master strategy. He convinces Jillian that Luciano was involved in Darmity's murder and enlists her help.


Nucky talks Jillian into going to work in one of Luciano's brothels to gather intel. Given her history with Luciano and the fact that Jillian is a skank ho junkie, it's an easy enough cover. Nucky then feeds the intel to his nephew Willie, an Assistant US Attorney.


And the series ends with Lucky Luciano's being escourted out of the court room where he sees Nucky with a clever "I won" grin


And then Steve Buscemi wakes up with a bruise on his head, in mid 90s Fargo, ND realizing that he's about to be fed into a woodchipper :P

Edited by /dev/null
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